Friday, May 30, 2014

The Yard Report

We went from late spring coolness to August like hot weather just like that.   It is dry, I hope it rains soon.  In August our yard is heavily shaded.  No so much in May.

Oaks in the yard

The Oaks which we curse each fall with their millions of leaves are finally starting to show some green. In the next photo you can see how I rake the leaves to the edge of the woods every fall, soon grass will grow up through those piles of leaves.  In the spring those leaves are wet from snowmelt and provide an extra barrier of protection should there be a forest fire…wet leaves do not burn.  Oak forests usually do not burn either..but just incase my leaves will stop a ground fire.


Andy and Jen carried the lawn swing out of the garage.  I am giving the garage a good cleaning before the garage sale…that happens a week from today.  I sure do have lots of crap highly collectable items.  I have not had a garage sale in about four years…it is time.

Green grass

I had Far Guy dig out that worthless Forsythia last fall and added another bird bath in it’s place.   I mowed part of the lawn, I insisted Far Guy stay indoors.  We went to town and bought a battery operated weed trimmer that should be easy on my shoulders…compared to the gas one that you have to pull your shoulder practically out of joint to start.

I love the green grass.  Our lawn is not perfect, it has dandy lions all over, I find them pleasant, like little bits of cheerful sunshine amongst the green.

  The Purple Leaf Sandcherry had a tough winter.


Looks like a bunch of dead sticks with a little growth along the bottom.  I will trim it after it rains.  The jury remains out on the climbing roses…they don’t look good. I must be patient.

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  1. Your yard is looking good. I lost big perrenials I've had for years with the brutal winter we had. It feels like we had about three days of spring weather and then jumped right into hot summer. I'd love to check out your garage sale. They are a lot of work to organize.

  2. It was the museum work that kept you from having that garage sale, I suspect. And now you are looking for projects. Hope Far Guy is getting better, little at a time. :-)

  3. Our yard took it tough form the harsh winter also. Things are starting to bloom again but some perennials didn't make it.. Love the swing, wish I had one. Have a great weekend. Hope you get some rain soon.

  4. I hope you enjoy your weed trimmer as much as I have - - - no cords - - no gas fumes and quieter. I like that it quits in 20 mins cuz that is more than enough time to work without interruption. My battery was VERY difficult to get out of the machine itself but has gotten easier over time. It would help if my hands were as large as a gorilla's with that much strength, too. I finally figured out how to wedge the machine between my knees to hold it and use my thumbs to mash the release buttons while pushing up on the battery when it need recharging. Crazy.

  5. It will be old news in August, but isn't it great to walk around the yard after a tough winter and see what's what?
    And you've given me a case of swing envy.

  6. I hope Far Guy is on the mend - glad to hear he's on "house arrest."

    Spring is my favorite time to work in the yard. I like seeing the plants come back to life after a long Winter.

  7. Don't you just love seeing the green yard? Our weather went from spring to August just like that too. Even though I don't like those almost 90 degree days, I have refused to shut the windows and turn on the air. I waited too long to have the windows open. My roses looked bad too so I cut them way back and they are coming nicely from the bottom now.
    Enjoy the weekend!

  8. Morning, everything seems to be slower growing then other years here too, Must be that wicked winter we have endured, Blessings Francine.

  9. I have one of those battery operated trimmers too as I can't "yank" anything with the RA. I love my "gadgets" that make my life and work easier for me. Like your other doesn't last long but then either do I but I keep plugging away at it. What brand did you get? I have a Workx that I got a few years back. Maybe the new ones are stronger or last longer? I have a little Black and Decker battery operated hand grass trimmer that I love as I can plop down and use it although there's also a long handle you can attach.
    We've had a lot of rain....every walks as I don't want to be several miles away with the girls and their metal collars if there's lightning. We have a leash law here. Anyway, I'm trying to use the indoor time wisely. I did get a few flowers planted and a couple tomatoes. I hope Far Guy is feeling better and I hope they get him some medicine that keeps him from getting that bronchitis. Grayson's allergy medicine has worked wonders on him and it looks like he'll have a good summer.

  10. Our fig are coming out from the bottom this year. We have also jumped into summer.

    Sounds like all in under control. Good luck with your sale.

  11. Your yard looks nice and relaxing ~ I hope Far Guy is feeling better. I have a few garden things also that don't look so good - I have to tell myself to also be patient and not threaten to dig them up until next year (one more year) :) Have a pleasant weekend!

  12. I'm sending you some rain. We've just had two days of rain. I have my garage sale tomorrow.

  13. We are needing some rain, too. Your yard looks very nice! Have a great weekend!

  14. John has the battery weed trimmer and really likes it. I love your bird bath.
    We had rain overnight and it was great on the plants we moved from the old yard.
    Hope FG continues to feel better.

  15. beautiful yard. i am seeing dandelion blooms flying all over. they can be real annoying causing problems for allergy sufferers. cheers!!

  16. Winter really played havoc on a lot of the plants around here. Your yard is looking very nice!

  17. My lawn is not perfect either. Like you I'm really fond of the Dandelions...I let them live. I randomly get blooms off and on all summer. Who could ask for more? :)


  18. You just reminded me that I have to cut the lawn…….

  19. We do the same thing with the leaves every fall--rake them to the side of the driveway under the shade trees...but thankfully, we don't have to worry about forest fires! We just do it for the compost, and to keep weeds from popping up over there. Less work in the long run, and a way to "give back" to the soil.

    Hope you get some rain soon, so Far Guy can have a reprieve and get outdoors while it is still beautiful!

  20. Looking a lot greener! Love the swing.
    I hope FarGuy is doing a lot better. :)

  21. We take green for granted here, since we have green all winter, so I can really appreciate when you finally get to go green again. I hope Far Guy can get to move to that swing soon.

  22. Holy Moly, I'd like to poke around in your garage sale. I bet there IS a bunch of treasure hidden there :-D.

  23. My forsythia is going to disappear also. I don't know what I will replace it with but I will have to rebuild the fence next to it. We too have moved into hot summer overnight and it just keeps coming.


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