Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Robins

The Robins have finally decided to make a nest.  One day there was no activity and a few days later..viola a nest!

For those of you that have followed my blog a long time, the nest is not on the ladder this year!  The Robins took the hint and built on the platform that Far Guy made for them.  He was lamenting it one day…saying maybe it should have had sides or maybe it could have been bigger.  Well the ladder doesn’t have sides and the ladder isn’t very big either.

The nest

A piece of wood and an old shelf bracket seems to have worked just fine.

Robin Platform

Far Guys garage has a huge overhang…so that makes it a nice dry warm spot to have a nest.  In this photo you can see the ladder that was once a nesting spot and the spot where the shovels and rakes are hung along this wall which was sometimes the chosen spot.  That is an old greenhouse in the background which is now a woodshop/workshop warm place to work in spring and fall or chilly summer days.

It rained almost all day yesterday.  Chance and I were out in the rain several times.

ChanceChance was my co-pilot for grocery shopping and errands in town…he put his window down and hung his head out in the rain.  We bought a new birdbath that we hastily put together in the rain, it ain’t perfect..we will fix it proper when it stops raining.  The rain is cold..but at least it isn’t snow!

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  1. Morning, funny places those Robin's choose to make a nest. Rain here too, praying no flakes will fall, cool still. Blessings Francine.

  2. I can just see Chance cranking down his window and leaning his elbow out.

  3. That is too funny that Chance was your copilot. I can just see him with his head out the window telling you were to drive in the rain. Glad the robins finally took the hint and built on the platform.

  4. I love it when robins start making their nests. In fact, I love going outdoors in the early morning and hearing only birdsong. It's wonderful! Chance is a handsome fella. Wish he were here to play with Jazzie.

  5. I hope Far Guy is feeling better by now. He did a nice job for the robin nest. And Chance is truly a water dog, isn't he? :-)

  6. We have robins in the yard, but I haven't found where they are nesting. I guess I best go check the ladders!
    How nice of Far Guy to make them a condo!

  7. I wonder if its the same birds from before. In any case, how neat they found the right spot...;) Lots of new arrivals here in the last few daze including a rare for us scarlet Tanager...

  8. Watch out for mama robins- they get a little testy! Love the new header, and the look on Chance's face with the ball in his mouth. Tell him I said he's a handsome boy!

  9. Dogs do love those tennis balls! We have a male Boston Terrier that is absolutely obsessed with those little tennis balls and keeps us busy playing both tug of war and fetch. He also is an expert at catching the ball in mid air. This is one talented guy.

    Shirley H.

  10. Very nice nesting place that Far Guy made for the robins!

  11. I guess we all need the rain, but I wish we'd see the sun a little more often. I love the robins' nesting place.

  12. It is amazing how they throw those nest together. I am glad they took the hint as my ladder is being held up with the nest. I have a mower that I want to give away but I told the guy he has to wait until the robins get their family raised. I really don't need the ladder until later when I paint the house and work on a roof problem off my side porch. I hope Far Guy is getting better.

  13. Robins do prefer protected places for nests. I rarely see their nests in trees (other than pines). My covered deck is a preferred place for their nest and has been for over 20 years!

  14. Chance rode shotgun, eh? Beautiful nest. It's nice to have a real close up of nature. It gets hard living in the concrete jungle. Cheers!!

  15. Nests built where we can watch them provide constant entertainment. I had chickadees nest right out my back door. Two nests in the season.

  16. Oh, what a neat place for the Robins! Hope you can get pictures of the babies. I love the way Chance rolls his eye with that ball in his mouth.

  17. LOve love love that the shelf is the new nesting spot. Chance is like all good dogs, rain just doesn't matter to them!

  18. Very nice idea for the Robins! The rain is headed this way and the worst of it is going to be the two days that I have graduation and awards night! :(

  19. Great nest! I have one that builds on a bend in the gutter under the eaves but my son accidentally tore her nest down last year so this year she moved to near the kitchen window with the same type of bend int he gutter. It's better because I can watch her and the little ones. She's not a robin but white chested and dark wings. She's a really good Mom and I think the Dad helps out too. There looks to be 2 little ones.
    Rain here too and flash floods which around here is no joke. I stay home.
    Glad your snow is finally gone. It's only 57 here......I love it!

  20. Great nest...so much better than tools or the ladder! We had snow...then rain...hopefully that is done. Planting is extremely late this year...has us a tad worried.


  21. I am so glad the robins were smart enough to appreciate a good thing.
    Don't speak too loudly. It has been cold enough to snow. Shhhh! ;)


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