Friday, May 2, 2014

May Basket Smiles

Teddy was the first to get his May Basket…just a few days early cause that is when his parents brought him by.

Teddy and his May Basket

The rest of the deliveries were made after school.

Brooke Hailey and Olivia

Brooke, Hailey and Olivia.  Their little sister Ava was napping.

Mason Anna and Bailey 

Mason, Anna and their dog Bailey.  Look no snow!

Aubrey Jordan and Gavin

Aubrey, Jordan and Gavin. Mable was running around so there is no photo of their dog.  They threw the ball for Chance and tired him out!

Hailey a neighbor

Hailey a neighbor gal…who has her very own chickens and a horse named Foxy and she talked Far Guys ear off. 

May Basket from Mason and Anna

Here is our May Basket from Mason and Anna!

I hope you all had a wonderful May Day!  It is one of my favorite days of the year.  I am anxious to hear if you made a May Basket or if you got one!

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  1. This tradition has never been part of my life, but, I intend to start celebrating it next year! I can see how much fun it can be...and rewarding with so many smiles...

  2. Such cuties. Happy cuties. -)

  3. Dittos Cynthia! Such cutie pies!!! and such smiles!

  4. Oh what cuties ! Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  5. I got my first ever May Basket yesterday. The local school second graders went around the neighborhood and placed a basket on everyones door. I startled my "giver" when I opened the door. I then had to wave at all the kids and their teachers and shout Happy May Day as they paraded by the house. It sure made my day.

  6. I didn't get any May baskets done this year, but because of you I've done it twice now, and although I've never received one, I did enjoy making them and putting them on doorknobs. Nobody ever said anything and probably don't know who did it. :-)

  7. The children are all precious. When my children were small I would receive little may baskets filled with violets. Wonderful memories!

  8. Love all the smiles! I hope you got lots of hugs!

  9. They really appreciated the baskets. It is nice to have a giving holiday that is not over done. Cute neighbors.

  10. The kids are all so cute. I bet they loved the May baskets. I haven't made or gotten a May basket for years. Maybe I'll have to start the tradition again next year.

  11. Adorable children. Nope, no May basket yet. Good I idea to start tradition in my neighborhood next year. Cheers!!

  12. So sweet, you are so kind and thoughtful, Francine.

  13. Unfortunately, no. If someone hung a May basket on my doorknob, it probably would have melted...or wilted. But I would have preferred melted. Chocolate would be a nice addition right now ;)

    Happy belated May day to you! And thanks for sending these virtual May Baskets to everyone! You brighten up a whole lot of days with your pics.

    And YAY for no snow!!!!!!!!!

  14. Im thrilled that you are teaching children about this very fun tradition. No may baskets here.but Ive enjoyed yours

  15. I can see why May day is your favorite day of the year. You brought a lot of joy and happiness to people. Your photos show how happy the kids were.

  16. You are the only person I know who does May baskets. One day I might like to try.
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sharing all the Happy Smiles. ♥

  17. I did not give or receive May baskets, so I really appreciate seeing what you did and who your recipients are! What fun to bring joy to kids!

  18. How sweet! I haven't ever heard of May baskets. I do Valentines, Easter, and Halloween baskets or bags for my grands...they would probably love to have May baskets too- I will have to read more about it. I do know about May day, but not much. Looks like your baskets were a huge hit!

  19. Have never done May baskets (except when they had us make them for art class in grade school--lol!), but I always enjoy it vicariously through you now. The kids look so happy!! And Chance got worn out playing, too. Win-win. :)

  20. Those smiles say it all!


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