Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother’s Day!

This is the card I sent my Mom on Mother’s Day.  This was taken around Mother’s Day in 1952.  Her first Mother’s Day 62 years ago.

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My parents are on vacation hopefully the card will catch up with her.

E G 1953 (2)

This is Far Guy and his Mom in 1953.  She died in 2006 at the age of 92.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s out there!

Blog Signature


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Your mom will love that card, whenever it finds her.

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Connie! You have a wonderful day!

  3. I am wishing you a Happy Mother's Day right back. Wish I could send a card to MY mom, but I have to make do with a prayer instead. :-)

  4. Happy Mother's Day!! Great photos!

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Love your card. How wonderful to have those old pictures!

  6. Your mom must be a trend setter. Look at those pants she's wearing!

  7. Love the photos - Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Well said. You managed to find photos of both of you at a similar age.

  9. Happy Mother's Day! I love the card and the photos. Bet your mom enjoyed dressing you up. That bonnet is so cute. Far Guy was a handsome boy! Oh, hope Far Guy is feeling better. Sorry he is sick, but I enjoyed reading that last post. You make me laugh.

  10. I love the photos. Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

  11. I hate it that Far Guy is still fighting this thing. I hope some medicine sinks in to take care of it. We have all the spring and summer allergies going right now but nothing with a fever. Take care.

  12. Happy very belated Mother's Day. What great pictures and I knew you were cute but will you look at Far Guy? I used to have a playmate when I was about that age and he looked like Far Guy but his name was Billy Swanson. You guys were the cutest! No wonder you ended up together.


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