Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Warmer Weather and Broken Crap

The snow is melting!  We are all pleased as punch and happier than pigs in slop.

April 7 Snow stick

Melt faster!

I had a roast in the oven the other day and my oven went bonkers, switching on and off beeping..like it was possessed.   Since then I have baked some cinnamon rolls  with no problems.  Far Guy says it might be a relay switch or a sensor.  Haven’t called the repair man yet.  Maybe it fixed itself!

I lost a crown, luckily I felt it fall off and captured it with my tongue before I swallowed it…that would have been a crappy retrieval.  $49 for cement and a Dentist to repair the damn thing.

Direct TV sucks.  After three months of repairs after repairs we gave up and now have basic cable through our Internet Provider.  It was installed on both televisions.  I will miss my east and west coast feeds and New York and LA exciting news.  We still enjoy our Roku and Netflix.  I am glad to have that pain in the neck Direct TV behind us. 

Far Guy’s garage door went ballistic and the raising/lowering arm busted off.  It had a fight with some ice and lost.  He was able to fix it. 

We are wondering what will break next…troubles come in threes and we are waiting for the next two events with great anticipation.

I am not sure that we can count poor Chance.  Last week when I got home from the cities he immediately showed me he had a sore eye.  He communicated by looking at me and pawing at his eye.  I checked it out and he had a stye. Luckily we had the ointment on hand, he still has the stye but it is much smaller and  he doesn’t seem bothered by it…but he sits nicely and lets me look at it a couple of times a day.  I will continue the ointment until the stye is gone.  It is his right eye.   He has had several styes before..but I am not certain that I noted which eye.

Chance April 7

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  1. Oh my, broken things is right.Hope Chance feels better. Loving this melting going on here too, about time, Blessings Francine.

  2. Things broken and not working bothers me much more than the latest Mid East crises etc. And DirectTV even more, there remote is a big hassle compared to the simple and efficient one Dish provided us until to Mrs. T. converted us to the one that sucks without my permission since her girlfriend owns the local franchise....... grrrrr. :(

  3. Glad the melt is on for you . Hope Chance's eye heals soon ! Yup it usually is one thing then another that breaks always in threes lol . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  4. The crown coming off gave me chills. If that should happen to me i would probably swallow it.
    Poor Chance, I hope his eye is all better soon.

  5. You made me laugh with the crappy retrieval comment. Glad it wasn't more expensive. And poor Chance! He is so smart to show you how he hurts. I love that guy and I've never even met him. :-)

  6. Downed Crown...crappy retrieval indeed. When things are going badly you still can laugh. That is a wonderful tool to have.

  7. Glad that you have had experience before with sties and know how to treat Chance. Hope he gets better fast. What a smart boy to alert you to his problem. Here in MPLS the snow is pretty well melted.

    Shirley H.

  8. Yes, things like this do come in threes. Glad that most were easy and relatively painless fixes.

  9. Glad you are having warmer weather and the snow is melting. Ours is all gone except for the dirty piles. I hope poor Chances eye heals soon. Hopefully your troubles don't come in threes. First it was my dishwasher, then it was my microwave. Now my garbage disposal is making awful noises so i just don't use it.

  10. I think you can count Chance's eye woes. That might be better than any other event being #2 of the 3.

  11. Boy o boy that first comment by the spammer sure is gibberish!
    Hope you get some lovely glitch free days and that Chance is better now.

  12. Kiss that Chance baby for me!
    It is so odd that thing BREAK in 3s around here too.
    We too are so happy for any sign of spring..that means anything other than snow

  13. Good, I'm glad it looks like I'm going to lose the snow stick contest! Our car is acting up here, I can lend that to you to make up one of your three:)
    I've lost a crown too, but it came off while I was eating, and I stopped instantly I felt that hard thing. Just recently I've had a couple of fillings come out, and I was able to save them to show to the dentist. The last one, he couldn't even figure out where it was from, finally figured that it might have been some excess from the temporary crown I just had put on.
    Glad that Chance's eye is healing.

  14. Chance is such a beautiful boy! And so smart and loyal. What a great friend.

  15. I think the winter was hard on everyone and everything. I can't believe the number of limbs that came down from my big trees with all the heavy snow and wind. I'm enjoying being able to get outside and get started on sawing them up these last couple days. Spring is here--things will be better!

  16. Sounds like you hit three already, the stove(mine does that too and the displays do no show up anymore, I punch in the numbers and hope for the best), your crown(loved the crappy response), and the garage door...I think your good now!
    Your yard looks like mine, a melting mess! Love you Chance...hope your stye goes away and doesn't come back!

  17. We had the same run this winter. CO 2 alarm, thermostat and microwave.

  18. What a smart dog... But we already knew that! I'm glad his eye is responding. Sorry about the crown. I can sympathize I have one stored in a little niche in the car until I get home.
    Oh, what a nice sloppy mess that will nourish all kinds of flowers. Spring is on its way!

  19. You know there were some big solar flares on the sun....hmmm? Poor Chance, a stye is no fun...I had one once. He's smart to come and tell you. Nitty comes and stares at me sometimes when she's trying to communicate something. Usually the stare means she's out of water, if she bows it means she has to go out. She rarely ever whines or cries to tell me anything except when the cat is around.....then it is whine, whine, whine.
    Glad you didn't swallow that crown!

  20. Oh good to see your snow receding...finally.right?

    Poor Chance...hope he is feeling well soon.

    We had a run last year, and it went in 6's and 7's....lol.


  21. Gosh! Sounds like crowns are falling off everywhere! I can't afford to lose another one. I did recently swallow half a tooth that broke while I was eating. Chance is a beautiful dog! So happy your snow is melting!

  22. Hope things look up for you all! And that Chance's eye heals. That picture is a sight for sore eyes - sun and melting snow! Hurray.

  23. Chance is such a beautiful dog!
    That snow stick is almost bare. I won't wish for the snow to linger so I can win the contest. that would be cruel.

  24. Oven, Crown, Garage door. I think you've had your three...
    I am pretty sure I lost the snow stick contest. Don't think I ever thought it would last till April. Hope it melts soon!


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