Friday, April 18, 2014

The Brown Report

Well it is better than the white report, since we have nothing green it is the brown report.

It is what it is.  April in Minnesota can be anything from near zero to 80.  Back in 1977 it was 80 degrees and we all thought we would die from the heat. I hosted a birthday party for a whole bunch of little girls in sundresses that year.

Trica our oldest daughter is 42 today.  In 1972 there was snow in piles and lots of mud the day we brought her home from the hospital.   Playing Ball

We are dry this year, the little bit of snow we got the other day is long gone…didn’t even make mud.  I am sure the annual spring fires will start any day. 

Marge Grass

Spring could arrive any day now.  The Juncos have been visiting and along with them they brought a few Gold Finches and one lonely Purple Finch.  The Finches are scarfing down the Niger Thistle Seed.  Junco’s or Snowbirds are usually ground feeders..  we saw a few in the feeders today, they must have been really hungry!

Odda The Bernese Mountain Dog from down the road visited again yesterday, her arthritis is worse she had a real hard time jumping in the car.  She loves Chance’s homemade pumpkin treats.  She wasn’t real keen on going home…she must like us.

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  1. I'll bet that day in 1972 feels like it was only last week.
    Our finches have gotten so bright that when I look out at the feeders I think for a moment that we've been invaded by parakeets. I think we're going to take down those feeders before long so we can reclaim our deck. The birds should be okay - I have a couple of bites from last weekend when it was warm enough to garden, so the insects must be available now for birdy dinner!

  2. Happy Birthday to Trica . Glad to see you have no snow left , we have no snow either and all is greening up from the amount of snow and rain we have had . I remember 1972 I was on the farm back then , back then winters were brutal here and spring arrived in May , even had snow falling in June in 1976 . Thanks for sharing , Have a good Easter weekend !

  3. Happy birthday to Trica. I know where YOU were 42 years ago, too. It won't be long now before all the green stuff starts to emerge. Right? :-)

  4. Happy Birthday to Tricia. Glad to see your snow is finally gone. Saw my first flowers popping out of the ground yesterday. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. There is starting to be a bit of green here, so it is coming your way! Happy birthday to your daughter..

  6. Yep you now have our Junco's. We do have green now but it is still cold, near freezing. I do have bulbs and iris coming up now.

  7. After the brown will come green, but oh my what a slow year it's been so far. Here's to a fresh green report coming from you soon. Has all of the ice melted?


  8. Here's to no more white, at least! Hopefully the green will arrive very quickly. The longer it takes to get started, the quicker it will come when it does. Does that make sense?:)

  9. Happy birthday to your daughter. My daughter was born in 1972 also. We have green now in MO. Hang in there, it will surely green up soon! Have a nice Easter weekend!

  10. Sounds like spring is coming. We just got hit with another 10" to add to the 20+ still on the ground. Juncos and robins are back. Hope they can find food until we see some brown ground. I think Odda comes to visit because you are always so good to her. Enjoy! Happy Easter.

  11. Odda is fortunate you are her neighbor. Several years ago, while taking my beloved Bella for training, I met a Bernese Mountain Dog. She was beautiful, gentle, and a delight in class--she was also shy. My beloved Bella is no longer with us so each day you post anything about Chance ... my day is brighter. Thanks.

  12. Our first signs of spring occurred yesterday...I heard the Sandhill Cranes and a little lone crocus popped open!

  13. Happy Birthday to Tricia. Glad to see the snow is gone. Green can't be that far away. I do hope you get rain, and Texas gets rain, and California gets rain....

  14. Our weather is unusual too! I am mowing the green lawn each week, since about April 1st. Thanks for reading my blog...have a good week end.

  15. In spring and fall we have wide variations in the weather. something like a birthday helps to remember what the weather was like.

  16. The April weather is so variable. Hopefully there will be no more snow storms this spring.

  17. We never used to have juncos in spring/summer, but now we seem to have them year round. A pair is nesting in the stone wall along our driveway. They are no longer just Snow Birds, as we used to call them.

  18. At least the weather is going in the right direction!

  19. We are definitely the same generation as my Christopher was born in 1971 and will be 43 on May 3rd. I can remember when I brought him home the leaves were unfurling on the trees and that was in Northern, IL. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  20. Helping the really big dog in the car must be a trip...I have to pick up and put Fuzzy in the car...I can't imagine picking up Oda.


  21. It was 60* here yesterday and again today but we had 3/10ths of an inch of much needed rain in the night. We haven't got much green yet either but the rain will help.


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