Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturday Activities

Funeral, wedding reception and birthday party.  Life goes on one gathering after another.   It made for a full day and time enough for an afternoon nap.

Gary’s funeral was well attended.  Many of Far Guy’s classmates were there, some who he had not seen in years.  Barb told us “I am just numb and I am so lonely.”  47 plus years with the same person and that is bound to happen.  Gary was 65.  There were so many people there that we didn’t stay for the typical Minnesota Funeral Lunch of hotdish, Jell-O of every color and pickles.

At the funeral the fellow sitting behind me was ill, he coughed and coughed.  I am not sure why sick people just don’t send their regards…or come to the church to pay their respects and leave and take their germs with them.   I am certain I flinched every time he coughed, half way through the service I was tempted to count his coughs.

I saw my first casket that will head for cremation.  It was a covered with a blue damask fabric.  You would think that Funeral Homes would rent a coffin for the service…a big fancy one with metallic fleck paint…one of those expensive jobbies.  Many times you just see the Urn and a photograph.  

One of my many second cousins was married in a private ceremony late in the afternoon.  We were invited to the reception and dance.  The music was so loud it was hard to visit  and the thumping of the base stirred up Far Guys Trigeminal Neuralgia…so we didn’t stay long.  Wedding cake, nuts, Hershey Kisses, coffee and punch were served.

It was much calmer at the birthday party for Great Nephew Mason who turned nine.  Of course there was more food, fried fish (fresh caught), salad and then birthday cake and ice cream.

It was a warm day with the thermometer reaching 49 F here or 9 C.  The snow is melting fast! 

George Vancouver Texturised

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  1. So many of life's big moments represented in one day, all accompanied by true Minnesota food. I would have needed a nap, too!

  2. It sounds as though the surroundings - and the food! - improved as the day wore on.
    I'm glad you able to finish on a positive, and restful, note.

  3. Wow!!!! That is a busy day, Francine.

  4. You had an emotion-packed day!

  5. You had the gamut of happenings in one day from sad to happy!

  6. A busy, emotional day for you. I had to smile at the typical Minnesota funeral luncheon. It used to be that here to but now we serve ham sandwiches and many kinds of salads and cake that the church ladies furnish.

  7. I went to a memorial service in the morning too, and didn't stay for the buffet lunch because there were just too many people and I gave up my seat at a table so someone else could have it. Back at hope we had lunch in front of the TV and watched a very exciting Sounders soccer match. It was raining hard so I just frittered away the rest of the day.
    Don't you just hate loud music in crowded, noisy places? It's impossible to talk without shouting. who needs it.

  8. Wow you had the fullest day i can think of other than Christmas. !!!
    I tell parents of premies to avoid all place of worship as the sick then to go there all the time. Can't say I blame them for wanting to pray, but it is awful and a cesspool of germs.

  9. Super busy day for you all. Wonderful to have all those people in your life and you live close enough to celebrate the milestones in their lives. PRAY that neither of you don't get that horrible cough virus. It's more wicked than a regular cold. Make sure you are stocked up with Kleenex, cough drops, Vicks, and chicken soup. Maybe being prepared will be enough to keep it gone from the house?!!

  10. That would be a long hard day. No wonder you needed an nap.

  11. Condolences. and Congratulations. Hope you will all be well.
    It has been raining all day here. We are under tornado watch till 11 PM.
    Hubby and I will be married 40 years this year.
    Have a blessed week. ♥

  12. You have had a busy day! Enjoyed catching up on your posts .I am glad to hear that your snow is beginning to melt, and hope it keeps getting warmer there! 49 must have felt pretty good!

  13. That was certainly a full day. I'm not sure I could have handled it. At least the innocence and beauty of a child wa the icing of the day.

  14. I can't imagine how you squeezed all that into one day. Around here, each of those activities would have claimed an entire day! Hope you stayed far away from that cough dispenser! A bunch of moms I know have been talking about whooping cough going around...the "hundred day cough" doesn't sound too fun to me...

    Glad your temps are perking up. Forty nine? Wow! Almost springtime! ;)

  15. My brothers wanted not to follow mom's wishes so we did have an open casket that was particle board covered with a very good veneer. After the funeral they headed to Des Moines with the casket, that was weird, while we all went to do the church food thing. Having been a widower I can understand your friend's wife comment. Having a funeral, wedding and birthday all the same day is unusual. Their should have been a birth at the hospital too.

  16. We were at a memorial service also on Saturday. Had a choice of two to go to. Went out for coffee with a few family members after, as there were no refreshments after the service. I found that odd, there should have been at least tea and coffee and some cookies, as people hang around after to chat a bit.


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