Friday, April 11, 2014

Early Spring Wildlife

We went for a ride after supper on a wonderfully warm evening.  As it turns out we were not the only ones out.  These were all photos taken within 3 miles of home.

One duck at the dead beaver area

One duck at the dead beaver area, there were more but they flew off into the sun.

Swans on Gyles Lake

Two Swans on Guyles Lake, we called them early squatters because there is no open water yet.  Usually Guyles Lake has two set of Swans.  We decided they had a long flight and were resting out on the ice safe from predators.

Six Turkeys

Six Wild Turkeys in the shadows of the Smoky Hills.

Six deer on Ashleys Road

Six Deer down by the creek on Ashley’s Road.

Canada Geese


A gaggle of Canada Geese in Steve and Jo’s cornfield sparkling in the evening sun.

We also saw three pair of Trumpeter Swans in Donnie’s corn field and two deer (one a huge buck…we could tell by the way he was walking) in the opening by my parents old resort and five or six more deer on the edge of the Canada Geese cornfield.

It was a great wildlife ride. 

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  1. You could re-compose the 12 days of Christmas with all these wildlife shots! The 12 days of Spring-time... :)

  2. How wonderful to see spring beginning to happen in Minnesnowda. Oh, I guess it's not called that now that the snow is gone. Beautiful shots. :-)

  3. Morning, very beautiful to see the wildlife thriving after such a terrible winter. Great pictures Connie, Blessings Francine.

  4. So nice to see the "brown " again after all that whiteness.
    Shirley H.

  5. It sure is nice to see "brown" for a change. So glad I didn't win the snow stick contest.

  6. I agree, a nice change from all the white:) Is that road really that steep behind the six deer, or is it the camera making it look that way?

    1. It is a steep road...makes a great sledding hill! The camera most likely make it look steeper than it is:)

  7. Love the deer! Looks as if you finally got spring.

  8. It is a good sign to have the wild life coming back. We have seen the redwinged black birds go through our town and they are headed north. Two different batches a few weeks apart. The junco's are almost all gone now. We are on the verge of green now but it still isn't to great looking. Warmer weather is nice.

  9. Wow, nice wildlife coming in. I especially love the swans. It will be Spring here when the Sandhill Cranes arrive!

  10. Sometimes you get golden days when it comes to sightings.

  11. Looks like everyone had a case of Spring Fever!

  12. We've seen wild turkeys here, too. And ducks on the bayou. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. You live in a beautiful part of the world. Thanks for sharing it with us. I just knew you were having a "wild life" up there!

  14. It's hard to stay in the house when spring finally hits, isn't it? Nice to see the animals are out and enjoying the brown, too.


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