Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chance: Missouri Lake

Hiya!  It’s me the blogging Border Collie!  It is finally spring here, my hairy feet have been trimmed but I still carry in a fair amount of sand.  Far Side says she can tell where ever I lay because it is a beach.

One day I was upset with them…they left me at home all alone…and the beach appeared on the bed.

We have been going for more rides.  I love rides.

Chance at Missouri Lake

This is Missouri Lake, there is a CCC marker there that is important to Far Guy’s Family History.  I heard them say that we get to go back and explore one of the Forest Trails after the snow melts in the woods and before the Skeeters and Deer Flies show up.

I can’t play ball as long now, they say I am getting older.  My oldest sister’s husband said the F word…FAT.  Far Side said I shoulda peed on his leg…but we were inside.

Every day I play ball just a few more times a day or for a longer time and I go for my long walk every morning. It couldn’t be those wonderful pumpkin flavored treats that Far Guy bakes for me all healthy with the rice flour.  It might be that I am a real champion at getting double treats…you know first one gives me a treat and then the other…cause they both love me. 



  1. Morning Chance, you are beautiful just as you are, I would give you a treat too, Hugs Francine.

  2. So glad to hear you're getting out more now that it's spring.

  3. Yep, you and Barnie have had a long winter. Barney's vet said he was five pounds heavier than the last time we were there. Barnie things the vet is too thin. Anyway, Barnie is getting smaller amounts and he is getting more exercise as his back legs start hurting. He is on a vitamin for that. Good luck with that sand deal on the bed.

  4. Chance, you're a sweetie. In the words of Fred Rogers, I like you just the way you are!

  5. Ha! Chance, we all fight the battle of the bulge as we get older. You sure carry your extra weight well, though, I must say. Handsome devil! :-)

  6. I'm with you Chance, I love going out for car rides for different places too! I'm also with you on the carrying extra weight, unfortunately. Although I have always said that If someone else controlled my food, like we do with our dogs, that I would be nice and slim. Hope you loose a few, and me too, it's so much better for our joints and everything else.

  7. We have those sandy beaches here, too.

    Enjoy the improved weather.

  8. Chance - it is always so good to hear from you. That extra weight just gives us more of you to love - but I know it is important for all of us to keep the weight under control as we get a little older. Maybe now that summer is coming you will be able to get more exercise.

    Shirley H.

  9. Fun post. The signs of spring are finally here, hairy pets and all!
    Play off the Page

  10. It's always good to hear a story from you, chance. Tough about the sand.

  11. you're beautiful. you're not fat. and some sand is worth it, to live with a border collie.

  12. Yeah, cookies are my downfall,too, Chance. I get it. But I think you are handsome just the way you are. Tell 'me you're not fat,you're fluffy! Good dog.

  13. Chance, you are a real champion...but...what a racket you have going on! ;)

  14. Fuzzy is experiencing that F word also. He understands!


  15. Chance, you are not fat! Now Miss Karma actually is but I would never, ever tell her so. ;)

  16. Love pups. Great picture. And I bake homemade treats for my two dogs as well. It's all I give them, homemade dog treats. So fun to make and good for them. And wow, so much cheaper than the crap sold at the markets near me.


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