Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Winter Wonderland and a Important Message

It was one of those Winter Wonderland Days that I just can’t get enough of.

At least it was above zero, ya know it has to warm up to snow and make the roads all snotty.

Seas of snow

The road is there in-between the high line poles.

Snowy day

No hope for any Vitamin D absorption yesterday. I wonder sometimes why we live here?

Now this is important!!

In the past week or two, six people have died in North Central Minnesota from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.  Six needless preventable deaths.  Do you have a Carbon Monoxide Detector?  If you have a Liquid Propane or Natural Gas appliance of any sort in your home then you need a Carbon Monoxide Detector.

We have two Carbon Monoxide Detectors and three smoke alarms in our home.

We are springing forward this weekend…so put batteries on your list.  We change our batteries in ALL our alarms twice a year when we spring ahead and then again when we fall back.  I don’t care if the batteries are still good, change them anyway…you and your family are worth it!  Use those half used up batteries in a toy or something.

Dying from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is preventable.  Parents are without children, and children are without parents just because they had no Carbon Monoxide Detectors.

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  1. Morning, warming up, Ha!!!!! Thanks for the heads up, we do have a detector, Blessings Francine.

  2. Thanks for the reminder to all.....I have them and change batteries regularly !

  3. Thanks for the reminder. Very little Vitamin D absorption going on here either.

  4. We have one in our apartment and three smoke detectors. That is so sad about those people who died.

  5. Thanks for the reminders. I've been horrified this winter by the carbon monoxide and frozen people deaths, especially that last one, a child in your area. Just so sad.

  6. Ontario made carbon monoxide detectors mandatory after a family died several years ago.

  7. Oh, your photos, like mine, look so winter BLEAK. We're sick of it too. And I can't believe that Daylight Saving Time starts this weekend. Pfffft! Crazy. Mid winter?? I think it used to start in late April or something.

  8. Thank you! We heat with gas and do not have detectors. I'm showing your post to my husband tonight! I shiver when I look at those pictures.

  9. We have two smoke alarms and one carbon alarm. The NY state made it law to have one in your home.

  10. A carbon monoxide detector saved my nephew and his family this winter. Those little devices definitely save lives!

  11. A very important message. It has been a cruel winter:(
    Those are some monstrous piles on the side of the road.

  12. Good post . Yes we have two one upstairs and one on the main floor most people over here do . We have a gas furnace , stove and BBQ hookup . That is a shame about those people . If they just took the few moments it takes to install them then they would be alive today ! Hey folks ! they make these things to save lives never say never ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  13. Thanks for the reminder.
    John woke with a stomach virus. I may not post for a while.

    Have a good day.

  14. I got the batteries - just need to haul out the ladder.

  15. I just heard of a couple more deaths from carbon monoxide this morning. I need to get a carbon monoxide detector and change the batteries in my smoke detector. Thanks for the reminder.

  16. It is a good warning. I need to buy a new one as my old house has many dangers.

  17. Great reminder post. We have both as well.

  18. Yes, change the batteries on the detectors While you're at , do the smoke detectors.

  19. Great reminder. It is such a marvel that we have detectors…time for al to take advantage and save lives

  20. Oh, no. I don't like time changes.
    Thanks for the warning, too. This old house is so leaky, we think we are safe, but perhaps we should get some carbon monoxide detectors, too.

    We had ice on all our steps this morning. Again! Stay warm!

  21. What a horrifying thought! How sad! Thank you for reminding everyone. It's common sense, but it never hurts to have that wake-up call to keep up on the stuff that always needs attending to.

  22. We do not have carbon monoxide detectors, but we also have an all electric house. We do have smoke detectors, one of which is wired in and one battery operated. I don't know when we last changed the batteries. Hmmm.

  23. I have detectors since that is a fear of mine.

    Stay warm and safe.

  24. Gad, you have the winter that is never ending!!!

    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  25. No propane or natural gas here, thank goodness.
    Yup! It got warm enough to snow!! ;)


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