Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tired of this cold winter

I wonder if this winter will ever end?  It seems like it has been a extra long one.  Looking back on my blog our first snow was October 20 2013.  That was 160 days ago. Yes I can do math..160 days of winter and counting…old man winter doesn’t want to relinquish his icy grip.

Many of the homes and businesses in town have frozen water lines and frozen sewer lines.  Far Guy has taken to measuring the temperature of our water every day.  It has been hovering around 42 degrees and made a jump yesterday to 43 degrees. (Heat wave!)  If it nears 35 degrees you are in danger of freezing up.  Knock on wood we have been lucky to have water and sewer all winter. If it hadn’t been so freaking cold for so long we wouldn’t have to worry…but the frost went way into the ground this year.  In town some alleys and streets are littered with hoses running here and there and some people have been instructed to leave their water running 24 hours a day.  The Post Office in town has a Porta Potty out back.


I want to see green and color so I run to my photo archives. 


Unfrozen water and green grass.  Seems like a memory of long ago.


Spirit Lake August 2013, the sun was brutal that day and it was about 98 degrees in the shade, with about as much humidity.  I don’t like it quite that warm but I will take 75 degrees any day of the week.

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  1. Oh me too Connie, more snow today, so tired of this winter, Blessings Francine.

  2. I couldn't agree more. This winter seems endless, and there is more snow in the forecast next week. I may win that snow stick contest yet!

  3. Indeed too long. Not have water is a serious inconvenience. Last winter our septic line froze up in Feb. That was ugly. Mrs T. now hates the phase " Navy Shower," and I'm not to keen about not being able to "flush" and doing dishes "by hand.">>>

  4. Glad you were able to keep everything running during this awful winter. I enjoyed your summer pictures and am hoping that the weather will change for you very soon. I'm tired of it for you all. Makes me feel guilty to see the spring flowers around here...

  5. Is that Spirit Lake in MN or Iowa? Spring is arriving here... quite warm, in the 50's with rain.

  6. Lovely to see some color from last year. We had a very rainy summer last year; I'm looking forward to sunshine!

  7. Bring on the warmer temps, already!

  8. Ahhhh bright, sunny pictures :)

  9. I love winter...but this has just gotten ridiculous. Sigh.

  10. Yes, as I walked out to the car I noticed the surface of the ground is still solid and frozen. Rain didn't soak in to that by any means. We are to have heat tomorrow, maybe you will feel something warm in the air.

  11. Gritting my teeth, also enjoying your pictures of flowers and liquid lakes!

  12. Broken water lines and frozen sewer lines are a serious happening. It really changes daily life. Hopefully the snow cover will b prevent frost from going any lower.

  13. There have been a lot of frozen pipes in this area too. I hope spring is finally here.

  14. Every time I post about spring here or think about the local seasonal beauty, I get a pang if guilt because of all my blog friends in the endless winter of the northeast. I want it to end for you soon!

  15. With the temps warming up considerably around here last week, I thought we were rushing headlong into spring. The local stores were stocking up on spring color--annuals in those handy-dandy pots with no room for roots to barricade themselves from the onslaught of the summer heat around here.

    But...then came the rain--that desperately-needed rain. Who can complain about that?! But with the temps dropping again, I thought of the domino effect it might have for people up north like you, who are desperate for some sort of break from the long freeze. Hope you see some real color soon--and not just in your beautiful photographs!

  16. Such extremes in the two opposite seasons. I couldn't cope with the cold as long as you all do but I sure am less crazy about the high heat and humidity of summer. That's rough stuff about the frozen lines underground. Sounds like a few people might be doing some digging this summer and insulating some how?... It's always something with a home. We try not to let it tire us mentally.

  17. Sigh! You need spring and melt and Warmth...COME ON SPRING!

    ❤⊱彡 Linda

  18. Yup! 70 is actually fine with me. Perfect, in fact.
    I'm glad you guys haven't had any freezing pipe issues of any kind. Let's hope this was the last of the snow and spring will arrive soon. Was nice to see green! ;)


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