Monday, March 17, 2014

Three Signs of Spring

We saw a Bald Eagle the other day, the first sighting this winter/spring.  The streams and little creeks that have water flowing are opening up. 

The second sign is the chairs that have been delivered to Ace Hardware.  Spring colors for sure.

Sign of Spring

Looks to me like there are a few more colors in the back too… yellow for sure!  They should have the best selection of colorful chairs around!

Chairs on Bad medicine Lake

Bad Medicine Lake 2012

The third sign of spring was a dead skunk at the side of the road, they have come out to be lovey dovey and one apparently didn’t look both ways before crossing the road for a rendezvous with his sweetheart.  Stricken down during his quest, either that or it was a suicidal skunk. Whatever he is now what I call “a very good skunk.”

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  1. You are so funny in your description of the dead skunk's last thoughts. I guess it didn't have time to smell up the highway. :-)

  2. I love your description of last nights dead skunk. The colorful lawn chairs are always a welcome sight this time of year. I'm loving all the hilarious comments.

  3. Signs, signs everywhere...We've been waiting a long time for these signs.

  4. Great marketing to sell such colorful chairs in snow country when everyone is craving warmer weather and more color to winter's drab color scheme.

  5. Yay!!!!!! been waiting for signs of Spring Connie. We had a mini blizzard last night, yup, dumped with more white crap. .... Love those chairs, need some for the lake, Blessings Francine.

  6. WOOHOO !! Lots of signs of spring popping up every where now here to ! Isn't it wonderful ? Poor skunk cant blame him for trying lol ! Happy St Patty's Day . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  7. Our school orders plastic chairs to go around tables and they bought lavendar, light blue and dark blue. It really is a nice change of the standard orange and dark blue. We are seeing raccoons , opossums, all along the roads everywhere and I did see one skunk that was also hit by a car.

  8. Opossums are the suicide animal/not looking before they cross the road victims around here. Very rarely see a dead skunk, although we do smell them occasionally. Those chairs are very colourful, white ones would have no appeal at all for you right now:)

  9. I saw my first robin today so I know that spring is coming!

  10. Hooray for the PATIO FURNITURE. or paddy o furniture on st. Pats!!

  11. Sad. How sad. Well, maybe on second though not so much as my Baron had several rendezvous with skunks over the years. Ugh!

  12. Love the colorful chairs, it does make one think of summer.
    So sad that poor little skunk never got to enjoy love.

  13. Hope the skunk wasn't hit within smelling range of your house!!!! Spring sure is making a slow entry!!!

  14. There's a dead coon in the ditch near our mailbox. Going to be hard for the buzzards to get that one.

    Stay warm! Your snow should be melting soon. We've started mowing...

  15. We're enjoying temperatures in the 70s now and will try to send some your way. We are also experiencing though not enjoying dead skunks along the bi-wsys. I'm sure you don't need more of those sent your way.

  16. Love those chairs! We love our Ace Hardware!

  17. I see that skunks don't rank very high with you. Are there stories?
    I love the colorful chairs.

  18. I am NOT a friend of skunks either!!!!


  19. Yep, skunk smell or sighting was always my sure sign of Spring. For some reason they used to spray my foundation and it would seep through and come up through the furnace with that wonderful odiferous odor. Enough to wake you up in the middle of the night!

  20. Oh, don't say that! I had a pet skunk when I was a kid and he was sweet, lovey, and wonderful!! De-scented and neutered--and just wonderful!!


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