Friday, March 7, 2014

Sunflower Carving

My husband loves to carve flowers.  All woodcarvers find their niche, that perfect spot where they carve the best.

We can carve inside the house in the winter.  We invested in a dust collector.  It does exactly that collects dust and is much quieter than a vacuum cleaner.  The motor runs a fan that sucks the dust particles into a collection bag.

Power Carving

Here he is power carving some leaves for a different project…prototypes are being worked on.  R and D is rampant in our dining room.

Recently he has been working on a sunflower.


He needed some help choosing colors and painting.  We stood in Ben Franklin for a long time discussing yellow and it’s particular shades.  He had an idea in his brain how it should look…I tried my best.

I took it over near the window so it would catch some sunny sunlight.

Sunny Face sunflower

I was not sold on the black in the center..seeds they are seeds he says..okay. Back of the sunflower

The back is a work of art too…let me tell you this was not easy to paint and if he ever carves another I will paint before it has been put together.  As it was Far Guy wrapped Saran Wrap around the entire yellow head so I could paint the green.  We worked the Saran Wrap in-between the yellow and the green.  Yellow and green make blue and that would have been bad.

Tall sunflower

It is a very tall sunflower.  It took most of an afternoon to paint.

It still needs to be sealed and have a proper base…I think Far Guy has an idea to use a piece of black walnut…when it gets warmer out and he can work out in his woodshop.

For now it joins some other carvings and the lovely peacock feathers on the mantle.

Fireplace Mantle

Sunflower carving by Far Guy, Black Walnut Lady Slipper by Far Guy, Peacock Feathers, little house carvings from our first attempt at Bark Carving and the Lady Slipper I carved for myself. Don’t mind the nails on the edge of the mantle…they are for stockings at Christmas.  They don’t bother me except when I dust..then I try to smile and recall the grands excitement on Christmas mornings over the years.

Don’t tell anyone but I still have a few Christmas “things” up..and it is March 7th oh my the Christmas Police will certainly be after me.

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  1. That flower is jaw-dropping amazing! Wow!! I think the colors look great!

  2. You are both talented - the flowers, and the painting of them, are amazing.
    It's so rewarding to have a hobby that produces something tangible.

  3. Far Guy does an amazing job on his woodcarving. glad he has a hobby he enjoys so much. Have a great weekend.

  4. That looks like pretty amazing carving! Good work!

  5. A fine looking sunflower. You are right, Far Guy has found his niche. Your lady slipper ain't bad, either. :-)

  6. Stunning, Stunning, Stunning ~ the entire project turned out great!

  7. Morning, I am speechless, what talent Far Guy has at carving. Beautiful all of it, wow!!!!! Blessings Francine.

  8. It's like a ray of sunshine in the winter!

  9. You both do such lovely wood carvings. Your mantel is lovely with your work.
    Shirley H.

  10. Wow you two are both so talented!!! Love your carvings. Haha ALL signs of WINTER are put away here..we must call the SPRING to us in CHicago

  11. I admire you both! I love the sunflower.

  12. Lady Slippers are my favorite for all time. My wife calls it painting into a another color. She paints into the other color and then she paints that color back into the first color. Sooner or later it makes a sharp edge but it is a pain. I think my wife needs to get one of those blowers for when she uses her pastels. Great projects you two are making.

  13. I agree. You both did a fantastic job on the sunflower. You both can make a living doing what you love, if you need to.
    Your mantle looks fine, too. Especially with those wonderful memories.
    Have a wonderful weekend. ♥

  14. OMG your and Far Guy's carvings are spectacular. Here's my totally unworthy two cents. Could you weight your house carvings, add little hooks, and make them into stocking holders? Just a thought from my swiss-cheese brain...

  15. I like the details in the sunflower, and I think the colors are perfect. Nice your two have so many hobbies to take you through the looooong winter.

  16. Our state flower never looked better!

  17. Is there anything you two can't do? The sunflower is so pretty!!

  18. Love the sunflower, and the others too. Great teamwork on the carving and painting:)
    Maybe that's why you have so much snow, you haven't put all the Christmas stuff away yet, ha ha ha:)

  19. Most interesting. I think it was some years back we went into the National Woodcarvers Museum in Custer, South Dakota. That was unbelievable. Maybe you've been there...:)

  20. You both do wonderful work. I hope you sit back and admire it often!

  21. Your husband is very talented.

  22. Beautiful work ! Papa here does some carving but more scrolling and making furniture and what not . I love the smell of all wood working as it is being worked on Papa's wood shop has a wonderful wood working smell to it lol ! Thanks for sharing a wonderful talent ! Have a good day !

  23. Loved the close up in the sunlight! Stunning! You two make a great team!

    I know they are hard to come by, but what about a rounded bit of walnut burl for a base?

  24. Those are wonderful creations! i am very impressed.

  25. Both of you have hobbies that d what they're supposed to do...relax and take your mind some other place.

  26. Wow ....that is one Beautiful Sunflower! I love seeing it before and after the painting. What a talent. How lucky you are!!! And that you work together with the painting....that's awesome! I love the other items too! Keep up the great blog!

  27. You are so talented. Wonderful work. I wish we had talent.

  28. Beautiful sunflower. I liked seeing the before and after.

  29. Good job! I like the blue sky in the picture of the sunflower

  30. Lovely work and such a great hobby! I see tile laying may be another hobby :)
    We still have the lights working on our outdoor Christmas tree...but the days are getting longer so I guess they will come down this week. I like keeping them on during the long dark winter days, cheers me up!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. They are all amazing! I agree--next time paint it before assemblage.
    The people in the next apartment still have their Christmas wreath outside their door. I am wondering if it will stay until this coming Christmas when they buy a new one like they did last year--LOL! The Christmas police never bothered them and their brown wreath, so I think you're safe. ;)

  33. Stunning! You and Far Guy are outstandingly talented!

    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬


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