Monday, March 31, 2014

Roads and March Goals

The area roads are looking good…well except for the dirt roads…they are a tad messy.

Hwy 34

We are in some kind of Winter Storm Watch, they keep changing the forecast so who really knows what will happen…rain, sleet or snow and how much of each.

I guess you never really know what life will toss your way.

Yesterday we headed to Moorhead for a benefit for long time friends Lynne and Jim.   They are both amputees.  Nice to see so much support in the community for our old friends.  Their children had the benefit to help out with medical expenses and to make their home more handicap accessible.  Jim lost his leg years ago to a staph infection in the bone and recently has had a multitude of health problems, Lynne lost a valiant fight through 14 surgeries to save her leg after a fall from a chair. (She was reaching up to hang a plant on a hook and fell.) Between them they have two left legs…or two legs left.  Both still have a sense of humor.

Hwy 225

It was a nice day for a Sunday drive.   Chance enjoyed a game of ball along the way.


We returned home to some mud and brown.  My guess is that March will go out just like it came in…miserable.  March 1st it was –40 F wind chills. 

March 1st I made some goals for the month.

I hope to work out the kinks in a new Christmas ornament design…and then decide if it is possible to do 65 70 of them.  R & D is complete, it is possible.  I have purchased the paint and the string to use for hangers and Far Guy is cutting out the rough shapes and we have begun carving them.  Each ornament has six pieces so it is no easy project.  We are starting early enough that we should be able to complete them in plenty of time and perhaps even sell a few…in my humble opinion they are beautiful and will be hard to top next year.

Finish the afghan I started as a 2013 Christmas Gift for Jen. In progress.  I ran out of yarn, purchased another skein of yarn and it is the wrong color…darn florescent lights anyway.

Have the annual snow stick contest on the blog.  The carvings are done. Just waiting for the snow to melt at the snow stick!

Work on Far Guy Military Scrapbook…it has been on my desk since New Years. My part is completed, everything is in the scrapbook, he still needs to write down some memories before he can’t remember. It felt so good to get it off my desk!!!  Yeah me!!!

I am not sure what goals I will set for April…time will tell.

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  1. Good Morning, God bless Lynne & Jim.
    Sounds like you are making good progress with the Christmas ornaments.
    We've had a lot of rain and the mud is terrible.
    Hope you get a warm up soon.
    Love your header photo.

  2. yes bless Lynne & Jim they sound like wonderful folk ! More snow for you ? oh brother when will it stop for you guys , The temps here have been rising and the sun has been shining and just about all our snow is gone now except for patches in the shady areas they are slowly melting , even the nights have warmed up here . Hope you get spring there soon . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. God bless your friends. Glad they both have a sense of humor. March is leaving us here in WI as crappy as it came in. Only difference is it is a tad warmer. Our ground is all water and mud; grass is so bad you can;t even look at it and it turns to mud. Sure hope Spring arrives soon. I am itching to get out and work in the yard.

  4. We are getting the proverbial "out like a lamb" weather. I am so sorry to hear you are getting the opposite. And your friends without legs, I remember when you wrote about Lynn's struggle. It's wonderful to know they are well enough to laugh together. :-)

  5. Thank heaven for the blog world! It's sleeting and raining outside, adding to the sloppy snow we received overnight and cabin fever is closing in! I can't believe I was outside raking the flower beds on Saturday.
    I admire the idea of setting monthly goals and better yet, keeping track of your progress. You might have just inspired me.

  6. How wonderful to see your pics of the snow going away. NIce to see some brown again! What a tragedy for your friends both losing a leg. Bless them.

    Shirley H.

  7. Wonderful friends you have, God Bless.....suppose to get snow today, come on Spring!!!!!! Blessdings Francine.

  8. Your friends have gone through an unfortunate series of problems. I wish them better times.

  9. It sounds like your friends have a positive attitude and making the best of a bad situation - that is half the battle.

    Congratulations on making great progress on your goals.

  10. Your friends sound like wonderful people!
    I hope the winter watch doesn't develop into too much. We just had a little thundershower move through, but it's still not time to turn off the furnace. That's when I'll really celebrate spring!
    Yay for doing well in completing your goals! Have a nice week.

  11. Yay you! It's always so satisfying to check a task off the list. Nice of family and friends to help with handicap additions. I'm sure it will make their lives easier and more comfortable. Enjoy today before the snow comes back!

  12. You are brave to post them as we are going to hold you accountable. Not! but it does make us watch. I still want to put out some things to tell people of my wishes but I get so many distractions when it comes to doing them.

  13. Our outdoors looks much like yours...maybe a touch more snow.

  14. Having just returned from Minnesota, I can attest to you the snow still being very much there!

  15. Spring will be there before you know it, or it will be summer and spring will bypass you. That is what we hope doesn't happen. Winter seems to want to hang on and not leave. We are getting some 50's this week but we had some ice last night before that happened. Hang in there! I guess you are probably used to it, being you live in Minnesota!

  16. Some brave friends there. Wishing them well and that their home can become more functional for their needs....

  17. Such ordinary things that happened to your friends that gave them out-of-the-ordinary consequences. How wonderful that people have done a benefit. I hope it was quite profitable.
    Retirement seems to have given you more excitement and energy again!!! Your projects are progressing extremely well. Will your blog buddies get first chance at purchasing the ornaments?!! Or do a lottery drawing to see who gets the best number for first chances . . . . it will be exciting to see what you have created again.

  18. Sounds like you have been very productive. I need some of that energy!

    I began today with the idea to clear some brush. Side tracking is my enemy. I left the brush by the spring branch and worked in the yard then side tracked to help Marcy unload her truck, then tilled her garden, raked it and was wiped out!

    May your snow clear soon. I hope we are through but the temps still stay around freezing at night. That was be a heat wave for your place.

  19. Here's to warm spring breezes blowing through your yard, warming up and drying out..


  20. So frightening to know that such simple actions like Lynn and Jim's can lead to such life altering consequences. I wish them well.
    The word out of blogville is that the northeast is in for a cold April. I hope not!

  21. It has been a strange spring weather day ~ rain, thunder, sleet, snow ~ we've almost gotten it all. Wonder what tomorrow April Fool's Day will bring ~ don't want to hurry the holidays to arrive again but sure wonder what you are making for ornaments this time around :)

  22. Looks as if the snow if finally beginning to melt! Hurray.

  23. Cold and windy here. A great spring joke. :(

    ❤⊱彡 Linda

  24. I like the idea of monthly goals.
    March did go out like a lion same as it came in. ;)


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