Sunday, March 2, 2014

Feeling old

I got all signed up for Social Security…I applied online and my follow up interview took place yesterday. The last of the paperwork required a fax and “she who sees robins first” helped me with that.  I never thought I would be old enough to get an old age pension…but here I am teetering on the brink of old age.  For years all I have heard is when the boomers retire the system will be broke.  I hope I get a few checks before that happens.

Pretty Flowers

March continues with more of the same bitterly cold temperatures and wind chills.  Makes me want to hibernate.  It is even too cold to go to the neighbors and play cards. They are old like us and after supper just want to stay in and stay warm.  Oh well I suppose when we all get to the old folks home we will have plenty of time to play cards.

I just looked at the thermometer it was only supposed to get to –23 F tonight and it is already –29 F that computes to –33 C.

Just another cool evening in Minnefreezeyourbuttoffota.

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  1. It took me more than a year before I actually acknowledged (to myself) I had retired. Yes, pensions from various places were being paid into the bank but I just kept telling myself it was all back pay and allowances lol

    Now I just think of it as another phase in my life - that the government and pensions plans are funding. There are some benefits - cost of a seat in the local cinema is $6 is opposed to $14!

    Certainly wouldn't like to see your heating bills for this never ending winter.

  2. Brr...Not having to go out is one of the good parts of being retired. We woke up to snow and sleet this morning.

  3. Yep,,,, and this economy does not help the SS issues, since if people don't work, people don't pay into SS. Hope we see some benefits from paying in for so many years as well.

  4. Same here. Although our temperatures are nowhere near as severe as yours, it's just not fit for man or beast. Or woman, either. I've been on SS for six years now and find it very comforting to see that money show up in my checking account. Hope it's not broke or I will certainly be! :-)

  5. You are just a youngster! I have been on SS and a pension for a bunch of years now, and like DJan, i find it very comforting to see that money show up every month. With pension plans going away for most workers now, SS will be even more important in the future. Have faith, and enjoy it.
    Now your weather - that's another matter all together.

  6. Your weather....Oh my! It is snowing here this morning, although just hovering around the freezing mark, but feels pretty miserable to us wimps. Our club is hosting an agility trial this weekend, not sure how many will show up this morning. It was very cold and miserable yesterday, although the snow then was just a few flakes blowing in the wind.

  7. Next step, Medicare! I'm beginning to think I shouldn't show up in your neck of the woods until July!

  8. You are still young!! Believe me, the best is yet to come!!

  9. You and me kid!!!!! Still freezing my but off here to in Winterpeg, Francine.

  10. I like Beth's statement above!
    Your weather just has to give at some time......I know you are weary of being housebound.

  11. Congrats on arriving at that 'golden age'! I'm thinking with the pittance I get out of the system, there is not worry about them running out!
    Oh, my... I couldn't handle that cold. Brrrrr!

  12. I hope this cold snap blows out of your area soon.

  13. HI there, Glad you are staying in and staying warm! AS for S.S., I had enrolled online before I signed up for it, so the whole process was one quick step-I should get my first check in May. I decided not to wait because it could change and like you, a little bit is better than nothing. I am so ready to be done with winter; we were in the mountains over the weekend and it was icy and cold.
    Hope you have a great evening.
    Hugs, Noreen

  14. I think I will really be excited when I see some of the money I've put in finally coming back to me! I will need it for heating bills if we have another winter like this one.
    Beautiful flowers in your photo.

  15. I've been getting SS checks a few years now and it's nice! Hubby is almost 3 years younger than I am, so when he retires soon, I hope the money is still there after paying in so many years.
    They say we're only as old as we feel. I have to say that most days I feel much younger than I really am, unless the weather is changing or I've been working extra hard, then the bod tells me I'm not so young! :)
    I like your blog and am your newest follower, come by and see me sometime. I blog from the state of Misery/Missouri. I'm calling it Misery today as the weather is so crummy. lol

  16. So you're being paid money for being an old lady!!! Hey, get your old age pension proudly. You paid for it. Running out of money in these funds are scare tactics.
    Don't worry. It will warm up. As soon as I get some warm air I'll send it your way. Promise!

  17. You can get money off at mcdonalds for seniors too right?

  18. Oh Far far side of Fifty...I"m so sorry it's so bitterly cold,ack this is late for you guys isn't it? This kind of cold, it just seems to hang on.

    Hope other then that you are fine.


  19. That bright cheery photo of the flowers is the perfect antidote to those absolutely frozen temperatures. I can't even think that low!

    Speaking of thinking...don't think yourself into being old. I agree with what Beth said. You are definitely not a life-drop-out. Retirement is really a figment of the imagination. It's amazing all the stuff you can find to do without an employer hanging over your head ;)

  20. I am on SS and have very mixed views about it. I work hard to catch up on bills but if I make more than a certain amount in my paycheck, a 50% tax goes into affect over that amount. Mr. Clinton created this little revenue sucker so we won't get too wealthy or so the government can pay his retirement bill.

  21. I'm feeling very old and discouraged today. But aside from that Welcome to Social Security!

    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  22. Yah! Plenty of time to play cards in the old folks home.
    But spring will probably come first. ;)

  23. I know what it feels like to hibernate. Our temps are back up in the 40's, snow is turning to slush, but the good part is the sun is coming up as I make my way to work in the morning...Yah!


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