Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chance: Danger above

“Fraidy cat…fraidy cat”  Am not.  I am a fraidy dog!

“What is it you are afraid of Chance?”

WELL…wind…I shoulda been a prairie dog.  “REALLY?”  No, not that kind of Prairie Dog a dog that lives  in a real house on the prairie with you and Far Guy.

“BUT we live in the woods.”  Yes… I know that, where leaves and twigs and all kinds of stuff falls from the skies.  And now there are the daggers of danger.  I knew what you were doing when you ordered me inside, I heard them come crashing down. I am a Border Collie after all.  You thought you could fool me, or at the least save me from being impaled. 

Ice Daggers on the garage

It seems there are ice daggers everywhere.

Ice Daggers on Far Guys garage

No place is safe anymore.

Ice daggers on the grain bin

The rough ice hurts my paws.   I can only play ball for a short time.


Then I hobble over to the door and drop the ball.  Someone said I was “Pathetic.”  I also have to be accompanied outside to do my business…mostly at night on account of skunks.

It is cold and windy here, all the mud is frozen solid, there are ice rinks all over the yard and ice daggers hang from all the eaves…except the ones that Far Side hit with her broom.



  1. Morning, it will be ok Chance, well I hope it will, Got Spring? Blessings Francine.

  2. Chance, you have every right to be fraud of those ice daggers. They sure look mean and nasty. The Polar vortex struck me again too - frozen mud everywhere. I am hoping Spring arrives very soon so you can go outside and play ball without your paws hurting.

  3. I'm a fraidy cat, too, when it comes to those ice daggers. You are smart to be afraid of them, Chance. Stay away! Spring is really coming soon to your part of the world, I promise. :-)

  4. Stay away from the ice daggers, Chance. They will be gone soon.

  5. You have good protectors, Chance. You all could make a sound recording of the daggers falling to the ground and call it, "Sounds of a Minnesnowda Winter." Walking on ice is no fun for any creature unless you are an ice-skater. I didn't like walking barefoot on the sand in Florida. That actually was abrasive on my feet after a while.

  6. Oh, poor Chance. Danger everywhere. Those ice daggers look awful! Seems I can't keep up anymore. I enjoyed your last post about the old wringer washer. I remember the green one that sat on the back porch at my aunt Berlie's. She warned me many times to keep my fingers away from the wringer.

  7. I remember those days in Michigan. The downside to partial thaws before another freeze. Stay safe!

  8. Dear Chance, It has been rough on all animals. Brave up. Spring is coming.

  9. Pathetic huh? You must have been taking lessons from my Tess dog!

  10. Those are some wicked looking icicles, I'd be scared, too. Nice weather is on the way, hang in there!

    I remember the wringer washers from your last post. It took my mother hours to do laundry for the 5 of us. When I was older, I helped with hanging the laundry on the clothesline and ironing, but she never let me near the washer.

  11. I know nothing of skunks but ice...I am an expert and not a fan! Watch out for those big claws of ice that come crashing down, they are very scary indeed!

  12. Chance, dogs are much more sensitive than humans. You smell and hear many things than humans do. do you are aware of many more dangers.

  13. Your fears are well founded Chance. One of those ice daggers to the body would take a long time to forget. Hope Spring comes to you soon. Mud is much less dangerous.

  14. I love reading your blogs from Chance's view.

  15. Well the good news is it has to go away sometime...right? And the bad news, well, no one knows when.


  16. Yes Barnie would not go out with the wind blowing without being on a leash thinking he was going on a long walk. I guess you guys are just sensitive. I guess the hearing is so good that it can be heard while inside so it keeps Barney from asking to go out. I try to get him out so he won't be too uncomfortable. Warmer days are coming tomorrow.

  17. Sometimes it's smart to be afraid!

  18. Chance, spring needs to hurry up and arrive in your neighborhood.
    We had snow flurries and very strong wind today.

  19. You are smart to be cautious of solo night trips with those unpredictable skunks out there, Chance. I hope you didn't have an encounter with one to learn that lesson.

  20. Ice daggers.........those really could hurt you! Be very careful. You are so right...care is what is called for now.

    ❤⊱彡 Linda

  21. It really sucks to have to pee outside in the winter. I remember having to do that visiting family farmers. And their baths? A sauna. It was a cold walk across the snow path back to the farmhouse from that steaming tiny room.


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