Sunday, March 9, 2014

A quilt makers birthday

My Aunt Grace celebrated her 80th birthday yesterday.  Her children planned a lovely get together at the community center.   My Uncle George ( My Dad’s brother died in 1997 so she has been a widow a number of years.)

Aunt Grace is a quilter.  She has made many quilts for her family.  Some were on display yesterday, it caused much discussion ..remember this one?  Look at this one..well loved!

Well worn quilt

I first learned to quilt at her house years ago.  Making those tiny little stiches so they looked like all the other ladies in the “bee” was a challenge for me. I am not sure why they invited me, but I was welcomed and I learned to quilt one stitch at a time.  Those “bee” days had the best lunches ever with everyone bringing something along with stories and laughter. 

Birthday cakes galore

One of my cousins is the best cake baker ever, there were cakes galore.  All with different flavors.  Who knew…my cousin Wilma should have opened a bakery!


I had blueberry, Far Guy had chocolate…after we had a lunch of ham, roast beef, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, potato salad, every kind of fruit salad imaginable, trays of vegetables and the obligatory pickles and herring.  Pure Minnesota comfort food. We skipped supper after that lunch!

Aunt Graces flowers 

Aunt Grace received some beautiful flowers.

Birth order children

The best gift of all was to have all her children and most of her grandchildren and great grandchildren all together( about 100 of them) for her special day. Here are my cousins in birth order giving each other a bad time.

Grace Happy Birthday Aunt Grace!

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  1. That would be wonderful, to see your extended family all at once. Happy birthday to you, Aunt Grace. Thanks for bringing me along to her birthday party. :-)

  2. Celebrations like this are wonderful and mean a great deal to the honoree. Happy birthday, Aunt Grace!

  3. What a wonderful birthday, so special, Happy Birthday Aunt Grace, Blessings Francine.

  4. Sounds like a fun birthday party. That is one huge family! Happy Birthday to your Aunt Grace:)

  5. Happy Birthday to her! Sounds like a lovely celebration. I would have loved to sit in on a quilting bee.

  6. It sounds like everybody had a great time. Minnesota comfort food? Great stuff! happy birthday to aunt Grace.

  7. Funny -- I had an Aunt Grace, who was also a beautiful quilter. No machine sewing, no manmade fabrics, just old fashioned know how. Hope your aunt enjoyed her day!

  8. Happy Birthday to your Aunt Grace!! She is a lovely lady.
    Those cakes look so good!

  9. recipe please for that blueberry cake! and frosting!

  10. You were so lucky! Happy Birthday to your Aunt Grace!

    Love the leopard looking cake. :-) (Guessing that was the blueberry?)

    Have a great week!

  11. What a talented family--cake baking, decorating, and quilting! And almost one hundred of them?!?! Must have been a marvelous spread! Happy birthday to your Aunt Grace!

  12. These are the kind of family get together's I like lol YUMMY ! Happy Birthday Aunt Grace ! Looking good ! Thanks for sharing , wonderful photos ! Have a good day !

  13. I was thinking how fortunate you are to have a family that has kind of stayed in one place and can get together for big events. Mine is all scattered to the ends of the earth, except my daughters and I won't let them leave Minnesota! Yours reminds me of my childhood family celebrations.

  14. That looked like a fun get together. Those cakes look delicious!

  15. With my hands like they are now I can't imagine hand quilting. But then I did not have an Aunt Grace to teach me. Lucky you. And what a lovely family celebration!

  16. It makes me so happy to see a large family come together for a special occasion! Thanks for sharing :))


    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  18. Oh my lord! 100!? Whew! That's one big family. How wonderful that they were there for her.
    Does sound like a great Minnesota spread.


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