Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Minnesota Cool Moos

Yes it is still cold.  I have given up, we might as well put up a big sign that says Siberia.


See what you can make out of an old fuel tank, a cream can and a stove pipe?  I think the calf is some kind of barrel and a bucket.


We ran an errand and saw these whatever kind of horned cattle… Long Horns…Short Horns…whatever I would just call them STEAKS.  Chance was impressed, one of them mooed at him.

Wonder where I should put up the Welcome to Siberia sign?  I think we have been below zero without much of a reprieve since November 23rd 2013.  That was 78 days ago.  I wonder when it will end.  Maybe we are at the beginning of an Ice Age.  I laugh at the thought of Global Warming…bring it on!

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  1. When are you getting the snow stick out of storage?? They'd be really long odds if you opened a book now lol
    Take care

  2. Oh my Connie, when is it going to get even a little warmer? Love the hairy Horned Cattle, Blessings Francine.

  3. Your first metal cattle look like they are wearing jackets and hats. I do hope you get some warmer weather soon. It does seem to have been going on an awfully long time. :-)

  4. I love the "yard art"; that is clever. The cattle look like regular beef cattle that never had their horns cut off. I keep hoping that the weather warms up soon. I think the welcome sign should be at the end of your driveway.

  5. The February blahs are setting in over there I see. I love the header, with Chance looking over at beautiful flowers- the bleeding hearts are often the first flowers of spring in my garden. C'mon spring!

  6. Hey I like those fuel tank Moos! Adorable! No we don't want Siberia weather ~ I think we are going to get a heat wave coming in...... here is hoping!

  7. Oh by the way, thanks for your comments of late and suggestions :)

  8. Someone has an imagination, love those metal moos! The others look like some kind of hereford mix. Wish I could send some milder weather your way.

  9. I cannot remember a winter when there has not been a break in the cold all winter long. At least our temps are above zero and sometimes into the teens. And when we're really lucky we hit the 20s. I guess that's what we have to consider our "break in the cold". :/ Oh how I'm hoping for an early spring!

  10. I think God has a sense of humor-- when it comes to global warming--to bad Gore lives in California.
    But that is the way it is the guy in the middle always gets hit the hardest.

  11. You have got to be sick of the cold, snowy weather! Your post made me laugh! I think you should put up that sign "welcome to Siberia". At least you could laugh when you see it.

  12. The cows of metal are wonderful. It is the only good think that I can see with this weather, humorous sculpture. I know we are not as cold as you but some of the pain of burning sinuses and headaches just keep coming our out (ha ha) warmer temperatures. They aren't getting the predictions right with this crap.

  13. Love the metal moos! I think it is supposed to warm up tomorrow. I'm hoping anyway!

  14. How cute! Wow, that is a long time with such extreme temps.

  15. You sound like you've had too much winter. We are warming up tomorrow so it should be your way in a couple of days. That's the best I can do for you!

  16. Below freezing for 78 days and counting! Holy cow!

  17. Some people are so creative to envision and build those sculptures out of unrelated objects. Even with the freezing temps, your sense of humor is warm! Is Far Guy enjoying NOT having to haul wood?

  18. That's what we call them too, steak! I have a T-bone and a Rib Eye still in the barn waiting to be fattened up some more!

  19. I believe it! I've been thinking about that Ice Age, too. I think we are in it, Global Warming or not =/

  20. I have a friend in Sweden that says they are warm like Alaska and actually melting. Way too early. What strange weather we are having.
    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  21. Lovely photos ! Yup us to here in Ontario Canada have been in the minus double digits seems like for ever and soo much snow the most snow I have seen in oh at least 10 years . I was thinking the same thing if we are in an ice age . I am soo looking forward to the time change and spring ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  22. We are overdue for a short ice age. I figured the 'global warming' would balance it out. Maybe yes, maybe no.
    We had a thunderstorm at 33 degrees. Crazy!
    Good photos, Connie. Stay warm!

  23. Look at the thick fur on those 'beef'. It really has been a cold, cold winter. Praying for warming in your neck of the woods, and soon!!!!

  24. Those are great!!!

    I guess I probably shouldn't tell you that we have 60's predicted for early next week.


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