Thursday, February 6, 2014

Four Season Photos

I have taken photos at nearly the same spot for a year.  Here are the results.

January 2014

January 2014

April 2013

April 2013

August 26 2013

August 2013

October 18 2013

October 2013

This is the part of our driveway that leads into our yard. 

The seasons progress but it seems like such a long time from winter to mud to summer.

We are back in the partial deep freeze again. -19 F or –28 C for lows and highs are in the single digits but above zero. Thank goodness for small favors.  Everyone that I have talked to is sick and tired and tired and sick of the cold weather.  As much as we complain you would think all that hot air would make a difference.

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  1. August and October images are my cup of tea. I'm a wuss when it comes to that white stuff!!!

  2. I really like the idea of photographing the same spot for each season. Our winters, in Texas, are not as cold as the ones you have, but this is the coldest winter I remember for a very long time....and it started very early. Thanks for your comments on my blog.

  3. I love the four seasons pictures. Maybe if we all complained at the same time all the hot air would blow the polar vortex back where it belongs. Just a thought you know.

  4. Brrr! Some winters just seem endless, don't they? Pretty shots of your drive.

  5. haha WELL put!! but our hot air is just that!

  6. Wyoming is in the deep freeze , too. It's bitter cold this AM and will be all week and into next according to the forecast. At least the sun is shining a bit more each day. Better days are ahead.

  7. I'd like to see a month to month photo of that driveway, well between April and October at least. I'd just assume that November to March is generally just snow. Okay, I'll admit that maybe November isn't, but sometimes April is:(
    Chance is cute, peeking from behind the tree:)

  8. Hi there, Yes we are also in a freeze pattern, though today is quite balmy at -7. We aren't usually free of snow or cold til May-then we start thinking about planting. Love your photos of the different seasons.
    Stay warm.

  9. Nice idea with the photos. When I lived up north, February was the month I drooled over the seed catalogs. :)

  10. I love all the seasons of your driveway. August and October are my favorites!

  11. I am guessing the road in the October photo suggests that most people turn right.

  12. I love your driveway in all the seasons, so pretty, Francine.

  13. I love to see the changes in those photos. It is getting colder here each day, should hit zero my Monday. Still no snow :( What a strange winter for everyone.

  14. I was trying to do something like this, but now I can't remember where the earlier shots are! I am glad you are more organized, it's an interesting series.

  15. I do too. He is peering around the tree like Momo in the photograph book "Find Momo" that I reviewed not long ago. You should do a "Find Chance" series.

  16. You have lovely scenery in-between. Chance is funny.
    Stay warm!

  17. I love that - being able to see the seasons and hold tight we are supposed to see the teens tomorrow (I so hope they aren't lying).

  18. This extreme winter is wearing long on everyone. Wishing you sunny days soon!!!

  19. At this time of year it's almost impossible to think what summer was like.

  20. I would say your weather is extreme, as in extremely cold, with very long winters. Brrr.

  21. You're too funny ;-). Nice grouping of seasons!

  22. I think February is the longest month of the year. You have have a terribly LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG season of wet and cold.

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) Happy Valentine’s Day¸.-♥¨) (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  23. Don't know how I missed this post. And I went back to your older posts recently wanting to see how your place looks without all the snow! Amazing how everything looks the same when all is white.

  24. You are funny about the hot air - - - but just think how much colder it might be without it!!!


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