Friday, January 17, 2014


I am not sure if they named this last blizzard or not.  The wind was raw.

We ran an errand to the neighbors and went to the end of the driveway to take a photo.

Ground Blizzard Jan 16 2014

This was at 1 PM it was pretty dark and dreary. School was two hours late and I didn’t hear if they got out early.  If I had been in charge the weather conditions would have made me nervous for the school busses.

Two roads out there Jan 16 2014

There are two roads out there, we didn’t see or couldn’t see any traffic.

12 and a half inches total snowfall at the snowstick Jan 16 2014

Back in our yard the snow stick measures about 12 1/2 inches of snow on the ground so far this winter…that would be the compacted number.  That is more snow than last year at this time.

Jan 14 2013

I stayed outside for a short time watching the birds.

Downy Woodpecker Jan 16 2014

This Downy Woodpecker didn’t mind me sneaking up on him.

The Wild Turkeys were here the other day, one of them pecked at our kitchen window.  We have corn for them and will set up a feeding area for them in the woods where they can poop and eat to their hearts content.

We saw a huge Buck complete with a set of impressive antlers near my brothers driveway.  I have never found a shed antler in Minnesota…that would be a real treat. Usually they shed their antlers in Mid Winter December – March.

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  1. Glad to hear the altered book is not a loss. I'm making false starts on my first one. Eventually I will come up with a book.
    I've been through one blizzard in my lifetime. That was more than enough. At least the ice we get never lasts more than a couple days. Stay warm.

  2. Wow!!! same weather we had here the past couple days.....Beautiful pictures you take, love the Downy, sweet, Blessings Francine.

  3. The way people around here panic at the sight of a snowflake! Schools would be closed all winter with snow like yours. Schools were delayed opening two hours yesterday because of the flurries we had! :) My husband is meat manager at a grocery store here. He hates when the weather people mention snow. Customers flock in, buying up all the milk and bread.

  4. We've had a lot of snow too - I think it was "saving up" for this year.

  5. We have thunder snow happening right now. I'm excited - we might get an INCH! ;-)

  6. You have really had a lot of snow this year. We have too, more than last year. Those photos are really neat to look at and I love your little Downy Woodpecker. Have a great weekend.

  7. We were supposed to get an inch or two last night but woke up to a bit more than that. And they're predicting some cold cold temps returning. I just can't seem to get warm this winter unless I'm curled up in the basement next to the wood stove...

  8. We had a sunny day yesterday, temp all the way up to 50F. Any time we see the sun and have a day like that in the middle of January, I'm happy. To look at all your snow makes me glad I'm here and not there! :-)

  9. Oh boy, that is not pretty. I watched the news where in the Dakota's they are having 70 miles an hour winds blowing snow all over. Now that is something I prefer not to see first hand!

  10. Wow, that's some weather you are having! And to think that I complain when it's 30 degrees outside...

  11. To find an antler, I guess you're going to have to be faster than a porcupine! :)

  12. Looks pretty similar to here, though no blizzard at the moment. Hang in there!

  13. From the looks of that blizzard in your picture I think that school should have been called off! Shirley H.

  14. Naming Blizzards is ridiculous. I don't remember the names of the important ones a month later let alone years later.

  15. Those conditions would make me nervous for the school buses, too.

  16. I didn't know about the timing of shed antlers...Last year ViMae found one in a compacted snow drift at the nature center where the kids went to preschool. The teachers cleaned it, and it's now part of the classroom hands-on collection. She was always at the back of the pack during hikes, stopping to look at whatever caught her eye. I think that will serve her well, as your keen eye serves you.

  17. Oh my! When the wind is blowing like that, it's hard to tell just HOW much snow you are really getting. For sure the school buses would be cancelled here, and we have had snow like that occasionally over the years, although not as cold as you get it. Brrr! Stay safe and warm.

  18. Oh my! The school buses for sure would be cancelled here with weather like that. We have had blizzard like conditions occasionally over the years, although probably not the cold that you have. Hard to tell how much snow has actually fallen when it is blowing around like that. Brrr! Stay safe and warm.

  19. Oh, just looking at these photos makes me so cold! I hope the schools did close -- that kind of weather isn't worth keeping them open.

  20. Love your snow stick each year. What frightful conditions you've had. That's a pretty woodpecker picture. Hope you will have a nice day.

  21. That is a lot of snow! We finally have some - cold too! Lovely shots.

  22. We had blizzard warnings here too and all the schools around were closed. We don't have as much snow as you do and we've had some rain that has made the snow crusting so it didn't blow like yours did. But the winds were awful and the roads were icy.
    You did get some great photos of the blowing snow and the sweet little Downy.

  23. It looks nasty cold with that wind a blowin'
    Nice that you are helping out the birds in this nasty weather. Bet you can't guess what its doing up here in Anchorage...raining! The roads are made of ice now...crazy weather!

  24. Wow at the snow!! The best places to look for antlers is a feeding area like where there was a corn field or soybeans. Around the edges and out in it. I found one on some game land in NC one time. Good luck.

  25. Finding antlers? It's like bone. They are usually chewed up before we find them. Unless we happen to be right there they are chewed. Even mice chew antlers.
    You have some nasty weather. We didn't send it to you this time! Honest!

  26. I would love to find antlers . Lovely photos just not lovely weather for you . Our snow fall is less this year then last year and still we have had grass showing and now we are in between getting snow and it warming up and melting. Nice photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  27. Awwww Stay warm dear friend. My sis is in Roseville MN and I visited her once on this very weekend. It was 40 below with the windchill and someone brought their NEWBORN to a party. I almost died. You are a hearty breed

  28. Beautiful but glad it's not me!

    Stay safe and warm.

  29. Wow... your shots of the blowing snow are awesome. They sent a chill deep inside just looking at them. We have had more snow at home this year... but I'm not there to enjoy it. (I really to enjoy it)
    Take care and stay warm!

  30. Ha. The turkeys were telling you they were hungry. :-)
    I feel for you. You and Far Guy are a couple of tough cookies! Hubby and I agree that we don't think we could do the cold now. However, if we had stayed where it gets cold (we did 3 years in Alaska and 4 in Nebraska); it probably wouldn't bother us like it does now.
    Take care, be safe and stay warm! ♥

  31. We like a little snow once a year of so, but not all the time, all winter long! I do enjoy getting your snow stick reports, and I share then with my friend who grew up in Minnesota.

  32. Much as I hate to admit it, I wish you could send some of that snow out our way--at least up to the mountains--or some of the spring run off that is sure to follow. We are having those beautiful sunny blue skies now that everyone is envious of, but staring a serious drought in the face in the meantime. Sometimes I wish there was an averaging system for the weather...

  33. They cancelled school for two days in Illinois which they almost never do. I could count on one hand, maybe two, that they cancelled school in Illinois where I taught for 19 years.

  34. We watch the Rural Evening news (RFD TV) and your blizzard with the topic...a mess! A real mess that was/is.

  35. Thirty years or more my Uncle and Aunt in Chariton, Iowa had turkeys released in their woods. It took a lot of years and maybe the DNR releasing them up here the past ten for us to ever see them in our area. They are fun to watch and it seems more like a natural prairie with them out there. We see them along the highways and timber areas.


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