Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ready or Not!

Ready I think!  The last of the gifts arrived in the mail.  That last gift caused Far Guy a few sleepless nights. Everything is wrapped! Whoo Hoo…we are moving right along.

The stockings are hung.


A new ornament is in place.


It is a beauty!

The Grand boys will come and go..doing fun things.


This tall one likes the new ottoman that I bought for the love seat. $15.00 at a thrift store and it matches  perfectly!

The other tall one.


Eating popcorn to gain sustenance to grow a few more inches this week.  Those are Miney’s ears…she likes popcorn too.

Building airplanes out of Legos.

lego Plane

I now know the finer points of this creation…it is wonderful what can be built with Legos.

The Shiny Brite Tree was finished yesterday. The rest of the Christmas decorations found their spots.  I still have one gift I am working on…it might be finished in time…or not.

I have dusted and straightened and put all the Christmas bins away.  I still have a bit of baking to do for Christmas morning but I have plenty of time to accomplish that.

Now let the fun begin.

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  1. Sounds like you are ready for Santa.

  2. Take a deep breath and ENJOY now! Love your photos. Merry Christmas!

  3. You are ready girl :) Now you can relax for more family fun as we celebrate His birth.

  4. Everything always falls into place just in time. Glad you now can sit back and enjoy the celebration and gathering of family.

  5. Work hard and play hard! I'm sure you'll have a great Christmas.

  6. You sound ready for Christmas! I hope your Christmas is a very happy one!

  7. You deserve a rest and a merry Christmas! Does the first tall grandson look like your husband?

  8. You did it, no worries, no relax....Christmas Blessings Francine.

  9. Wonderful photos. Such a great find, that Ottoman. I wish I could get hubby to go to thrift stores in bigger cities. There aren't many around here.
    Have a wonderful Sunday and a blessed week! ♥

  10. Yeah - you made it! Isn't it fun to find those great deals on things that you can use :) Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  11. Good for you! Go get a big mug of eggnog - what else you put in it is entirely between you and your mug.
    I think I'm ready, but I have the feeling of impending doom - like I got the date wrong, or I forgot gifts for someone. It's scary being this prepared three days early!

  12. I am glad you have found the completion of it all. I hope some day I have a neat grandson that will want to hang out at my house. The guys will be a lot of fun. Try to get some rest now between baking. We have a Christmas potluck at school with our Asian ministry tomorrow but the snow is coming our way. We may not make it out of the house. Your Noah's Ark is wonderful and the new ornament is super.

  13. May you find time to put your feet up yourself, and sit and enjoy your shiny bright tree. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.


  14. Now you can take a breather!!! Whew, bring on Christmas, you are ready. Take a break, have a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy that shiny bright tree!!!

  15. I've started on the cooking...tomorrow the cleaning...then finish up everything before 4 in the evening! We are almost there!
    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  16. Love your Noah's Ark, all sparkly and colorful. I hope you will now enjoy all your preparations with your family.


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