Thursday, December 19, 2013

One Tree

One tree is complete.  It only took three days.  It looks pretty much like it has in years past, full of ornaments each with a story.

The tree 2013

I picked out special paper to go with the tree. The packages are wrapped in pretty red, white and blue paper.  There was one package that stood out like a sore thumb…but a sweet elf re wrapped it…after I had a hissy fit, bawled and then had a very long nap.  No it probably wasn’t the red paper with holly that was the was just the one thing that tipped me over the edge.  I am certain I really didn’t mean that next year I am taking a holiday cruise all by myself.    


I don’t do stress well…it makes me very sleepy…so sleepy it is impossible to stay awake.

The baked beans turned out fantastic and are residing in the freezer.  The pumpkin bread was baked yesterday and delivered to neighbors.  I even had time to make some Gluten Free pumpkin bread bites for my Dad..I say bites because I put them in a tiny muffin tin…or maybe it is a tart pan…that way they can go in the freezer and Dad can take one or two out to enjoy with coffee. 

Ornament Exchange

This is the ornament I got the evening of the cookie exchange.

Gift count: Done! Awaiting two deliveries, I think one may be lost in the mail.  Gifts wrapped: Almost done waiting on two gifts.  Cookies made: Complete!  Christmas letters: Complete!  Homemade ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: Two complete and one in progress…it may be done in time for next Christmas.  Decorations… One tree, the snow outside, a pine cone wreath, the Nativity and a flag outdoors. Oh and 3/4 of a Shiny Brite Tree.  Christmas menus: Planned!  5 days and counting.

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  1. Cookie exchange sounds really good. I don't know about hissy fits though I am familiar with them....;)

  2. And what a beautiful tree it is, also the presents, well done......Sweet bell ornie, I love sleigh bells......Blessings Francine.

  3. Your tree is beautiful. Everyone is entitled to a "hissy fit" now and then. Happy an "elf" helped out by re-wrapping it for you. This time of year gets very stressful for me also and I don't handle stress well anymore either. I try to remind myself that the holidays aren't supposed to be all about "Stuff" but a time for us to share our love with each other. Merry Christmas!

  4. What a lovely tree! You have made me hungry for baked beans!

  5. You are amazing. Look at all you have accomplished!
    Hey, did you know my mom? You have a Santa ornament on your tree that looks similar to some she made many years ago!

  6. I love your pretty tree. And I'm glad you are taking care of yourself with naps and such. You have accomplished an amazing amount! I just took a quick tour down your sidebar at all the blogs you follow. There's that, too! :-)

  7. It isn't the holidays without one melt down. Taking a nap will give you a whole new perspective!!! I see what you mean about the 'odd ball' wrap. When every one came home for Christmas I too wanted everything to be coordinated. My kids used to call my trees 'designer trees'. I've relaxed since those days!!!

  8. Dittos what Beth said!

    And ut oh to the hissy fit. I hope you had a nice kiss and make up session afterwards.

  9. I.Am.Amazed. How do you do it all? Thank you for the lists - I need to do the same :)

  10. the tree looks great and so do the packages :) It is good to take naps and not get all stressed out ~ we are working on that too for this busy holiday season ~ don't want to get the flu

  11. Awesome ! all looks very pretty ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  12. Congrats on getting your tree finished, it looks lovely! Still waiting on that pony....:(

  13. Oh, so very pretty! We haven't bought ours yet...

  14. I've had some memorable holiday meltdowns myself, so you might have company on that cruise.

    Your Christmas list of goals is nearly complete, so pour yourself a glass of wine (or hot chocolate) and sit down and enjoy your tree.

  15. You are way ahead of me! Everything looks and sounds great.

    A cruise might be a good idea.

  16. And we're moving on to the 25th. Your accounts of Christmas preparation are funny interesting.!

  17. I am too grumpy to be counting days. I almost didn't read your summary. I keep getting things done so that is positive. I really like your blue tree. Maybe I will get my glass blown ornaments up tonight. I have other things to do but will force it. Keep at it and don't let it get the best of you. Go take Chance on a walk for sure.

  18. Merry Christmas to you all, Connie. ♥

  19. Your tree is beautiful! I couldn't help but laugh! I know exactly how you felt, hissy fit and all!

  20. You coordinate your wrapping paper with your tree??!! Well I can see how that could lead to a hissy fit!
    But to each his own. I can get pretty up tight about small things too.

  21. Life will resume normal activities in a few weeks..and this will all be a good memory. Love your packages, very festive.

    And the jingle bell, I've a soft spot for those.


  22. Your countdown is stressing me out. I think I shall go take a nap.

  23. Beautiful! Love the blue theme and the meaningful ornaments. I think you are ready for that long winter's nap! Indulge yourself. :)

  24. I got my Christmas Eve food bought and my Christmas Day food I have to start baking. We are all moving along aren't we?

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥


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