Sunday, December 29, 2013

Loose ends

I am kinda at loose ends these days after Christmas.  I cleaned out the fridge, and cleaned out a Christmas ornament box that I had not seen the bottom of in years.  I also had a meeting to attend…I hate meetings…much ado about nothing.

Far Guy started gathering “stuff” for me, we hope to put his Military career in a scrapbook. I have the book and the pages and papers galore. I started a folder for photos.  Gathering is the first step.

I need to make a list of all the things I want to accomplish in the next few months.

IMG_5811 Big Bluestem in the snow

It is too cold to venture out of the house/yard.  The wind came up yesterday late in the afternoon and the artic blast arrived. Friday it was almost 30 degrees and felt like spring could come any moment and now we are plunged back into the deep freeze. Old Man Winter will do that to you…give you one marvelous winter day and then a week of bone chilling cold just to remind you Minnesnowda weather is not for sissies. Besides that it keeps out the riff raff.

We have gotten about 35 inches of snow so far this winter ( She who sees robins first is keeping track).  It has snowed a little every day for many days.  The snow stick shows about 11 inches.  Snow settles.  Chance even found one of his lost balls on Friday in the warm up.  Up here in da nort even a ball found in a snow bank is good news.


We will probably de-decorate the downstairs tree for a bonding indoor activity today.

The Rachael and Chad ornament

This is our Rachael and Chad Ornament.  Rachael had all the supplies out on a table at the wedding reception and Far Guy made an ornament for our tree.  There is red and silver tinsel and a slip of paper inside that says:  “So they are no longer two but one flesh, what God has joined together no man can separate.”  It was a nice activity for people indoors whilst everyone else was tubing or taking photosSmile

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  1. The Christmas ornament was clever and a grand reminder of a beautiful day. Winter is supposed to be back here late today. I agree. Respites in the winter weather are great. Glad to hear you had one.

  2. I call these days 'in between days' Days between one holiday and the next. Mind you ours are spent in the sun and not that white stuff
    Happy New Year to you and your family plus one 'adorable dog'

  3. Morning, love that idea about the ornament......very cold here today, lots of snow yesterday to, Oh well, nestle in with a good read, Blessings Francine.

  4. The ornament was a lovely reminder of a special day, and so beautiful. I feel for your snow...we have nothing like that, actually more here then on the mountains, but my husband keeps reminding me that January is coming.

    The days after, and the days before...they will pass.


  5. Lovely ornament and reminder of it to ! Our snow has melted and grass is showing . It seems to snow then warm up and melt on and off . Today feels like a spring day here but I am sure more snow is on it's way or rain if it stays as warm as it has been ! Thanks for sharing . Wishing you a Happy New Year !

  6. Here in Minneapolis it was up to 46 (above) yesterday and this morning right now at 8:42 it is 3 below zero. The cold came in with a blast of wind last night they say. What an extreme change! Shirley H.

  7. I love the "Make a Christmas ornament" idea for a get-together. Very cool! I don't think I'd like to be in Minnesnowda, however.... maybe in the summer ;-)

  8. Your wind started blasting at us around 10:00 last night. It is the pits but we don't have the snow. I am not dedecorating until it seems abnormal to have it up. Little trees come down first. We are just now really enjoying them. Your very tall tree in the header really blows me away. It is such a beautiful tree. Far Guy made a very impressive ornament. I have see those clear ones before but never knew what you would do with them. Take care.

  9. Such a wonderful ornament with a lovely quote. That weather sounds just beastly, so cold! Brrr... I'd stay tucked inside my own home, working on an indoor project, too. :-)

  10. I couldn't help myself and I just had to steal your idea of a snow stick! I didn't leave it out there . One measurement is enough. We had a viscous storm go through here Fri. night. The ornament is certainly one with a powerful meaning and is a treasure.

  11. I love the wedding ornament idea and will share it with my great-niece who is planning her wedding.

  12. Love the ornament idea! Maybe I will do that when my daughter gets married. We had 40 degrees yesterday and this morning it is 12 below. Gotta love these Minnesota winters, or maybe not. We don't have as much snow down here in da sout as you do up dar in da nort. :0)

  13. The wedding ornament is a nice idea for every couple to make for their first Christmas. Grey and some rain here, our typical winter weather. Sounds better than yours though:) Good time of the year to do inside stuff. I did clean up some dead stems off one of the gardens for about half an hour yesterday though.

  14. I love the ornament idea. Great time of year to "clean house".

  15. Happy New Year to you guys! Almost anyway. Love the ornament idea. Riff-raff...I say that all the time and so now I know....they're down here! Not as bad as further down though. It must mean I'm not riff-raf as I am trying to get back North. I sure hope I can take it...what if I have turned into a sissy down here? Although, the heat here in the summer is not for sissies either....especially those that work outdoors. I did see you were getting some bone-chilling cold up there. Stay warm and safe and dry and what a great time of year for making scrapbooks. TTYL

  16. I love the ornament! I think I'll wait until the new year to un-decorate. It just feels like too much work. And although the outside here isn't very inviting right now with 38 degree fog, I need to get out for my walk, and I can bundle up against that kind of cold.
    Not so yours. Your winter has set in. I will look forward to snow stick reports, and the coming of robins!

  17. I can not imaging having 35 inches of snow already! We have had 2 to 3 inches of rain here in NC today. The rain ended and the wind has started to blow. So, is it snow that keeps out riff raff! Our address should be called "Riff Raff Drive". :)

  18. What a wonderful ornament.

    Stay warm and enjoy your time indoors.

  19. I love the idea of guests making ornaments to memorialize the wedding. Stay warm!

  20. What a lovely idea that ornament was--yet another reminder of an exceptional celebration!

    Keep warm and away from those meetings! :)

  21. Tell him that ornament made me sappy :)

  22. We went from 40 above to 22 below. I've been staying inside, too. ;)
    That's such a sweet idea to make those ornaments at the wedding reception. They were lucky it wasn't crazy cold for their sledding.
    Stay warm!! :)

  23. I like how crafty and artsy you to are! I also like that you share your 'stuff' with you!

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪HAPPY NEW YEAR ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥


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