Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Heat Wave

“Heat wave burning in my heart”..but in my case it was outside..it was 22 degrees ABOVE zero yesterday that would be -5 C.   I took off my parka. It felt like spring…the sun was shining too…a perfect day to run errands and purchase stocking stuffers.

I got nothing completed, I made progress but nothing is done done.  The Shiny Brite tree is still in progress.  The tree downstairs needs an Angel on the top and a few more ornaments…Far Guy says “Where will they go?  I don’t recognize most of these ornaments anyway..where did we get them all?”   He doesn’t realize that every ornament has a story.

This year I did an ornament exchange with Beckie from Colorado.

Fabric folded ornament

This is a folded fabric covered ornament.  I love the red white and blue!

This one made me smile.

Melting snowman ornament

A melted snowman..too cute!  Just my kinda snowman.

Today might be the day I get caught up.  I am not holding my breath. I will cook beans for baked beans for Christmas and the freezer.  Of course the smell of burning starch water will permeate the kitchen because I will boil them over..several times. I hope the warm weather sticks around but I am not counting on it because after all this is nearly the North Pole Minnesota.

Gift count: Done! Awaiting two deliveries.   Gifts wrapped: a few.  Cookies made: Complete!  Christmas letters: Complete!  Homemade ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: Two complete and one in progress.  Decorations… the snow outside, a pine cone wreath, the Nativity and a flag outdoors. Oh and 3/4 of a Shiny Brite Tree and a partial tree downstairs.  Christmas menus: Planned!   7 days and counting.

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  1. The snowman and folded fabric ornaments are cute! Glad you had a little warm-up there.

  2. Glad to hear you had a "warm" day. I just keep shoveling snow this winter. We've had more than twice our usual December snowfall.

  3. Yes, was milder here to.....Love the ornaments, beautiful, Blessings Francine.

  4. i love the fabric covered ornament and the melted snowman is so cute. I know what you mean about a heat wave. We hit 25 yesterday. It is sad when that feels warm. Have a nice day.

  5. That melted snowman is a hoot! We hit 50deg F the past two days, and yes, it feels like a heat wave! You have certainly made progress on your list. A week from today...

  6. If 22* was the high here, I'd be ready to sue the governor of Texas! :)

  7. You are making good progress. The melted snowman is cute. We had a heat wave here yesterday too and supposed to be even warmer today. You are not the only one who lets the beans boil over. Happens every time I boil something.
    Have a great day.

  8. Interesting. With our own and parent ornament we have a mountain of them. Or a Mrs. , who agree with you, says "each one has a story. Which she remembers and I don't have a clue. btw that for the weather heads up. It nice to hear of some warmer weather pouring south from the far north. I might even venture outside for a hike....:)

  9. Funny about the ornaments. Must be a male/female thing. I hear the same thing. When I decorate our tree there better not be a stranger in the room, or it will take hours as I tell all the details of each ornament! Mr. Dreamy just sees pretty things.... well, sometimes he doesn't even see the beauty in them!

  10. Yay for your heat wave. Like I said in my post, it's all relative:) Congrats on your progress with the Christmas tasks! I love that folded fabric ornament.

  11. LOL...22 is cold!!We're getting upper 50s by the weekend! Crazy weather. Love the ornaments -- yes, they do tell stories!

  12. 7 Days...we are fast approaching the part I hate...ALL THE COOKING. Once that is done I can enjoy the whole rest of the time!
    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  13. Hi there, I'm here from Linda Brown's blog to check out your ornaments… I collect ornaments and LOVE the ones you all make. Do you sell them???? I would love to purchase one or more from you…

    Stay warm up there in Minnesota… I'm in Tennessee --and we have had some cold weather so far, but NOTHING like you have had..

    Merry Christmas.

  14. Wow! Only seven days until Christmas. I hadn't been watching.

  15. It is -2°C Feels like -7 here but it is damp feeling gets to your bones BRR ! More snow on the way for us later . Love the melted snow man ornament really cute ! I think a lot of us had ornaments with a story lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  16. You are getting lots done, good for you! I especially like the folded fabric ornament.

  17. Your getting so close to being done! 22 degrees is my perfect number...unfortunately it is -8 F here right now and got down to -20 last night. Burrrr!

  18. No pony express delivery yet. Maybe the pony lost a shoe and is lame:(

  19. Wow, you are checking things off your list pretty quickly!

    Love your new ornaments, especially the melted snowman - too cute.

  20. The heat wave is blowing east and I love it. Back to my hooded sweatshirt and down vest!!!! I just hate bulky winter coats. Did you know in Arizona when it gets really cold, like 30 above the TV and radio announcers warn drivers to use extra caution when steering the car because of the bulky clothing. hehehe, they should be here!!!!

  21. Interesting how "warm" is all very relative. I was talking with a clerk in the store a few days ago who mentioned how much warmer it was when it was probably not even 30 degrees out (not quite as cold here as there!), but the sun was shining and the wind was not blowing so it did indeed seem warm. Love the pictures of the ornaments.

  22. Wow, you're doing good. Congratulations on having so much finished! The weather is crazy. It was low 70's here today.
    Love your ornaments. :-)

  23. Nice start guys...I went through the website and I found that you made a decent point here. Keep up the topic that everyone can choose one of the best. Thanks.dog runs for sale

  24. We had a warm-up here, too, but it was accompanied by an icy wind. You know, the kind that is blowing in your face no matter which way you are going?

  25. Aw, a melted snowman??? That's just wrong ;-).

  26. I think our new tradition is to cross off things from the list and just don't do them. I will feel better about getting things done by next week. I like your cloth ornament.

  27. Love the ornaments...especially the melted snowman...too cute! Are you having Christmas at your house? I don't even have a tree up, not even the ceramic one. No one is coming but I usually decorate but Thanksgiving just wore me out and then the snow storm and now they're predicting severe weather....like tornadoes maybe! How can a person get anything done with this crazy weather? LOL! I've got food for me and the girls though so we're good as long as we don't get blown away. You're doing really good on your list!

  28. You have more ambition than I. Trying to get in gear .. wedding Saturday - kids running all around. Can't remember why I went to the store once I walk thru the door. :)

  29. Lovely ornaments! Nice with a 'warm' winter's day every now and then.

  30. Yes! Heat wave in the 20s--whoohoo!
    Love the ornaments--especially the melted snowman--LOL! :)


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