Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chance :The Storm

Hiya!  It is me Chance, it is finally my turn! Far Side says they named the freaking snowstorm Cleon..what kind of a name is that anyway?  I can think of a different C word to suggest CHANCE!

It has been a stormy week.  I only leave the yard to walk to the mail box with Far Guy.  Far Side has been real busy ..not sure what she is doing but she has been busy upstairs.   I think it involves cleaning and organizing and cussing.  Cussing because of a glitch with her eBay account funneling her funds to a son in laws account because once upon a time he used her email address.  I am not sure if they will ever get it straightened out.

She did play ball outside with me… as a reward after I walked her to the sauna to see if the little bird was still sleeping there. There is a little Finch that decided to sleep under the eave of the sauna.  He or she has been there cuddled up in a sheltered area behind one of the posts. It wasn’t  there..we have to go back and check at night…but the snow is way over her snow boots she will have to shovel a path or find taller boots.

She shoveled for a long time yesterday..the patio…and it kept snowing all day. She will have to go out there for more glorious exercise again today.

IMG_4685 The snow stick measured about 9 inches at 10 AM yesterday…and it kept on snowing.   I tracked lots of snowballs in the house.   The clean snow melts in puddles on the floor.  Far Sides socks get wet and then she goes “EWWW..Chancey.”

We watched a bug out the window.  Not sure what kinda bug it was..maybe it is a snow bug.

Snow Bug

A very cold bug who we watched for a long time until he disappeared into a crevice. ( one of my tracks) So much for the afternoons excitement.

Far Guy worked real hard on the Christmas letter and Far Side says she will sleep on it…but it sounds pretty good to her…she only had a few edits.  They are discussing a photo for the Christmas Card.


I am supposed to relay the countdown:

Gift count: two.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made : none. Cards written: none.  Home made ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: in progress.  Decorations…none except the snow outside.  20 days and counting.



  1. Chance, I was surprised to see that you were visible above the snow ;) Glad that mom was able to play ball with you!

  2. Morning Chance, you look so pretty in the snow, happy you played ball to, Hugs Francine.

  3. Hi Chance! Wow, that's a lot of snow. What will you ask Santa for this Christmas??

  4. Hi, Chance! Tell Far Side that sounds awful about ebay. I'd be cussing too. Stay warm and track plenty of snow inside, Chance. It helps with the indoor humidity. :-)

  5. I'd rather have your snow than the rain we got!

  6. Sounds like your snow has arrived. For Friday here the forecast is rain, sleet and snow. Traffic advisory all day.

  7. Thanks for the news, Chance. I figured you guys would get more snow. We got just enough so the dogs are happy scampering around in it, bringing snowballs in on their feet, etc.
    So, just curious, Far Side, was it a bit uncomfortable sleeping on the Christmas letter?!
    I actually took a stab at writing one. It is terrible. I'll have to try again. May I use your's?!

  8. Looks like you are having a White Christmas. Not much snow here, only bitter cold (-15F this AM and add windchill and it's darned cold out there!) I would prefer to have snow because it would be warmer.

  9. You look so handsome in all that snow! We're due to have our first snowstorm today/tonight.

  10. Wow, you definitely have snow, and another four or five months of it yet I guess:(

  11. Goodness, imagine if they had named you Cleon... ugh!!

    :) (no offense meant to any Cleon's out there).

  12. We are glad to read that someone else has so many projects left to complete. Good thing we have dogs to help us count down.

  13. No snow here it has been 50 F with damp gloomy days as well as sun shine all the snow we had has gone and now it is all green and mucky , windy here today though . Lovely photos ! Miggs is missing the snow as she loves to play in it . Sounds like lots is going on there with all your projects . Chance your as handsome as always ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good week !

  14. Thanks to the roving reported -- chance! Yikes -- how much snow did you finally get??

  15. ...ugh ... reporteR + Capital C.

  16. I thought about Far Side's snow stick when I heard about someone north of Duluth whose stick was completely buried because they had 39 inches of snow. Sheesh. Stay warm, you guys.

  17. Goof description Chance. I think we sent the storm your way. we had a big blizzard Sat., Sun., and Mon. You will get used tho the snow. So will Far Side. Far side will also get all the Christmas stuff done. Don't worry.

  18. Nice picture of you in the snow, Chance. Maybe we can get Mom to print it out and frame it and then we'll have a picture of you. It is raining, freezing, sleeting out and Annie can't stand to go out in it so Mom let's her go in the garage...geez! I just hold it until I can't stand it anymore and then I brave it. We can tell Mom's nervous about losing the electric power as she's buzzing around here baking, doing laundry, ironing...anything and everything that involves electricity. So far so good or I wouldn't be writing you this note.
    I wish we were having snow as I love to play and run in the snow. Do you tunnel your nose in it and throw it up in the air? That's what I like to do.
    Mom got some lights up outside simply because it was so warm...70 something yesterday but 30 today. She even washed some windows yesterday! LOL! She hasn't gotten any inside decorations up, 1 present is made but none wrapped and quite a few "in progress".....not sure if she'll make it now with this storm set back and we're supposed to get another one Sunday. She watches the weather channel and she keeps up with the weather in the midwest. They showed Duluth yesterday. You know it's going to bad if the Weather Channel shows up!
    Well, stay warm and's about time for me to go out in this mess. I had my afternoon nap so I'll bark at ya later when I get a chance. Merry Christmas!

  19. Chance you are a wonder dog as you face the weather from the North with great bravery. If it is as cold up there as it is here I wouldn't go get the mail and there would be no shoveling. Barney gets a little concerned about snow that is too high but if he is chasing the squirrels for the yard he doesn't even check on high deep the snow is. The snow makes you look very striking with the color of your fur.

  20. Chance you are such a good companion and so understanding to far guy and more to poor far side, she works so hard. Have a good time in the deep snow and take care.

  21. Don't think we'll see a white Christmas, but there is still time.
    Stay safe and warn! ♥

  22. Ah you northerners, people and dogs, are a hardy breed, Chance. We here in the banana belt so far have it easy but maybe -10 here tonight. I'm not ready for that....:(

  23. I love the photo of you in the snow, Chance. You are such a handsome dog.

  24. Ah Chance, well written. Amy says keep that storm to yourself, don't be sending it in this direction

  25. This morning we did not go on our usual mile walk, because iin some spots my belly barely clears the snow. She had to drag me off the porch because...well... one must do certain things outside rather than inside. So I was a good girl and did what I was supposed to do and then I dragged her back toward the house. Now I have clumps of snow clinging to my legs and belly and will have to get it off. She made most of the puddles on the floor though. Miss Molly

  26. That is one amazing bug...ours are all gone from site, which is delightful! Today we FINALLY HAVE BLUE SKIES...although, it is very cold I can handle the cold and working in the cold if I can see the sun!

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  27. What the heck! A snow bug?! I would have been staring, too.
    Nine inches of snow for you to romp in. Well, if it would warm up a little bit.
    I don't blame FarSide for cussing at ebay. Some situations deserve a good cussing.
    Have a warm weekend! :)


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