Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sharing the wealth

Last weekend we had a date.  We went to a fundraiser for the Local Animal Shelter.  It was a Turkey Dinner, the turkey was excellent.  I like to go and see what other non-profit organizations do for their dinners and silent auctions….besides that it is for a good cause.  They were selling raffle tickets.  My husband forked over $5.00 for a raffle ticket for me! (Men should always pay on dates!  Steve Harvey said so!) He bought his own ticket earlier in the week. They sell 1200 tickets at $5 each.  They give away cash prizes totaling $2,350 and make a profit of $3,650 if all the tickets are sold.  Not a bad fundraiser if you have members that will sell the tickets.

Shortly after we returned home, the phone rang and I won!  Third prize was $250 !!  I was so happy, I hardly ever win anything and this is the first ever raffle ticket that I have won.

I knew I had to share, first with my husband and then with the Animal Shelter.   I am always thrilled when someone comes into the museum with something from our wish list!

Sharing the wealth

Rawhide chews were on their wish list. We bought all sizes.

We also looked at the dogs available for adoption.  They had a Sheltie that would have been very tempting, she looked just like Little Elvis but a bit bigger… happily she had been adopted and was just waiting a few days for her new owners to pick her up!

Sometimes we think that a companion for Chance would be a good thing.  Chance is so sad after spending a few days with Little Elvis and Miney…he really misses them. Sometimes we think that one dog is plenty for us…at least until the right dog comes along.

Chance never gets Rawhide Chews.  He never cared for them and would look for someplace to hide them so your feelings wouldn’t be hurt. He used to bury them under pillows or in the couch until he discovered that burying them outside was much better, then he would dig them up much later when they were all stinky and gross… so he doesn’t get them anymore:) 

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  1. Congrats on the win!
    Wishing you guys a nice weekend. I love your wintery header photos.

  2. Wow!!!!! That is wonderful and your Mama raised you right in sharing, love that......hope you do adopt a friend for Chance, so many need a loving home, Blessings Francine.

  3. So glad you answered that phone call :) --- wow what a nice surprise and a nice surprise for the animal shelter pups whom will love those chews! We don't do much for treats here either and have now learned through our current dog training gig that most dogs are treat motivated (our Kodi is another story) :) Have a wonderful Saturday!

  4. What a beautiful new header, and congratulations on winning that prize! I never win either, but I won a drawing last week at the theater for a free popcorn. We're on a roll! :-)

  5. What a wonderful phone call. Thank you fro sharing with the animal shelter. I volunteer at our local shelter and I know how much good they do.

  6. I don't generally win prizes either but have been picked on two blog give-aways from the same person. That was a great prize you got! When the right dog comes along, you will know. Our chocolate Lab ate those bones. He ate anything - - - even the frame for the door in our garage - - - perfect for teething. So were our younger daughter's Barbie dolls - - - looked like they had been in a war zone. Or maybe I have told you this already.

  7. Congratulations on winning! The right dog will literally bark at you one day and you will know that it is the perfect companion for Chance!

  8. Congrats on the win, and what a lovely thing to share with others.

    I love your header's very striking.


  9. How exciting to win something! Congratulations! You have a kind heart.

  10. It's so neat to win unexpectedly! Good for you in giving back! Our Kasey never liked those chews either. Maybe Chance could choose a companion!

  11. Congratulations and kudos for sharing the wealth.

  12. Congratulations on your big win. The key point you make is that members have to get out and sell tickets and it's hard to sell tickets.

  13. Congratulations!
    Haha. Chance is a funny one. We had a Sheltie that would take orange slices from hubby - she actually ate one of them; but the rest she hid, too.
    Nice of you to let the shelter share in your winnings!

  14. Congrats . Our Miggs likes to chew those bones and bury them but she rarely gets them , Not thrilled on finding a half chewed raw hide in my slippers lol ! We often think of getting another dog for a companion and a play mate for Miggs as she loves to play with other dogs but then I am home all the time and she is always with me . Lovely header and wonderful of you for sharing with the shelter . Have a good weekend !

  15. What a smart dog your Chance is! He really has it all figured out, doesn't he?!

    Congratulations on your prize. How fun to win something--and how blessed to give things away, especially when they are really needed.

    Hope you found some great ideas to adopt for your own organization's use :)

  16. Oh! That is so exciting and wonderful! I'm always amazed when someone I know wins something and so happy you'd think I'd won it. $250.00 too? That's a lot of money and how generous of you to go and give some back. You are such a kind hearted and Far Guy are good, good people...oh, and Chance too. Congratulations...I'm still smiling over it.

  17. Congratulations on your win! Nice that you shared the wealth.

  18. It was so nice of you to give something back. And now we're going to be pulling for Chance to get a new little buddy!

  19. Way to go! And I know those dogs at the shelter are very glad you won, too.
    I like your new header! Nice color combo.

  20. Congrats!!
    Constant companion is not the same as company, though.
    You're right. It would have to be just the right dog. ;)

  21. Boomer doesn't like raw hide chews either. He just looks at them and walks off...Boomer doesn't have manners!


  22. Winning is fun! and sharing is very admirable. Good for you!


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