Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pain in the neck

My sleep is all messed up.  My dreams are strange: In one I bought a new house on the lake and the neighbors wouldn’t get off MY dock… I had to kick them off the dock and sit there so they wouldn’t come back and I was getting hungry and tired and I didn’t have my camera.  In another I wandered around picking up dog poop.  In another I had so many ottomans/footstools in the house that I had them in every room..oh maybe I already do…but I had more and some were really ugly. 

We washed some windows yesterday.  Someone wanted to just wash the paw prints off the outsides.  Someone else wanted them squeaky clean for winter…like clean the tracks out with Q Tips and everything. 

I had an encounter where someone was not very nice to me…in fact they were downright mean.   I was still polite.  Just because someone else is mean, I don’t have to be mean in return.  However it was a struggle for me.  I wanted to be like my Aunt Marie and just verbally castrate them.

The Post Office in Ponsford was closed yesterday.  Not sure why..perhaps it was closed permanently.  I hope not as it is my favorite Post Office.  There were no signs on the door, the doors were just locked.  Strange.

We drove out to Shell Lake.

Shell Lake

Parts of the lake had ice.  There were a bunch of ducks swimming and flying around.  Do you see that dark area off to the right?  That would be a Wild Rice bed.


  I am not positive what kind of duck…possibly a Bufflehead.

The daylight ends before I am ready.  The dog is still confused.  It gets dark at 5 PM.


Yup that is ice alright.   It was wonderful to see the sun.  These dreary November days are mainly cloudy and grey…so a day of sunshine should be celebrated.  One day of sunshine for every five days of dreary.

Tension…stress…who knows but I have a pain in my neck that settles down under my left shoulder blade. By evening I am shot. Maybe it was the raking, or maybe I slept wrong. The cold weather seems to agitate it further. Maybe it is still the Lymes settling into a different area of my body. Maybe it is the freaking flu shot. Maybe I am just O.L.D. Whatever it is I wish it would go away.

Far Guy is still recovering from his oral surgery.  He lost all the sutures. He wanted me to look at the big gaping hole in his mouth, I said “No Thanks.”  He swishes with salt water many times a day.  He still has pain but little by little he is recovering:) 

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  1. Oh I don't like those disjointed kinds of dreams..especially when I remember them for days. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. I often get a pain in my right shoulder/back area and my husband rubs aspercreme on it to help ease the pain. We use aspercreme on all our aches and pains and find it helps a lot.

    Love your blog! And Chance!

  3. Oh my, funny we can dream such weird dreams at times.......Love the lake shots, ice and all.....Hope you and Far Guy feel better, Blessings Francine.

  4. Dreams can be a real funny thing. I have a lot more aches and pains this time of year. I just chalk it up to old age. Glad Far Guy is getting better.

  5. I have had some weird dreams lately, too. Really weird. Maybe it's the flu shot, the time change, who knows? You have written a post that expresses the way I feel, too. Hoping for better soon.

  6. What a great post! How it hits home! I could have written this (if I could write like you)! The lake is beautiful.

  7. That kind of cold and ice would give anyone weird dreams.

  8. Have you heard about the post office new hours as of Nov 2nd? Only open 2 hours a day from 12n to 2 pm and different on Saturday... doesn't coincide with my lunch hour very well now :( The time change and darkness at 5 pm stinks :)

  9. Go Aunt Marie, I would like to blast once in a while too. But thinking twice before speaking helps. Our Post Office has gone to limited hours, perhaps that is what is going on.

  10. Sorry that Far Guy is having some dental problems. We TNers just don't need them. Hope things improve fast, Far Guy. Shirley H.

  11. Unpleasant encounters are unsettling. Shake it off as that person having a REALLY bad day.

    Hope you and FarGuy start to feel better soon. Tell Chance that I am having difficulty with the time change, too.

  12. I hate dreams like that. Unfortunately they are the only kind we remember. The good dreams I can never recall.

  13. Isn't it funny where those weird dreams come from? I hate that it gets dark at 5 o'clock. Makes for a long evening. Getting old is not for sissies. I hope both you and Far Guy are feeling better soon.

  14. Sounds as if you need a pajama day!

    Love the lake shots. Still mild here and no ice!

  15. I'm enjoying the lighter earlier mornings:)
    I'm with you on the dreams. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in....well it seems like forever. Always said I would never get hooked on sleeping pills like some I know, but I might have to resort to some help eventually.

  16. Maybe it is the time change, but my dreams have been weird, too. My daughter (psychologist) likes to analyze them. I had the neck thing a couple of weeks ago -- not a happy camper. Love the photos as usual!

  17. I have neck and back pains like that pretty often, either from being at the computer too much or working in the yard, (as in lifting wet leaves etc.). Are there any massage therapists near you? They really can help. And if you both go, you can learn how to massage each other's aches and pains. I also have gotten help from a chiropractor, long ago.)

  18. Having a big hole back there is just plain maddening. Having gaps between teeth helps me to cut up my gums with every potato chip that I eat. The time change is driving us all crazy. I am still tired.

  19. Those dreams are kinda funny, at least after you wake up and realize it was just a dream. I had one that I wrecked my new car...was so relived when I woke to find it fine.
    I find my self dragging this month also. Does Geritol really work? ha ha. Aches and pains are a part of my daily life, I can sympathize with you. Here's to less pain, more energy, healing and Sunshine! Hugs!

  20. Oh Connie, I don't know whether to laugh, or feel sorry for you...

    Great dreams, very visual...I always think that means we are working stuff out in our heads.


  21. My diagnosis is that the demise of daylight savings time threw you off. I can relate....:)

  22. I watched the sun go beyond the mountains at 4:44 PM today. I though surely the clock was wrong and had been put back two hours. Not so!
    Your duck photo is beautiful!

  23. I don't get the change either...not the change from daylight savings to regular time...I much prefer a longer evening, even though I get up early, early in the day. Does heat help relieve the pain? I don't like getting older's a really hard change on the body..that is for sure.


  24. So sorry about your shoulder/neck pain. I hope you and FG can get to feeling better soon. These are pretty shots at the lake. Karen moved to KC MO and she talks about how early it gets dark there. It makes the nights seem so long. It gets dark here by 6 p.m.
    Meal time and bed time are all messed up since the time change for us and the pets!

  25. I am still thrown off by DST, too. It is dark way too early and I keep waking up more often. Also been having strange dreams, too. Wake up tired from the darn dreams--LOL! I think they should abolish DST! And people who are mean! And pain! ;)

  26. Such pretty photos. I hope Far Guy is healing up well...what an ordeal! We've had a real cold spell down here...whoa Nellie...colder than up North in places! Maybe if I stay down here long enough it will turn into the North but it still won't be "home" to me. The change in weather makes me go into "hibernation mode" but the time change doesn't bother me as I don't go by clocks anyway unless I want to watch something special on t.v. LOL! I do dome stretches when I get up in the morning...nothing much just a few twists and touch my toes and side bends just so I stay flexible and hopefully don't "wretch" something. I hope yours gets better! TTYL!


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