Sunday, November 3, 2013

November is upon us

Spring ahead and Fall back.  Uffda.  I detest the time change.  It takes my body a week or more to adjust.  I will have to schedule lots of naps this week so I am not cranky.  How can it be November already?  I just want time to stand still for a bit…and a few weeks of Indian Summer.   

We got our flu shots on Friday.  The nurse was hesitant to inject my gluteus qualifies it is a muscle… I pointed and said “Here this is a great spot. How can you miss such a large target?”

We headed North for a few days.  Jen asked her Dad to go to a Hockey Game (Sioux or more correctly North Dakota vs St Cloud…they lost.)  We did some shopping…there is a brand new Hobby Lobby in Grand Forks. I bought craft paint and some cardstock and an assortment of paint brushes just incase I am moved to begin a project or two I will have the supplies on hand.  Jen also introduced me to Bed Bath and Beyond.  If you have to shop that is a way cool store.  I bought coffee and some chocolate.

I bought one Christmas now that total is four…I am crusin’.

I also bought Chance a super dooper ball launcher..a K-9 Kannon!IMG_3693

I think the grand boys will be more excited about playing with the dogs if they can shoot something into the air.  We will see.

Chance and Friends

Little Elvis, Miney and Chance.

The tall ones are getting taller.

The tall ones

They are growing like weeds.  The tallest is learning how to cook a bit.  His Mother very patiently showed him how to make his own grilled cheese sandwich.  I gave him a few pointers…like when my pan is too hot and my sandwich is in danger of burning and my cheese didn’t get all melty a few seconds in the microwave will melt practically anything:)

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  1. Chance should have fun with the ball gun!!! You hit the jackpot of stores. I love Holly Lobby!!!

  2. I enjoyed this post. I love your blog!

  3. I had my flu shot last week, too. Glad that is over with!
    Within 2 miles of our home, we are planned to get a Hobby Lobby. I love that store! I love BB&B too.
    Chance is gonna love the cannon. Hard to believe how fast your grands are growing. The process of finishing melting the cheese on a sandwich is what I call "melterization!!!" I even put a dish of ice cream in the microwave to "soften it!"
    My cats drive us crazy when the time changes; they think it is time to eat at 2 am. John and I will be all messed up re eating meals too!

  4. I can get lost in time at either Hobby Lobby or BB&B! They used to be special treats on special trips. Now, unbelievably, we have HL about 3 1/2 miles from the house - too darn close on some days ;-)
    I am thinking Chance will love the canon!

  5. It takes me awhile to adjust to the time change, too.

    Surely, the Sioux haven't changed their name! I knew there was some pressure, but I didn't think it was successful. Was the hockey game any good?

    1. Hi Nancy, Yes they are now North Dakota. No more Sioux. I watched the game on TV the first two periods were good then the Sioux fell apart. They will always be The Sioux to us:)

  6. You guys get a real deal with flu shots. we just get it in the shoulder. Here we have large clinics with 20 or so nurses and they do hundreds in a day.
    We have major snow today. I don't think this will go your way.

  7. I just want say again how much I enjoy your blog each day! Our lives have many similarities and I really relate to what you write. Thanks for making me smile!

  8. Speaking of hockey games. When my son was a freshman at NDSU in Fargo, I asked him what he had learned so far at that fine institution. He replied to learn how to yell in unison with thousands of his fellow students. "Sioux sucks."

    1. I attended NDSU also, and my oldest daughter graduated from UND. There is some rivalry in the valley:)

  9. Myself and my brother played hockey when we were younger , I used to watch hockey all the time but now my tastes have changed not into it any more . WOW ! those boys are growing like weeds ! Oh Chance will have fun with that ball launcher , that will keep him running back and forth lol ! Glad you enjoyed your outing at the stores ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  10. I love Hobby Lobby, but don't spend a lot of time there. I think I could spend days in there. ;-)
    Love Bed Bath and Beyond, too.
    Have a wonderful week and let us know what Chance thinks of his K-9 Kannon!

  11. You make me ill, already doing Christmas shopping! LOL Not really. I'm with you I could stand for some "still time"!

  12. Hobby Lobby is here, too. My daughter's second home ;)

    As for Bed, Bath and Beyond, you could get your daily winter exercise there. I've learned to avoid temptation until the $5 off coupon arrives in the mail...

  13. There is a song "Oh how I hate to see October go". I can't get bogged down in melancholy listening to it. but i didn't really have time to notice this year. Now the time change has kicked it and again, we set our clocks and kept rolling. I will like the lighter mornings this week, at least when my body rhythms adjust and I actually sleep long enough to appreciate having light come through the window when I get up.

  14. I've started microwaving my uncooked sandwich for a few seconds and then tossing it in the hot skillet. Felt like Julia Child when I figured that one out ;-).

  15. How can a single hour added to one's day mess it up so much? I didn't sleep all that well and kept waking to see what time it was. I finally gave up and got up early. My husband was ill for a couple of days after the flu shot, but it didn't seem to bother me at all, except for a sore arm. :-)

  16. I would like to see a Hobby Lobby. But maybe it's just as well....I really should use up all the stuff I've got..
    That ball launchers looks like fun. Don't think my cat would be impressed, tho.

  17. I just ordered from BB&B this month because they had a free delivery deal and I needed a lot of stuff for the kitchen (the beyond part, I guess, eh?). Did you hear about Hobby Lobby being in trouble for being anti-jewish? I think I will stick with Joann's and Michaels and our local K&Krafts store.
    I am all thrown off by the time shift, too.
    The ball shooter--OMG! They will all love that! I can't see boys not wanting to shoot it...or girls--LOL! ;)

  18. Love the canon! I bet my girls would get a "bang" out of that! LOL! Your grandboys are really tall! Mine are still small but it won't be long, I'm sure. I love Fall and I wish it would stay longer. Our trees just changed this week and now it's raining....typical fall weather and the winds to knock down the leaves. Looks like you have snow on the way too from what the Weather Channel says although they like to sensationalize a lot of it. I haven't been to a REAL store or mall in years. I miss that but it does keep me from spending although there's the internet. TTYL!

  19. they dogs look happy. the grand sons don't. ha ha


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