Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wistful Wednesday :1964

I remember the day this photo was taken, I was inside doing dishes when Mom wanted a photograph of us with her flowers.  Check out those dirty feet.  I hated shoes..still do.  This photo was taken in 1964 towards fall..that in between time when you might wear a sweatshirt with shorts.

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I was 13 or really close to 13, my baby brother was 10 that year and my other baby brother was going to be 4.  My baby brother has on his jeans uniform…jacket with white T –shirt and pants and high top sneakers. My other baby brother had some issue going on with a belt and his pants and or pants leg.  His pants look all cattywhampus…oh well he was just a little guy. Looks like he is wearing cowboy boots.

Our dog should have been around someplace, he was a Spitz named “Wally”…he followed a Spitz named “Chipper” who was run over on the road one night when us kids were out playing in the cow pasture.  Wally would live a good long time until he chased the wrong vehicle and was injured and lay under the lilac bushes for days before he finally 1973 - 1974 if I recollect correctly, I think he died on my birthday or very near it.

I think those yellow flowers were Dahlias but I am not certain.  We are standing on the old basement entrance that was made into a trap door.

When I was little there were outside stairs there and the outside entrance was covered in tarpaper.  The steps were dark and scary and I think there were snakes on those stairs.  There were stairs inside down to the basement also, the basement stairs were right outside my parents bedroom.  When the house was remodeled, those stairs disappeared, a new basement was constructed right next to the old one and a hole was cut in the inside wall connecting the new basement to the old.  New indoor basement steps were built near the outside door so if you had your chore/barn clothes on you could go right on downstairs to change.  At that time the trap door was installed and the outside steps disappeared.

Now my brain is tired from all that thinking:)

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  1. Morning, love to hear your stories and enjoy the pictures, Wednesdays are great.....Blessings Francine.

  2. I used to run around barefoot all the time. Now I hardly ever do, but when I visit my sister in Florida, we go barefoot inside the house. Here it's too cold except for about a month in the summer, so I wear slippers inside. You sure can remember a lot about that picture! :-)

  3. Look like dahlias to me. I enjoy your old pictures and stories and the neat things you share. Thanks!

  4. Amazing how a neat picture can jog our memories. Maybe I'll go dig out my childhood album my mom so lovingly created....:)

  5. It's a fun photo. We had outdoor steps to our basement, too. My brother put a sign on the basement door that said...Larry's Basement, knock before entering.....DO NOT KNOCK!

  6. A wonderful old photo. I love old photos and the memories they bring back.

  7. Lovely photo . I often go through my old farm photos . I was a Tomboy then , still am really lol . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  8. I was always going bare foot on the farm and even today rarely were shoes in the house. I dreaded having to wear shoes to school, and the first thing I did when I got home was take off my shoes and let my toes wriggle and wiggle all they wanted.

  9. Fun photo and memories, and yup, those are Dahlias.

  10. It's good to go back over your old house. We need to refresh the memories. Lots of things come up that we'd forgotten a long time ago.

  11. Great details. It's fun to look at old photos. Amazing how they trigger memories!

  12. You had the right cloths on, I see girls all the time wearing sweatshirts and shorts! I go barefoot whenever I can!

  13. I love going barefoot! What a nice shot - and good memories too.

  14. I live in bare feet. Dirt thinks I'm nutz how I can walk on the gravel driveway, or wander around the house on the tile floor for hours. But there you have it. I was denied barefootness as a child, my mom had poverty issues, they couldn't wear their shoes in the summer, had to save them for school. Like so many other things I loved and wanted, she had poverty connections to it, like colored walls, I had to wait until I was a grownup. So I envy your barefoot photo.

    I can see why your mom called you out to pose with the flowers, they are very nice looking,

  15. I was without shoes most of the summer most of my younger years. I don't think I had regular everyday shoes to wear. I spent the summer in bare feet at work during the waxing jobs we were doing. The boss didn't want any dirt put on the floor while we were waxing and he thought we could catch dirty spots while waxing with our feet and clean them up rather than have dirt, hair and the such in the wax for the whole year.

  16. I hated shoes, too. So much so that we had a burn barrel along the back border of our yard (Mple suburbs allowed that way back when) and I used to run bags of trash along the snow path to the burn barrel and back in the wintertime in bare feet, shorts, and a short sleeved blouse (if they had t-shirts back then I would have had one of those on). My neighbor Linda, who was two years older than I was, still remembers that--LOL!


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