Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 1963

My cousin Gerald and his lovely wife Vonnie celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary last Sunday.  We did not attend the gathering, Far Guy was still recouping from his surgery.

I most likely attended the wedding way back then but for the life of me I cannot remember it.

Vonnie and Gerald

I recognize a few of the men in this photo and the little flower girl.  Gosh everyone looks so young.  I think the best man ( the grooms brother) must have been about 17 and still in high school and where are his glasses?

The wedding must have taken place over by Sebeka. Note that the Maid of Honor has a different style dress than the bridesmaids.  I wonder if all the maids had different color dresses…perhaps graduated shades of the same color?  The fellows all have skinny ties..very fashionable, I bet their suits were black, this was before tuxedos became fashionable.

The bride wore a ball gown with hoops, that looks to have lace sleeves that probably came to a V on her hand and possibly had an elastic band that slipped over her middle finger so it would stay in place.  Her veil was probably described as a fingertip veil.  I am certain that the local paper had a complete description of the entire event.  The reception was most likely held right at the church.  Times and weddings have certainly changed…venues, registering for gifts, limousines, open bars, wedding planners spending as much on a wedding as we spent on our first home.

A simple church wedding seems to have worked for 50 years for these two:)

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  1. Gosh! 1963, the year my first daughter was born. I love old pictures and stories. I looked back at your older posts. Love the wedding picture of you and Far Guy. You were beautiful and Far Guy was very handsome.

  2. Morning, great wedding, I was only 3 years old......Blessings Francine.

  3. I can't imagine being very comfortable, having to move around in that dress:)

  4. I sometimes played the organ for church weddings in this era. One Thursday a bride called to talk about what music I would be playing. She was upset because she didn't know what to ask for but someone or some list had said she needed to do that. I just told her the names of different things I played and she was satisfied. Then she told me her next call was to find out whether the special-ordered candles had arrived from Italy yet and if not, what would she do? That's when I had a small glimpse into the wedding-planning craziness of today. Hey, I should blog about that!

  5. A simple church wedding and church reception worked for me!!! Thanks for the memory.

  6. Both of my sisters had similar weddings 50+ years ago. Their receptions were in the church basement, and they opened every one of their wedding gifts while the guests watched and enjoyed the cake, punch and coffee. Think of all these "simple" weddings that have resulted in lasting marriages. I wonder how may of today's lavish events will have the same results.

  7. I like simple things...this wedding looks lovely!

  8. Wow! this was a a big deal. Look at all the attendants. You're right about reception at the church. There may have been three sittings or sit down when d somebody else leaves. My brother was married in 1963.

  9. Lovely photo ! WOW 50 years this day and age that is quite something ! Hope Far Guy feels better and recoves well ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  10. Congrats to them. That was a lovely wedding.

  11. Congrats to the happy couple, that's quite the accomplishment. I am seeing quite a bit of similarity to my parents wedding photos...must have been the trend in those days.


  12. WOW, would ya look at that beautiful wedding dress. Ya'll could hide a circus under that skirt. Heeehehehe!

    Here's sendin' a big old congrats to the lovely couple.

    Hey, would ya throw that great Chance a bone for me...I missed his birthday.

    God bless ya sweetie and enjoy you day. Miss ya'll

  13. I had forgotten about how the manufacturer of the dress would give the bride a fancy description of the dress and veil. That was amazing to read, now it seems to be a funny thing. This looks like my brothers first wedding as they were married in the 60's.

  14. I'm trying to imagine the wedding party in color. Pastel blue, mint green, peach, light yellow? I'm sure it was one of these! The children are taking their jobs so seriously. Precious!


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