Monday, October 21, 2013

First Snow Sunday October 20 2013

Well we had our first snow early Sunday morning. I knew something was up when Chance came in all wet.  He nudged me with his cold nose and I reached out to pet him and tell him to go back to sleep and my hand was all wet…he was just a wagging his tail…like a little kid  anxious to share his early morning discovery.

Scarecrow in the snow

My scarecrow was all snowy.

Sunny Sunflowers are all snowy

My sunny sunflowers were snowy instead of sunny.

Turkeys in the snow  Sunday

The wild turkeys were out and about. It was a grey dull dreary day, yes the snow melted, I am certain it is only a matter of time before it sticks on the ground…traditionally our 3rd snow will stay.  We went 165 days without snow on the ground, from May 7 until October 20. Uffda.  Doesn’t sound like global warming to me. 

We don’t have the new snow stick made yet.  It is on our list of things to do:)


  1. Glad I found your blog. It is interesting to read and the pictures are beautiful. I had a best friend from Minnesota some years back. Snow!! Already!! Love your blog!

  2. Ugh!!! Maybe I will need a snow stick this winter since I am further north! I love your header photos.

  3. Oh ya, you beat us to it, thank goodness, not quite ready for the white stuff. Blessings Francine.

  4. I am so not ready for snow. It was such a long winter last year and then such a crappy spring. Now we are expecting a light snow. Rethinking my plans to visit my son at Christmas - probably move the visit up this year to an earlier date.

  5. Our snow is usually very late in the year, but then again it's not Minnesota! :-)

  6. Oh WOW ! Snow already for you guys ? that sucks . Our fall has been late this year but I am starting to smell winter in the air as the winds blow it just has that smell and feel to it ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good week !

  7. Ugh... snow stick season already?? Almost time to head for the deep south... I think I'm learning how to migrate!

  8. Better make that snow stick a tall one this year!

  9. Yikes! Snow before Halloween? Please don't send it east!!

  10. Math lesson for me this morning... 165 days snowless = 200 with snow! Oh man! And even with each end most likely being off and on snow, that is still a lot of days in white. Here's to your leaves all coming down with today's snow! Global warming indeed. I love how the doom and gloomers and hand wringers continually change up the horrors of the near future. I'm sure they would have a "yes, but" for your extreme snow and cold.

  11. We saw our first flakes this morning on the way to school. The kids seemed excited, though they know it won't actually accumulate for a little while yet.

  12. Brrr.... even your pictures look cold!
    We beat you... sort of. There was snow in our area, twice, but we haven't been there. Perhaps that doesn't count?!

  13. I heard there was snow up North yesterday. We only had a little rain. It is really cold here today but sunny!

  14. I guess you can say your autumn is over!

  15. We are talking snow Tuesday. The northwest wind out of Canada is not our favorite wind. I would like the global warming to stall our snow.

  16. By the way, I love how the lake picture brings out the other colors in your header. Cheers.

  17. That's too few days without snow!

  18. Autumn is over in Minnesota as well!


  19. i drove through rain snow and fog to duluth yesterday. seemed a bit early for all this...
    i love your wild turkeys.

  20. You now have more snow than we do in Anchorage, Alaska! I'm not sure if congratulations are in order or not ;)

  21. Great photos, Connie. Glad to hear that this snow melted!

  22. hey you beat us on the first snow. We have a sunny warm week ahead of us. No snow or moisture in the forecast.

  23. Slowly but surely winter is moving in. Stay warm and dry.

  24. The scarecrow needs a coat. Brrrrr. Being in the forties was enough for us this morning. I hope to catch up with your previous posts by the end of this next weekend. Construction is done for a while here.

  25. First snow of 2013 - feels a bit early (I am also hoping it warms up some too)

  26. Sounds like you better make that snow stick a high priority ;)

  27. Lovely shots of the snow! Glad to hear that it didn't stick. Neither did ours, thankfully.

  28. Uff-duh is right. I can't imagine half of the year snowy.

  29. ughhhhh!

    But I guess...Happy Snow day to you.



  30. Oh gosh! I didn't realize that you had snow already! Whoohoo! I bet Chance was excited. It's sure been cold enough. But I don't think we've had any yet--all that hot city air in Fargo, ya know. ;)


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