Friday, October 18, 2013

Dogs “r” us

Traded a puppy one day for two older models, all potty trained that already love us.

The boys

The boys: Chance and Little Elvis were following me around whilst I was photographing flowers that are still blooming.

We went for a ride, Chance happily gave up his spot in the backseat and sat in the hatchback to make room for his friends in the backseat. ( All on his own, he was not coaxed…he is a true gentleman.) We saw one grouse and a flock of wild turkeys…the turkeys got everyone all excited.

Miney doesn’t like the camera.

Miney giving me the evil eye

Here she is giving me the stink eye.  They were waiting for Far Guy to come back out of the house.  They follow him everywhere and even lay outside the bathroom door and wait for him. He has loyal followers.

They are both good dogs our grand dogs, if they cannot be with their people then they are happy with us.

As you can see we have more leaves to deal with.  It rained off and on all week, we got 4 inches of rain total.  It may just snow a little on those leaves before we get them all moved towards the woods.  I will be patient, there are still some leaves in the trees that haven’t fallen down…some snow may help them along.  I bought two new rakes, possibly I have jinxed myself and the snow will cover up the leaves until spring:(

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  1. Morning, oh getting the stink eye, mine does not like the camera either.......Blessings Francine.

  2. Chance is such a well mannered dog. Even sharing Far Guy!!

  3. They are all adorable and yes, Chance is a gentleman. We have lots of leaves but it's still warm here. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

  4. What a gentleman Chance is. We still have lots of falling leaves. Guess I'll have to run the mower over them again. Have a great weekend.

  5. Oh, Chance. He's definitely my favorite dog. So talented! :-)

  6. Little Elvis is a cute lil' guy. Gives Chance a run for his money for "most beautiful creature in Minnesota" for sure!

  7. Four inches of rain is a lot at one time, but it's probably good for the ground where you are.

  8. Oh such sweet friends . Our Miggs follows us around to and sits outside the bathroom door when one of us is in there . Today's and yesterdays post are wonderful . Love our pooches . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  9. Can't believe you still have flowers blooming, after all the cold weather!

  10. Chance is such a gentleman, giving up his seat and sharing Far Guy. It sounds like you could get some snow up north this weekend. I still have 3 trees full of leaves yet to fall. I hope I can get someone to come and mulch them for me.
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Don't buy two new snow shovels! Four inches is a lot of rain for the fall. Leaves will do what they want when they want to. We just have to be patient.

  12. My Mom in Michigan said they were saying the S word there, too.
    Hope you get to wait on the leaves, if that is what you want. :-)
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Your Chance could almost make a dog lover out of me!
    It doesn't seem that long ago that you were measuring the last of the snow there in Minnisnowda. And now it's threatening to come back already?!

  14. Oh a day with the Grand doggies...we tease my parents and tell them that Boo is their Grand -kitty.


  15. A good guy that Chance is with his new furry friends....:)

  16. Fuzzy hates his photo taken also...he doesn't give me the stink eye, he just won't look at me...ignores me until I snap the 'HERE TAKE MY PHOTO', Beagle. I have to be quick! Like it looks like you were!


  17. What a fun post - sounds like Far Guy has a paparazzi, which made me smile.

  18. Awww - what lovely dogs!

  19. They always seem to be very happy to all be together like a little pack.
    Has been feeling like snow lately when it's in the 30s at night. ;)


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