Friday, October 11, 2013

Chance: I made the list and other revelations

Hiya it’s me the Border Collie.  I was bamboozled.  I was tricked into a car ride early in the morning.  I shoulda known something was up when Far Side set her alarm and took off with me in the wee hours of the morning…it was a little past 8AM.   We had been up and out earlier and were on our second sleep. We often do that.  We get up at dark o’clock and go outside together to make sure I am peeing and pooping and then we go back to sleep…feeling much relieved.  I take turns waking them up, sometimes just for fun I wake both of them up.

I went to the Dogs Paw to see Deana.  I guess I got the works with hypoallergenic shampoo and NO stinky perfume.  The perfume makes us all sneeze and get headaches.  Cross me off the list!


I missed most of the lawn mowing/leaf mulching.  I think someone was driving around like a mad woman trying to mulch leaves as they hit the ground.  There is still plenty of them to drag into the house with my fluffy tail.

The fireplace repairman was here, turns out Far Side knew him when he was a little kid. He adjusted the pilot light in the fireplace and tested it all out with some fancy smancy meters…and declared it safe…Far Side will not be getting a bird. Since all the gas problems she has had a bird on her brain.

The other furnace ( High Efficiency Propane) is working just hunky dory.  There was some discussion about what temperature the thermostat should be set at…when Far Side gets cold she gets cranky.  Far Guy got the propane bill the other day..he said bad word and really bad he was charged $5.29 a gallon. Obviously it was a clerical error, although I heard that Far Side was in that office and complained about the customer service, the price of propane, the leak that they fixed improperly and could still be leaking but won’t be able to repair come winter and just about everything else at that stupid gas company.  To hear Far Guy tell it, that office gal was drawn and quartered right there on her desk. No siree you never want to be on Far Sides bad side.

I love her even if she is kinda cranky most days, usually I put my head on her knee and drool a bit and she says “OH Chance” and I know she feels much better:)

 Chance and the yard


  1. Chance, you are a true friend to both Far Side and Far Guy. Your trip to the spa paid off as you look more handsome than ever.

  2. Chance, you are incredibly handsome now that you've been to the spa. Tell Far Side she's got to get that gal in line in the office there. That's a LOT of money, not that you would know anything about that. :-)

  3. Thanks for the updates Chance. You have a good eye for the news. Second, we've pretty much decided to get a new puppy next spring. Your friend, Troutbirder.

    1. We are happy that you will get another puppy in the spring, that will be some lucky dog! :)

  4. Good friends look out for each other. I'm glad you are there to help Far Side feel better on a bad day.

    You look very handsome after your spa treatment: Deana is a keeper.

  5. Thanks for the update, Chance. Yep, a dog with it's head on your knee can fix just about everything:)

  6. Chance you are one beautiful dog and a wonderful companion for all of us.

  7. Oh Chance, I'm sure you cheer up your people no end!You like nice and fluffy.

  8. Chance, you look marvelous. Looks like you got a bandanna, too.
    Tell FS I've been on the phone with various idiots today too. I'm cranky!!!

  9. You are a handsome fellow Chance, how exciting, a new puppy in the Spring, Blessings Francine.

  10. You and your doggy friends have a way of cheering us up with no spoken words!

  11. I need to take Emma to a spa, but it just hasn't been a priority lately. :(

  12. Hi Chance. Sounds like you had a busy day. You sure are a handsome boy.

  13. If we went to your spa, would we come out looking as great as you?!! A spa treatment would be nice tonight. I am so glad to hear the new heating system is working extremely well. That thermostat thing is a problem in most houses. When you all find the solution, you could make some money selling it!
    You all will be done mulching leaves about the time we start in earnest. Do you want me to take a video of the squirrels scampering while we work? You could watch it this winter while inside out of the snow.

  14. Well Chance, I haven't heard from you for a while. The things Farside is upset about are really a pain in the butt. It's okay for her to be really cranky.

  15. So glad you can cheer her up, Chance. I would have been upset at that price, too.
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. ♥

  16. I would melt if you put your head on my knee too, you handsome dog!

  17. Chance, your hair/fur looks so soft and clean and shiny after your spa treatment! So glad that you help Far Side to feel better when she is cranky. I hope you write again soon to keep us filled in on what's happening there.

  18. First I hope the leak is on the other side of your meter. Secondly, regardless, they need to come out everyday and check for it to see if it really is there and they need to get it right. I am amazed how customer service sucks. We left without one bag of groceries the other day, their fault, and you would think we were inconveniencing them to get what we had paid for placed into our possession. We will shop elsewhere for a very long time. Chance you are the best groomed dog on the planet. I wished Barney's skin condition and hair would straighten out soon.

  19. I HATE BATH DAY!!!! When I figure out I'm going to groomer I try to jump out of the car...the window always stops me. I HATE BATH DAY!



  20. Chance is gorgeous! And I feel your pain with those propane bills. My friend used to complain that you could hang meat in my house. Now I live in a tiny cottage with an electric heater and the landlord pays the bill. I'm happier and so are my visitors. :)


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