Friday, October 25, 2013

Chance: Happy Birthday to me!

Hiya!  I am NINE years old today.  Can you believe it?

Yessiree nine years ago I was born in a barn in central Minnesota.  I had lots of brothers and a sister and as we grew up we had the run of the whole barn.  Lots of little kids lived in the house and would come to the barn to play with us. I LIKE KIDS.

I picked out Far Guy as soon as he came into the barn on December 26, 2004.  They were there just to “look” at puppies. I walked right up to him and he picked me up and didn’t put me down.  The rest is history.  Far Side had no say in it whatsoever…even though she was smitten with my brother who was hiding behind a hay bale and wouldn’t come out.

Chance and leaves

I am a little spoiled.  I don’t like being at home alone, I don’t get into mischief..but I do serenade the neighborhood.  Mostly I am allowed to go along everywhere…except if it is too hot in the car.

I wake everyone up in the morning by sticking my cold nose right in their face.  After everyone is up, I settle in for my morning nap until it is mail time.  I play ball after getting the mail and sometimes “chase me.”  I play ball off and on throughout the day.

I like to eat right at 6 PM, and someone should be cooking by 5:30 or before.  They should also be making me some of my favorite vegetables…spaghetti squash or carrots.

going for a ride

I like to go for rides and my day is not complete until we go someplace.

Far Side worked hard one day taking a perfect birthday picture.

Mr Hansome Chance

She says I am really really handsome when I want to be with my eyes open and everything. 

Chance #3 2004

I growed up to be a pretty nice dog…must have something to do with my owners:)


  1. Happy Birthday Chance! You are so handsome and I hope you enjoy your special day.

  2. Happy Birthday Chance - may you have many more!

  3. Happy Birthday you handsome boy!!!!! big hugs from me, Francine.

  4. It was the best day of your life when you picked the Far's to live with. Good Choice you are so special to them. And I'm betting you'll be getting extra treats today!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!

  5. Happy Birthday, Chance! Hope your day is very special.

  6. Oh, Chance, you are indeed one of the most handsome birthday boys of the day! Nine times seven = you are getting up there with the rest of us! :-)

  7. You are one nice looking dog Chance! How lucky you are to have found a great family.

  8. Happy Birthday, Chance. And how is it that you got your name?

  9. Oh - you ARE gorgeous! Wishing you a wonderful day.

  10. Happy Birthday Chance!!!!!!! As my mom would say, "You were a cute baby (what happened?)" (giggles, she teases)

  11. Chance always good to hear from you and I know you will be given a very special birthday treat. You were such a darling little baby. Shirley H.

  12. Happy Happy Birthday Chance! You are lookin' good! We celebrate all of our pups birthdays' in the fall too!

  13. Happy birthday, handsome Chance. Some dogs just seem to have a sense of which humans they should own. Glad you had that so everyone can have a better life with you in it.

  14. What a sweet post - Happy Birthday, Chance. I love your birthday portrait: FarSide has taken some great photos of you over the years - you are indeed a handsome guy.

  15. Happy Birthday ! Chance if I had a dog I would wish it to be just like you.

  16. Happy Birthday, Chance! In dog years, you're older than your parents! So, you should be the boss. Oh, right -- you are!

  17. Love this post! Happy Birthday, Chance! You are very handsome!

  18. Hi Chance, Tess here! Happy birthday! Mine is tomorrow and I will be 7 years old.

  19. Happy Birthday Chance! You are a handsome guy. Aren't you glad you picked Far Guy and Far Side to go home with.

  20. Happy Birthday Chance. You really are a handsome dog and a very special good dog too.

  21. Happy Birthday Chance!! You are very handsome!!

  22. Happy Birthday, Chance!

  23. Happy Birthday, Chance. You are a wonderful dog and an exceptional blogger! And it sounds like you eat wisely, too.

  24. Happy Birthday Chance. You are such a beautiful dog and I know you have a wonderful home and that your parents love you so much.

  25. Happy Birthday Chance. Your lucky day and you surely made the right choice....;)

  26. You are a lucky dog, Chance, if someone cooks for you. Happy Birthday! Here's to many, many more. ♥

  27. Happy Birthday Chance! Gorgeous boy.

  28. Happy Birthday Chance! You sure were cute when you were little. Wish I had known Jake and Luna as puppies.

  29. I hope you had a fabulous Birthday and that you have a great Birthday week with lots of good things to eat and plenty of rides. The pictures of you in the car, with the fall colors behind you, are magnificent.

  30. Oh, he is darling!!! Happy Birthday you Handsome Dog!!!


  31. Happy birthday, beautiful boy! I do think you picked the perfect family for yourself

  32. What a fun post. What a beautiful dog!

  33. Happy birthday, Chance! That is the perfect birthday picture. And your baby pic is cute, too ;)

  34. Oh Chance! That is the perfect birthday picture. You are such a good dog. :)
    (Karma is right behind you and will be nine in February.)


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