Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Three weeks and sales

I have three weeks left!  Ten working days, I have some extra days off because of times I was supposed to have a day off and no one could fill my shoes.

The end is in sight.  WHEW!  I have no plans yet of what I will do when the doors are closed for the winter.  Sleep most likely.  I am still real tired exhausted.  I will work for the Museum over the winter just differently, my office in town is moved upstairs in our home.  Email, regular mail, blog posts, research questions and phone messages will be dealt with in a timely fashion…most of it can be done in the time it used to take me to travel from home to town.IMG_0894

We went to some garage sales last Sunday.  I used to think our yard looked messy.  We were at one house that raised a dozen turkeys right next to the house…the smell was overwhelming and two little boys were sitting there eating lunch.  Coulda gagged a maggot for sure.  The lady had gardens all over and buckets of plants sitting here and there and about 100 lawn ornaments in the form of exercise equipment and old appliances…it was a sight to behold.

I bought three dice, a frog and an old bell…that is all from the entire day of shopping!  I know …last of the big spenders!  The dice will go into the dice collection jar and the bell needs some work, it might have a half way decent patina when it is cleaned up.  I may hang it next to the door.  Not sure where I will put the frog yet.  I am struggling NOT to start a collection of frogs:)


  1. Isn't it amazing what people will put in their yard and call it decoration. I for one would not want "fowl" living next to my house. It is bad enough with all the geese that live in the ponds near my house. I'm not a fan of bird poop. The petunias are very pretty.

  2. I'm glad for you that the museum work will be winding down in three short weeks. Of course, then you will be working from home, but that's quite different. I love your petunias, too. What's wrong with starting a frog collection? :-)

  3. I am so glad you will get to work from home. Now you won't have to be on the icy roads - and as you said, it's more efficient use of your time, too.

  4. We need to see your goodies! So happy your time in town is near the end. I know you are struggling after being sick most of the summer. Beautiful photos.

  5. Ah, another "frog" person!!

    :) Hmmm... perhaps I'll send you a couple of 'em...

  6. Glad the countdown is on!
    My husband has done work in houses that actually raise their poultry (and I don't mean just while they're babies) INSIDE! Can. you. believe. it? Eww!

  7. So the countdown begins, oh ya....sounds like you found some goodies there, as for the yard, ekkkk, Francine.

  8. That yard will i'm sure leave a permanent impression with you. Those yards are scary.

  9. Let the count down begin ! We haven't been to any garage sales for some time or any antique shops as I have no room for anything else unless it is a English rose pattern tea set at the right price he he ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  10. Glad to hear your time at the museum is winding down. You can relax then. Working from home for the winter sounds great. You won't have to travel on icy snowy roads.

  11. Life is too short to fight against a desire to start a frog collection, right? ;-)

  12. I'm glad you will be able to work this winter at home!!! That's great!
    I have seen some pretty bad looking yards (and inside of houses, too, for that matter), but never had to deal with turkeys. If it was anything like driving by a turkey farm--I might have been upchucking in her yard and adding to the stench. *shudder*
    I'm more of a toad person, myself. With the exception of tree frogs. ;)

  13. I think you just might NEED a frog collection :)


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