Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Spark

I think I have misplaced my spark.   I need to sleep some and just relax, since I completed the last 30 days of antibiotics for the Lyme’s I am doubly tired. I think I should have been taken off the medication gradually because I feel like crap really rotten. 

I have five days off of work…well really four and a half because I have to go into the office and make an appearance at the luncheon with a gallon of potato salad that I have not yet completed, but I will by the time it is needed.  I must remember to smile and not be bitchy. When asked how I am I will answer “Just peachy and you?”

A few nights ago the neighborhood “gang” was trying to make sparks…and they said they made some but they were too little to see.

Making sparks

Sometimes mine is too little to see too.

The boys

The boys gave the spark making a good try and suggested that perhaps I should take a movie of them.  It is probably a good thing that these boys are all in different class rooms.

I am sure my spark will be back in a day or two:)

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  1. Sorry you feel so bad. I'll be happy when you can just stay home and rest and feel better. I'm pretty sure John and I are spark-less too!

  2. Lyme's can be a very rough go I have heard- take it easy and don't overdo. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Morning, hope you find that spark soon Connie, to bad you feel like that....Blessings Francine.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. My spark seems to have gone out also. I am taking antibiotics for a tooth implant and have noticed a
    real lack of energy and I just don't feel good. Do you suppose antibiotics are the cause of this? It has been ages since I've had to take the stuff so maybe my body is reacting. Hopefully your spark returns real soon. In the mean time just take it easy.

  5. It's boggling that something that will make you feel better makes you feel so crappy along the way. Most antibiotics make me feel nauseated and when I was on the really strong antibiotics when I had a bad case of pneumonia... well they turned me into a very different person (and not in a good way). :/

  6. It happens to all of us now and then, and I do hope your spark comes back to you soon. Antibiotics always make me feel awful, too.

  7. Get some well deserved rest! Hope you'll be feeling better in a few days.

  8. Hope you feel better soon . Boy's will be boy's ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day and get some rest !

  9. I hope you get your 'spark' back real soon. I think some much needed rest will do the trick. I can't believe the number of lymes cases I've heard of this year. Government says 30,000 cases, while AARP did some investigating and feels the true number is closer to 300,000. Scary!!

  10. Get well it is almost "time off" time! I can just see those boys - I bet they have a grand time!

  11. Smiles at the young boys doing what boys do. My mom always says, "Energy is wasted on the young..." I think I know what she means now.

  12. I'm sorry you are feeling bad. Get lots of rest and hopefully your spark will return soon.

  13. Dang - I sure hope you start to feel better soon!

  14. Oh, no! Lyme's disease? Somehow I missed that. Hope you get that spark back real soon. Just in time for the end of museum season ;)

  15. Those guys are really into something. They would be able to build a fire any place as long as they had their bikes.
    Medications? I sometimes think we'd feel better without them.

  16. Lyme's disease is a tough road. You are nearing the end. You will rise to sparkle again.

  17. I hope you get better soon, Connie. Don't forget soup and vitamin C. ♥

  18. I hope you get better soon, Connie. Rest is always a great healer!


  19. I hope you have licked the Lymes this time.
    What boys will think up to do--LOL!
    Hope you get lots of sleep on your days off.


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