Friday, September 6, 2013

Purple and Yellow

After the last rain which totaled an inch in our rain gauge the wildflowers came alive again.


Showy Goldenrod( Solidago speciosa) and a field of Asters.  I am not sure which Aster as identifying Asters always gives me a headache.  A pretty purple Aster.

Asters Like this one.. purple with a yellow center.

Not much is happening here.  Same old same old.  Work, eat, take some pictures, sleep and repeat.  Boring and calm is just fine with me.  It is supposed to be 90 degrees again today…well guess who is scheduled to work today..not me.  Far Guy!  He has a list of jobs a half mile long at the museum.  Chance and I will hold down the fort and make sure the AC is at a proper temperature when he returns.

Chance loves to go for a ride every night.  He waits patiently most nights and gets real excited when he sees me messing with my camera bag.  Last night we saw a skunk in the ditch, it ran into the neighbors corn field.  It was about 10 feet away from Chance hanging his head out the window.  Skunks have good aim too…luckily this one did not spray…or Chance and I would have got it…what a mess that would have been.  I don’t like seeing a skunk in the daytime…they are either sick or really hungry.

Bee flyingThere are a few bees out and about.  Still not seeing butterflies.  I saw my first skein of birds headed south yesterday morning on my way to work, a group of about 50 geese would be my best guess.  No picture…because I was driving:)


  1. Quiet and boring is good - especially for you with the busy schedule you keep. I'm hoping that rain makes it our way today. It is terribly dry here and everything looks pathetic. I'm hoping to get out for a ride to take pictures. Haven't been able to make myself get out the past week - gonna get it done today I hope.

  2. We were supposed to get rain yesterday but it never happened. Sometimes I like boring; most times I make myself go out and do things just so I don't get "stale". No butterflies here either but the "hummers" have returned and leaves are starting to turn and fall. Have a great weekend.

  3. Love that bee picture! And I'm sure glad that skunk did not spray the two of you, or it wouldn't have been "same old same old" at all! :-)

  4. I'd sure like to see the temps cool a bit. I have to lead a bird tour tomorrow, and I'm not sure we'll find any birds to look at. The little birds have been migrating out of here like crazy.

  5. Glad to hear the skunk did not spray!
    Good you get to stay cool, too. Far Guy is a good man. :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. We had a skunk traveling through the other morning and I had to go out and survey the dog yard. I thought yes I could get sprayed but never let the dogs get sprayed. It apparently was out by the garden shed as no skunk was in sight, just in smell.

  7. The geese are getting active here, too, with silage and grain harvest in full swing. Despite the warm temperatures during the day, Fall is in the air in the early morning.

  8. Dogs are twice as smart as we think they are. They learn our habits like going for the car ride.

  9. We don't have skunks here but we do have porcupines. Ryker has yet to meet one.

  10. That last picture was great. Same old stuff here to! Now I just have school in the mix.

  11. Lovely photos ! I was out again taking photos as I am every day lol of the wild flowers in the fields . I do not know the name of these asters but have lots of photos of them as they are so pretty they have a medicinal use . Same old same old here to nothing to exciting just right like I like it to be lol ! It has been quite chilly here in the night and mornings frost in some areas sunny days with cool winds temps during the day have been hovering about low to mid 60s . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  12. I would enjoy those evening rides with you guys. Glad the skunk missed you and Chance. I did not see any butterflies last summer but we've seen quite a few this year. Hope you have a restful weekend.

  13. I love the shot of your echinacea and the bee - it is beautiful!
    We are ready for less heat. It was over 100 in town today - slightly cooler at our house.

  14. Your photos are always stunning, Connie!


  15. The rain really greened it up around here, too. Chance was lucky! Those skunks really do have good range and accuracy. Seems strange there are no butterflies with all the flowers around all summer. Stay cool! :)


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