Monday, September 30, 2013

Mystery Monday : A Case and Making that list

The trees are not yet peak here, I will guess that will happen in just a couple of days.

Fall pictures are still at the top of my list! The last hurrah before “brown” and or “ brown and white season” gets here.

fall colors getting close to peek

A little pond over by Toad Lake

The museum has a program scheduled on Monday night, I must spend part of the day at the museum on Monday, and probably a bit of Tuesday too. 

Far Guy has a big to-do on Tuesday night.  He and another classmate have decided that each year on October 1st they are having a class reunion no matter if they are the only two that show up.  He is excited, just like a little kid in a candy shop.

I had a four hour nap yesterday, my daughter says that does not qualify as a nap it is more like a sleep.  I guess I agree, as I woke up and didn’t know if it was morning or night or what day of the week it was.  Good thing I knew my name or I would have panicked.

I will spend some time here at home getting reorganized, my desk is a mess.  It  became a dumping ground for “stuff” the past couple of weeks.  In fact it has spilled over to another table where I keep my laptop…messy messy.  Clutter drives me nuts.  I have been able to keep the dining room table clutter free but only by being diligent.

Pictures, naps, reading and a little reorganization are at the top of the list this week.

Now for the mystery:

Mystery CaseThis case holds something.  I used to know how to use it but have since forgotten.  The case has a gentleman’s name on it, it has nothing to do with what is inside.  The couple that donated this item along with many other interesting items have been long time residents of the area, age and health has them moving in with their daughter in Maine.

I will post another picture later in the day, unless I am napping then it might be evening:)

You guys are good guessers! Yes it is a slide rule.

Slide rule

Blog Signature


  1. I think you must be needing to get caught up on your rest. Enjoy the rest of your time off!

  2. Glad you finally got some much needed rest. As to the mystery item, my first thought was some kind of file. Looking forward to seeing the answer.

  3. Is it a slide rule? My dad used to have one that looked similar. And I'm glad you got that long nap, you needed it, definitely. Means you are finally storing up some zzzzz's. :-)

  4. I think it is a slide rule too. My dad had a case like this one - I doubt he remembers how to use it, I remember him trying to teach me how to use one!

  5. That's a lovely fall photo. I'm still waiting for the leaves to turn here - it's been so mild.

  6. Yep, that is a slide rule - I think I have one tucked away somewhere.

  7. Slide rule was my guess, too. I had one, but it never had a case. As for naps, I believe in good long ones for restoring one's energy at the end of a long, draining task. Go for it!

  8. Slide ruler maybe ? Lovely photo . I hate clutter to lol . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  9. Slide rule for sure. It took a second but your clue was the clincher. I came in on the tail end of slide rule use but I remember them fondly, I love autumn, it is always the season I look forward to, puts a lift in my spirits. A chance to feel like I can make my list all over again.

  10. I had a black case like that when I was young, and it contained my father's slide rule. Like most things, it's gone now.

  11. I, too, say a slide rule. My dad had one just like this. He taught me how to use it.

  12. Glad you hear you are catching up on your sleep! Love the fall photo. Colors are just beginning to turn here. I don't think we are going to have beautiful fall colors this year.
    I haven't got a clue as to what's in the case.

  13. Morning, yawn......Love the photo, fall tactic.....Still a mystery to me?????? Francine.

  14. When I was in college, the engineers all carried them on their belt. Computers, calcultators were just coming around. The calculators were kept in one room and engineers could come in night or day to use them. The giant computer at ISU went away pretty quickly when mac came out with small desktops. I had to learn how to use them in high school classes.

  15. I am going out on a limb and say I don't think its a slide ruler as it is narrower on one end. What it is, no idea! I am looking forward making Far Guys reunion a meeting of at least three! Gravy

    1. He is pleased that at least there will be three of you! :)

  16. It is a case for a metal slide rule. The name of the company starts with a K, but I can't remember the entire name.
    Post made a slide rule out of bamboo, but their case was considerably larger. Yes I still know how to use it, but have the same problem I had in college, where do you put the decimal point on large numbers.

  17. Slide Ruler was my choice even before I saw how many others think the same thing. Are we right?

  18. I never could understand how to use one, if that is what it is.
    Trees are looking good. :)

  19. The trees are beautiful. Ours have just begun their change. Take plenty of "naps". Hope you get caught up on your much needed rest.

  20. I figure that if you are sleeping during the day, no matter for how long, it is a nap--LOL! ;)
    I had a small slide rule in high school and I never did learn how to use it well and forgot what little I learned right quickly. Just the sight of it made my stomach roll over. I did not enjoy that math class...algebra, I believe. Lovely fall colors at that lake. :)


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