Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chance: Bored

I am so bored.  Yesterday, it rained all afternoon and all evening.  No one went for a ride, my routine is all messed up.  Didyaknow that I can sigh just as hard and long as Far Guy?  Yup it is a fact, when bored we sigh exactly the same way…according to someone we are a quite a pair.

I like to play ball every evening and then go for a ride and then I am content to settle down for the night.

Chance September 13

Like this… my tail gathering leaves to drag into the house later. IMG_2275

Not like this…  me hiding under the bench and Far Side throwing the ball only so far with that black clicky thing in her hand.  I think she missed our evening ride too.

Not much is new here, some guys were here digging a trench, they had shovels and I was ordered not to help herd any dirt.  The little kids came over a couple of nights and ran around the yard playing hide and seek.  Sometimes when we are out for our RIDE I see the kids on the road and we stop for hugs.

Chance and Gavin

Tonight I think I will just dream of hanging my head out the window with the wind flopping my ears around and drooling down the side of the car.

Chance riding in cars


  1. Chance, Sorry about the rain. You look so handsome stopping to give that little boy a hug. Hope you get out for that ride soon.

  2. Chance, you might be bored, but your life is pretty darn good, and filled with lots of exciting things, like blogging. You are one of the only dogs I know who can write blog posts! :-)

  3. Gypsy here, I just wanted to say I totally understand. Its been raining here, too, and we've had that awful stuff...THUNDER... so I've been sitting under the table, too. My people call it my "Thunder Hole". I don't like to get my feet wet. I don't even want to go out and... well, I'm a lady, so I won't really discuss that topic.
    I hope you get to go out and play soon.

  4. Oh poor puppy, the rain has moved to my house!! The Far's should be back to normal, and take you for a ride today!!

  5. I can just imagine you and Far Guy sighing together. Life is tough for two bored fellas. Hope you are able to get out today for some ball chasing and a much needed car ride.

  6. Poor Puppy, we have your rain here today. Hope you gt your ball tossing time outside today as well as you ride.

  7. I am sorry you got all of the rain Chance because we desperately need some here.

  8. O poor pathetic Chance! You keep giving those big sighs and the woe-is-me look and maybe SOMEBODY will take pity on you and at least take you for a ride, even if you can't have the windows down!

  9. Don't you wish you could send the rain where they need it?
    Have a wonderful Sunday, Chance!

  10. Chance, I understand your pain. It's been raining here too and my people only let me out as needed- but they don't understand I NEED to patrol the neighboorhood for those rabbits and squirrels! Who knows what those rodents are up to while I'm cooped up in here. Hang in there! The sun will come out tomorrow! (Hopefully!?)

    Dakota, the German Shepherd, in Colorado :)

  11. Chance, dream and it will come true.

  12. Well, Chance if you're really bored , you could come to my place and help me dig the garden. It's nice clean dirt!

  13. Chance .. Miggs was board today to with the iffy weather .. she would of loved to have a friend like you to play with .. Miggs sighs a lot to when she is bored , she loves to go for walks , chase squirrels , cats and chipmunks , play fetch and make us chase her to get the toy and go for car rides . You two would have a blast together ! Thanks for sharing . Hope you have a sunny day to play !

  14. I think you should come and visit us, we play fetch and go for walks in the rain:)

  15. I think you should come and visit us, we play fetch and go for walks in the rain:)

  16. I had a dog that could sigh when I was growing up! I totally forgot that. Awesome! Thanks for reminding me. The rain will end, the sun will shine, the kids will come, the ball will fly, but the dreaming will never end. :)

  17. Boy do we ever understand...but the sun is shinning today and Mom said we get to go on a four-wheeler ride soon!!!!

    Fuzzy and Boomer


  18. Chance, you are quite the lucky dog :-).


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