Sunday, August 4, 2013

SS Check or not?

That is the question?

I had a telephone interview with the Social Security people, I am going to turn one of magic ages in 48 days.  I  told the gal I just wanted info…she wanted me to sign up right away.  I told her I wasn’t ready quite yet. JEEZ LOUISE.   She said it would take me 14 years to catch up if I wait until later to retire.  Now let’s see in 14 years I will be 76…most possibly pushing up daisies.  It seems practical for me to sign up to get the check. It seems like such an old lady responsible thing to do.  Did ya know you can have the check go right into a debit card?  Me neither.  Whoever thought I would be old enough to get a check? Heck I thought I would never make 50, 60 seemed impossible and Social Security unreal. THAT WAS FOR OLD PEOPLE.

Ox Eye daisy

I just need a little time to think about it. Am I really, really, really that old?   I am sure I will adjust to the notion in a few weeks. WON’T I?  I am certain the old lady that impersonates me every morning in the mirror will be glad to have some extra spending money:)


  1. Morning, just think of all the benefits you get, :) cheaper items for being a senior, yahoo!!!!!! it's only a number, I keep telling myself that as I try to get up, ouch, Francine.

  2. I say take the money and run. . .off and do something silly with it - at least the first check. Something that'll make you forget where it came from! Good post. You echoed a lot of us.

  3. They say you are only as old as you feel. Some days I feel 70, and some days I feel my age and some days I feel the same age as my daughter :-) You just never know how old I will feel tomorrow.

  4. I've been getting my check now for more than five years, deposited into my checking account. It makes me very happy but I need to check each time, just to make sure they didn't forget me this time! It's really nice to get it, and you've earned it already! :-)

  5. There are trade offs but what the heck....:)

  6. Getting that check is really pretty painless. Just wait until 65 rolls around and you have to make all the Medicare decisions. Now that made me feel old. :(

  7. Go for it! Sign up right now! Claim the age with pride. Old people are the best! There you have it from one with experience in the OLD dept.

  8. Yep, get the check (or automatic deposit) even if you don't need it. Sock they money away for a rainy day.

  9. Really depends on whether you want to wait to reach full benefit age to get a bigger check or take a reduced amount now. Might as well take advantage of it now while the government still has money. I think it stinks that SS is taxed if you work besides drawing SS.

  10. Yes,I took the money early.
    I am now in my 80's, did I ever fool them.

  11. I took the money early and have never regretted it. My son also told me the pros and cons; he said to go for it now. He also said it would take about 14 years to catch up and not worth the wait. If you don't need the money just bank it and save it for when you do need it.

  12. Many years ago, I worked with a man who said he was retiring at 62. He knew too many people who retired at 65, collected a paltry number of Social Security checks then died. He didn't retire at 62--he became disabled before that. If you can afford to collect your SS now, do it ;)

  13. Well, um congrats? I love that you get a cheque I have to wait until I ma 67, they just changed it, and I missed the cut off by two months.... Well that's at least a few decades, lol.

    Have fun spending the money, go and buy something fun with it.


  14. Well, well Tuesday if I make it I will be 74 and I had to quit work at 67 I wanted to make it to 70 before I quit, but shoot just take it now can't tell what will happen in next few years.

  15. I say take it now. You never know what tomorrow will bring. I wouldn't have said that a few years ago, but things change...

  16. I felt old at 55 when I was eligible for AARP membership, and each event after that just piled on the years. But in reality, it's our health, enthusiasm, passion, and energy (mental and physical) that determine how "young" or "old" we are. You still have plenty of things that keep you going, so don't let a little thing like Social Security slow you down!

  17. I know how you feel. That's one of the reasons I had problems on Friday. I never thought I'd be here, either. Seems like only yesterday I was in my twenties.
    Did she tell you that you have to sign up for Medicare when you're 65? No choice, unless you want to pay a fine.
    Hubby has already made my decision for me.
    I agree with Blissed-Out. You're only as old as you think (feel?) you are. :-) ♥

  18. I say, take it now! Enjoy it!

  19. Don't put it in a debit card- there's been too many reports of debit card fees. Have it direct deposited into your checking or savings account.

  20. Take it, use it, and enjoy. You are only as old as you feel:) Some days that is a lot older than others.

  21. Don't put it in a debit get charged $3 every time you use the card. Have it directly deposited. I'm going up tomorrow to sigh up for Medicare. I will be 65 in January. I got a form saying I have to sign up four months in advance if I want coverage when I turn 65 and get my first SS check.

    I'm old...what more can I say.


  22. Mine goes right into the bank. I don't have to pay a charge to use my debit card, BTW. It depends on your bank. I say--sign up! The government moves slowly. Especially when they are giving you money. ;)

  23. I still haven't adjusted to the fact I am old enough to collect SS but I have paid it in since I was 15 - - - and am enjoying reaping the benefits!!!


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