Friday, August 9, 2013

Minnesota Wildlife

Driving on Minnesota roads is not for the faint of heart this time of year.  In a two mile stretch we saw seven deer. 

Chance was entertained.

Deer one

Three maybe more came out of this corn field.

What lurks in a Minnesota Cornfield

How many more were lurking in there?  Corn fed deer will be on the menu for some hunter.

Deer two

On our drive we saw one baby skunk out during the early evening hours.  He was waddling down the road near Ponsford. One baby rabbit was in our driveway.  The black and white kitty that is a real cat and not a skunk was spotted near our back driveway.  I have not seen that cat in awhile…I thought perhaps the Eagles got it.

The baby Robins flew the rake yesterday.  Far Guy and Chance watched them.


The Mama Robin had two hatches this year both behind a rake that is hanging on the side of the garage.  I asked Far Guy to build some  platforms for her next year.  She or one of her older relatives used to build on top of the step ladder…not this year.  There were four hatchlings in this nest.

Chance has a Chipmunk that he is stalking.  It keeps him busy for hours.  I think he is just toying with it and keeps it around for his own entertainment.  Did you know that Chippys are meat eaters?  One was observed eating a mouse. 

The mosquitoes are not too bad.  Apparently they don’t like the cooler weather that we are having.  I am not seeing any butterflies, but there was a nest of bees that Far Guy got into…Paper Wasps…he was stung several times. Paper Wasps eat butterfly larvae…so that could explain that:) 

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  1. I like your deer pics but not drivening into town. Counted 5 in the one mile trip yesterday. At least it was daylight. Speaking of wildlife few mosquitoes here this summer either but the chiggers are in world record numbers and I have the bites to prove it. Yuk!!!

  2. We are always on the lookout for deer in our rural area too - especially at dawn and duck. They sure keep the auto collision industry busy at this time of year. We have an explosion of rabbits this year. They are keeping Riley "entertained".

    1. well, you know what I meant - dusk, not duck!!

  3. We usually see lots of deer, but this year we haven't seen all that many. Not as big as the one you saw.

  4. Morning, Beautiful Deer pictures, the Minnesota scenery is wonderful, Francine.

  5. Those are some great pictures you took. Must be fun watching Chance stalk that chipmunk. Very few butterflies or hummingbirds around here this year. Also the birds seem to be getting less at each passing day. Must be the weird weather. Have a great weekend.

  6. I am envious of your cooler temps. Lots of wildlife all around you. No hummers here and very few butterflies. Hope FG is feeling better. Wishing you both a good weekend. Hi to Chance.

  7. I had to laugh at your description of the robins flying the rake. You got a good picture of them, and I didn't know that about chipmunks. How strange. :-)

  8. Chippys eat mice? That may be a good reason to tolerate them.

    The deer are thick here, too, and catch many a distracted driver unaware - creating great business for local body shops.

  9. We were driving around in Columbus last week--not too far from the river--and saw this gorgeous buck out wandering around someone's driveway, looking for dinner. It wasn't exactly in the middle of farm country. And not the only one we saw last week, either. I wouldn't be surprised to see one in your area, but there? Do deers have overpopulation issues? Or is it just this time of year?

    1. We have way too many. Many more tags need to be allowed during hunting season, but the State of MN sees it differently:(

  10. There's quite a few deer around here too. Keeps my son-in-law busy at his auto body shop when the drivers hit a deer.

  11. You had an interesting day with all the variety of things you saw. Luckily mosquito season does come to an end.

  12. Deer--way too many in Michigan. I can report that my garden has at last been a meal spot for several Monarchs. I was beginning to think they weren't coming this year. Also, what a birthrate. We had a hornet nest removed from a tree a week ago. Several years ago, another was removed. That nest was "white faced" hornets, quite large like a bumblebee only black. The person who removed it told me these hornets were native to California and moving east thanks to weather changes. The recent nest was not identified. The hornets resembled the others except they had more white on them not just their "face" area. And that is my bug and critter report.

  13. The deer are out here too....the babies. I think the Mom's are preparing them for hunting season...drills, evacuation plans etc. I took pics too but haven't uploaded. I can blog or read blogs...seems I can't do both and sometimes I can't do either...I run out of steam! LOL! How did Far guy get into wasps? We have mud wasps down here but Terminex comes and spays otherwise they're right in my face when I walk out the door. They build everywhere on my brick. No rabbits since Annies been around and no skunks please! Take care!

  14. If you miss the mosquitos...head to San Antonio!They are awful!!year 'round! They are so bad....they chased us outta there :)

  15. I know! Dagan and Leah totaled their car last year hitting a deer. Dangerous driving.
    Chipmunks will eat mice!? Now that is something I have never heard or seen.
    I knew there was a reason I don't like wasps. (Well, I'm scared of bees, too, but they don't seem quite as nasty as wasps.)
    Hope you are enjoying this fall-like weekend! :)

  16. I love all the wildlife and you certainly have an abundance of it! Wonderful!


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