Friday, August 23, 2013

Chance : At the lake

Far Side was in a foul mood…too much museum…too many stupid people.  Before dinner she refused phone calls, she told Far Guy to tell whoever called that she was dead. ( My sister did not believe that for a minute.)  After dinner she said “Chance and I are going to the lake!”  Boy OH Boy!  I am ready and at the door. Let’s go!  Hurry up Far Guy! She has on her plastic shoes! (Well she has them on all the time in the summer…just incase she goes into the water.)

The first lake was too dirty…I cried when we left.  I wasn’t allowed out of the car and Far Side didn’t even put one foot in the water.

The second lake was a go! YES! No green algae, no summer bloom, no yucky weeds with brown goo.

Throw the water already

Throw the water already!  She uses one of her shoes to scoop the water high in the air, and she doesn’t even care if she gets wet. She giggles.

Then she gets the camera out and starts taking photos.

Put down the Camera Put down the camera and no one will get hurt. PLEASE.

Could you make her quit

Far Guy could you tell her to stop with the camera already?

Finally I am tired of playing in the water and so is she.  I think she is feeling better now:)

Great time at the lake


  1. Sometimes , Chance, it just takes times with a good friend to make a person feel better...

  2. Less than six weeks now. The lake, Chance, and shoes full of water...sounds like exactly what the doctor called for.

  3. You healed your person's soul. That's the finest thing a dog can do.

  4. You are such a good friend to Far Side. She needed someone and you were right there for her. You are her best friend.

  5. You are such a good antidote to the museum, Chance. She can't HELP but take pictures of you, since you are so magnificent. Glad everybody had a good time! :-)

  6. Glad you guys had some fun time in the water! Love the reflections.

  7. Back to the country and to our four-legged friends will always help. I have those days too (quite a few actually) :)

  8. Aw Chance, you are such a good therapy dog! (Handsome too!)

  9. Just what the doctor ordered, a wonderful lake and a loyal friend to uplift your spirits!! Glad you went out and had some fun, instead of sulking on the couch!! I have 'ever ready' sandals too!! They're pink!!

  10. Dogs can do so much to heal the human psyche and make them whole again when the world gets to be too hard to handle.

  11. Dr. Chance, you're the best therapist. Do you make house calls ?....have a great day.

  12. So happy to see Chance having such a great time! Dogs are the best medicine for our wounded spirits.

  13. Good job, Chance. You are such a good friend to Far Side.

  14. Our dogs got some water time too, last night. We all felt great afterwards:)

  15. Yeah Chance! I love the water!
    I'm glad Far Side is not dead. Love your new header too!

  16. Well, that's pretty simple to make people feel better. Water does have a soothing effect.

  17. A fun visit like that helps lots of things.

  18. Sounds like you all just needed a cool down.

  19. Nice post, Chance. I'm glad you got to play in the water and help Far Side feel better.

  20. Awwww - sounds like the perfect way to end the day. Nice shots too.

  21. I so understand, Chance!1 Nothing better than a swim/splash/play in the water!!!


    I sure don't understand. But if it works for ya...GO FOR IT!



  22. Yes too many people for too long can drive you crazy. Your water situation looks about the same as ours. Our normally full rivers are so low that the canoes and such won't work in the river.

  23. Nothing like a bit of lake water and time with you to make a person feel much better. ;)

  24. The last photo is wonderful: you caught the reflection perfectly.


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