Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It was warm yesterday 86 F or 30 C .  And humid.  We were invited to the neighbors for supper.  Another night of no cooking. Yay!  Pork burgers and potato salad yum!! 

Smoky Hills are smoky

The Smoky Hills were real smoky..when humidity hangs in the air they take on a smoky appearance. 

Humidity and a deer

We saw a deer.  If she had a fawn it was well hidden.

We heard from a fellow woodcarver today that she had a double Lady’s Slipper near the end of her drive.

I took some photos of it as a reference just incase we want to carve a double.  Far Guy is still carving single Lady’s Slippers, he carves them to donate to silent auctions at local benefits.

Double Ladys Slipper

What I look for is how the one stem splits off to make two smaller leaves and then two flower buds.  It might not seem like a big deal but woodcarvers are a meticulous bunch. As you can see the flowers are coming to an end in the warm weather.

Perfect slippers

I managed to find an almost perfect single.   This one might be notecard worthy:)

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  1. I agree that last Lady's Slipper is near perfect. Very pretty.

  2. Morning, hazy, hot and humid here too......Love the deer picture and the double Lady Slipper is so beautiful, wow, Blessings Francine.

  3. I can see why you love those pretty little flowers so much. It's been hot and humid here, too, but I think we are past the worst of it.

  4. The last picture of the Lady Slipper is indeed note card worthy. Love the "hazy mountain"picture. It has been less humid and cooler here. Have enjoyed sitting outside again.

  5. The last picture is just beautiful!

  6. Very pretty... and the double ladyslipper (very interesting)

  7. Definitely a great shot of the Ladies Slippers - double AND single.

    Last night it was humid here, which is seldom enough that it is noticeable when it is.

  8. Oh supper sounds YUMMY ! Lovely photos . It has been cloudy and strangely cool for this time of year for us here but it is nice makes gardening more enjoyable and day trips with out sweltering ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  9. A lovely shot of the Ladies Slippers.

    The pork burgers and potato salad sound so good!

  10. Oh yes, the single Lady Slipper is definitely notecard worthy!

  11. We're having dreadful humidity here in the East as well -- a steam bath! I wish we had lady slippers -- they're gorgeous, but I've never seen any in these parts.
    Peace, Muff

  12. Yes! Definitely note card worthy! Great perspective. Love your photographs!

  13. Yes - so definitely card worthy! Beautiful! I love the peace of the first photo too.

  14. Such pretty blooms. Glad you enjoyed dinner at a friend's. Too hot to cook very much.

  15. We love our flowers too. I meant to get some photos of the chocolate lilies that grow wild up here but due to the strange weather this year they bloomed out early.

  16. The peak of the flower season has passed. You've got some great shots.

  17. You are right that last photo is certainly note card worthy!!1 Go for it!

  18. The heat sure did take my flowers down also. The rain wilted them and the heat turned them brown. The lady slipper is a complicated one when you see that one flower branch off of the other stem.

  19. So good to have a visit from you! I hope you and far guy are doing well. It's been rainy and so humid here too. I'm hoping it will clear up for the 4th. Thanks so much for keeping in touch ((hugs))


    Happy Fourth tomorrow!


  21. No cooking is always a good thing. ;)
    Lady's Slippers are just the prettiest flowers. Yes, one would make a very pretty card.
    Stay cool over there!


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