Friday, July 12, 2013

Steps in the making

We have a French Door at the back of the house.  It had a really long step down.  The grands used to open the door and jump out.  Steps were never real high on our priority list.

Here is the progression. We built the house in 1999.

August 1 2012

August 01 2012  Far Guy had just finished re-sealing the siding and was thinking about building a step.  We decided on green treated wood and cedar because we will just let it weather.  It is on the North side of the house.  We talked to neighbor carpenter Steve about the engineered- looks- like- wood decking.  In our area with the extreme in temperatures the screws would constantly need adjustment.

*** Those funny looking straps hold up my curtain when it is rolled is a design by Far Side…I didn’t realize that the lining of my curtains was so puckery…then again what do you expect from someone who barely passed Home Ec (ick).

August 25 2012

August 25, 2012

August 30 2012

August 30, 2012

September 2 2012

Handy Andy helped figure out the stringers for the steps. September 2, 2012.

September 12 2012

September 12, 2012

October 25 2012

October 25, 2012

July 11 2013

July 11, 2013 The railing is complete.


Far Guy did a great job! Chance has another spot to survey the yard from.  There is room for a small bench or perhaps a chair.  We wouldn’t use it very often but perhaps visiting guests would:)

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  1. Morning, Far Guy did a wonderful job on the steps, looks great....A bench added would look good I think, Happy Weekend, Francine.

  2. That looks fantastic. Far Guy did a great job. Have a great weekend.

  3. Looks very nice ~ it looks like Chance will enjoy it :)

  4. Looks nice. I'm guessing you have piles of sawdust in your yard too!!!

  5. Good job, Far Guy! I've got a couple of jobs that would sure be looking better if he lived nearby. I could probably bribe him with some sweet treat. But it's a ways to my house. :-)

  6. Turned out really nice. Lucky you having such handy men in your life.

  7. It's always wonderful to finish a project. Looks great.

  8. I agree with the others that this is a wonderful carpentry job and it is great to have such talented men in your family. So good to finally have steps out those doors and much safer too. Shirley H.

  9. Looks like it gets the Chance seal of approval (and looks great to me too!)

  10. Very pretty! I know from experience that stringers are really hard to figure out. The math makes my head hurt! In fact, we still have to redo some steps where the stringers weren't quite what they are supposed to be.
    Home Ick, huh? Mrs. C wouldn't like that!

  11. Those are some handsome steps! I didn't know the term "stringers," so I've learned something new today.

  12. Well, that's a piece of work that has a long history. I't a fine looking step.

  13. A job well done ,looks great ! Thanks for sharing .Have a good day !

  14. Great job. Chance, you keep watch!

  15. You wouldn't want to hurry up a project when you need time to contemplate it. :-)
    Looks good.

  16. Very nice. Do-it-yourself jobs do have a way of taking longer than we expect. We don't have any in progress at the moment but our son is gutting a bathroom and redoing it.

  17. The new steps look great. Chance will use them...and the grands! :)

  18. Big improvement, Far Guy is talented.


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