Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Snooze and you lose

A few evenings ago youngest daughter Jen and I were out taking photos. When we came back to the house she wandered out to the wild gardens and took some photos.  She said “Hey! Here is an interesting bug!”  I didn’t pay any attention seen one Minnesota bug you have probably seen them all….except when you find out the next day that it was a baby Praying Mantis the likes you have never seen before in Minnesota. Snooze and you lose.

Since then I have been cruising the wild gardens looking for that bug..checking the Gaillardia twice because that is the flower it was on.


Maybe it likes the Yellow Gaillardia…


No luck today...maybe tomorrow:)

Here is the link to the photo Jen took:)

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  1. Where I live you see them all the time, huge ones and 2 times I have seen hatchlings. Your pictures are beautiful.

  2. Morning, beautiful flowers, that is awesome to have them in your garden....hope you find him, Francine.

  3. I didn't realize you didn't have the Praying Mantis in Minnesota. I'll pack some up and send them your way. I have them in my garden.

  4. Oh, oh, I hope you find it again. I have never seen one before and relish seeing the picture you will take.

  5. I'm with linda m. I want to see the picture you will take when you find it. :-)

  6. For me it's the butterflies, they flitter, flop, and fly, only landing for the briefest minute. If you are not fast enough you miss them.


  7. Jen's photo is lovely, and yours will be as well...as soon as you find that little critter.

  8. Good bug to have...they like to eat other bugs.

  9. I saw her photo. She must have taken it with her!

  10. Very rare indeed. I've seen one in my life. It was crawling up the front screen door. Hard to miss...:)

  11. I have been lucky enough to see quite a few in the last few years, I get to see at least one every year. They sure are pretty neat to look at! Better luck tomorrow :)

  12. Lovely flowers. Good luck on your search!

  13. We don't have butterflies again this year as well as the bugs are few too. I did see one butterfly a couple of weeks ago and since then nothing. Thanks for the little box of history. I am looking up stuff on Lee Wards. I have things in my house my mom made from the Lee Wards catalog. I may take out a loan to get you your ten cents. Thanks again. It was fun to receive.

  14. What!? As a Minnesota girl I have never seen a praying mantis, either!! Wow! I hope you find it and get a picture. How cool is that!! :)

  15. We have them here, but I've never seen a just hatched one. Hope you find it!



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