Friday, July 26, 2013

Chasing Rainbows

There was a line of thunderstorms headed our way one night.  We took off in the rain to get on the other side of it to look for a rainbow…or the pot of gold.

It was raining really hard, and the rain was cold.  Far Guy said something about “Let the wet T Shirt contest begin.”  Funny man I married.  Anyways we waited..then the rain let up a bit and the bow started to first you think your eyes are playing tricks on you..but then the bow gains color.

Bow one

This was a double bow.  Even Chance was excited..I wonder if he saw what we did?  Possibly he was just excited because we were oohing and ahhing.

Bow one continued

Yessiree that pot of gold is at Barb and Rogers.

top of the bow

Here is the top of the bow proof that it went all the way over.

Double Rainbow

My best shot of the double bow.  That pot of gold was in Donnie’s lake.

So much for date night this week…chasing bows with my best beau:)

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  1. You did good. Those are awesome photos.

  2. Morning, oh wow!!!!! Those are so great, love the double rainbow....wonderful photos, Blessings Francine.

  3. Wonderful. I have never watched a rainbow form. You must know exactly where to look.

  4. Awesome photos and a wonderful date night with your best beau.

  5. With the cool temperatures and stiff breeze this morning, it almost feels like fall. Never went looking for a rainbow before.

  6. Some things in life, no matter how natural, like heavy rain and rainbows, will always be exciting!

  7. Super duper pictures! - We missed it, we had made a quick evening trip to Fargo (no rain there and back) but could see it had rained at home....

  8. Absolutely beautiful.

  9. Dogs don't see the same colors we do, but they can get very excited when we find something like a rainbow to make us happy.

  10. Gorgeous rainbow! I haven't seen one in ages, and I sure would like that pot of gold!

  11. Actually, for both of you, the "pot of gold" was in the car seat next to them.


  12. I love your rainbow photos, and I love the fact that the two of you went out chasing rainbows together.

  13. Love a rainbow -- and a man who makes cracks like yours does. :-)


  14. Amazing shot well worth chasing.

  15. So you had fun all the way around...great photos, a super friend and a beautiful rainbow.

  16. See, romantic dates come in all shapes and sizes. Somewhere over the rainbow...


  17. I LOVE Your Rainbows! And I LOVE chasing them...but you knew that already!


  18. They are great shots in the big open area. I have to leave town to see them if it were to rain.

  19. Something special about rainbows. Especially a double rainbow. Chasing rainbows with your beau--nice way to spend your time. ;)

  20. Oh wow! A double rainbow on the mainland? I think we saw rainbows in Illinois only once or twice in the 35 years that we lived there.


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