Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Day of Rest

I am tired and need a day of rest. I really need an entire attitude adjustment but that won’t happen in just one day. In my next life I want to be someone’s pampered Chance or these girls.

Can you say spoiled

This pair was resplendent in their cute little shirts.  They were enjoying the ride in their very own stroller.  I asked if I could take their photo, their owner said Oh yes..then they promptly closed their eyes.  Some days I would just like to close my eyes and pretend no one is there. Ah..the life of a dog..close your eyes whenever you want, plop down and nap and save up ammunition just incase you need to pee on someone’s leg. Sounds perfect to me.

waiting for a sign this is it

I know of a few legs I would like to dampen:)

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  1. Cute doggies. Get some rest Connie. You definitely deserve it.

  2. Yes, you deserve to be pampered and spoiled a little. You accomplish more than two normal people, after all. Those doggies do look well taken care of, and they are cute, even with their eyes closed. :-)

  3. I once went to a Halloween party, where the woman was dressed like a dog, and her husband was the tree!!! I've always said if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a dog, to a childless couple!!! No pulling this puppies ears or tail. Have a rejuvenating Sunday!!

  4. Enjoy your day of rest.
    It sounds like you need it. You need the time off the hamster wheel of life!

  5. Eek! I hope if we ever meet, you are out of ammunition. ;)

  6. Love what comes out of your mouth. Its always hits the mark somewhere. Have a great a restfull day

  7. What cute doggies.

    I hope you can get some well deserved rest today. Love from us to you guys.

  8. Enjoy your day off. If I were to come back in my next life I would hope to come back as a very spoiled dog or cat.

  9. Those look like Thunder Shirts to me. They are used to calm dogs during lightning, fireworks, and other sudden loud noises. Also thought to be good for dogs with Separation Anxiety. I wish we had one for one of our dogs who hates all loud noises and barks. He is a Boston Terrier and a real barker. Shirley H.

  10. Sometimes you are too funny. I don't think you need an attitude adjustment.

  11. :) - you made me chuckle on this "get rested" rainy day! Put your feet up, relax! I think I could you use an attitude adjustment too!

  12. Hope you get your break, Connie. Have a wonderful week. ♥

  13. Oh, Connie, you are tellin' it like it is. Hope you are getting your well deserved day of rest, and I hope the coming week is all smooth sailing and cute puppies!

  14. Ha ha - thanks for the laugh! Cute dogs, even though I don't like clothes on animals...

  15. OH! YES! YES! YES!! I understand the need to dampen things!!!


  16. Chipmunks are so darn cute, but can be such a nuisance, I'm afraid.

  17. Oops! I'm sorry. I put this comment on the wrong post.

  18. Yup! chance or those fancy girls--or Karma--in another life. ;)


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