Friday, June 7, 2013

What is?

The secret of my beauty?


What is the secrete of your beauty?

Some yayhoo left me a message on Facebook.  He should have stayed in school.  I have no secrets.

I have this one wild hair on my neck that grows about three inches overnight..that hair follicle must be working overtime on the holiday pay scale. If I could harness that secret I could retire for sure..cause I am sure I could sell it to balding men that do the comb over.

I try to watch that one wild hair..sometimes it gets away from me and starts to curl..then if the wind blows it feels like there is a bug on my neck..ewww.  I try not to whop myself too hard on the neck..just hard enough to kill the bug that is really a hair and not hard enough to damage my windpipe. I am sure the last time it went wild that many people were talking to me whilst staring at it thinking does she know that she has a very long curly hair on her neck? Or does she purposely grow out the hair on her neck so she can measure it?   I had to think back..who did I talk to?  Were they were smirking or walking away from me bursting into uncontrollable laughter?

I hate that wild hair…unless of course I discover it’s secrete secret:)


Chokecherry blooms along the drive.

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  1. I have one hair like that on the outer edge of my EAR!!!!! John is SUPPOSED to watch out and let me know when it shows but you know how that goes!

  2. When the secret is discovered and if it can be transplated I've got a big bald spot that could use some help....:)

  3. This sure made me laugh. I've got a couple of those on my neck, too. They can't be pulled out without help, since I can't manage to get ahold of it with tweezers looking in the mirror. Smart Guy knows I'll be asking. You sure made me laugh with this one, though. :-)

  4. No wild neck or chin hairs for me yet, but there is a thick white hair in one of my nostrils. When I smile and my nose flares, I'm sure that it peeks out. I must remember to clip it more often!

    Thanks for the, uhh, reminder. :)

  5. Ha ha - my sympathy for that wild curly hair on your neck. I have several of those on my neck and had discovered them a couple years ago and very surprised. Mine are too hard to grasp and pull with the tweezers so I just use a disposable shaver. This leaves me with stubble on my neck which makes me feel very unfemnine. Hee hee...

  6. Just too funny! I think I will start looking for some wild hairs myself!

  7. Oh that rude wild hair sounds very pesky. The chokecherry blossoms are gorgeous though.

  8. You made me laugh! I have one wild hair that grows on my cheek. It is very light so lots of times I don't see it until it's about 2 inches long! I am able to get it with the tweezers but I always wonder how many people have been looking at that long hair on my cheek.
    Let me know if you find the secret.
    The chokecherry blossoms are pretty!

  9. Truth be told I bet we all have one of those hairs! hahaha love the chockcherry blooms.

  10. Uh, oh. I better go check my neck!
    LOL - I have one chin whisker that does that, too. Why are those stray hairs so hard to pull out?!

  11. Good luck making your fortune! ;-)

  12. LOL!! We all have something like that.

  13. I think a lot of us have some part that is off kilter. Are we perfect? Not this one anyway.

  14. I'm giggling, but not too much. You see, I, too have a wild hair - a stubborn whisker under my chin.

  15. How funny! I have a wild hair too, sticking out of a mole under my nose. I try to remember to keep it trimmed, but I wonder if people stare at it too.

  16. I have one under my many chins that is pale and elusive--ROFL! And one that is so thin and light right on the side of my nose by the bridge of my glasses that I will think is something in my eye or dirty glasses or a bug or something. Very hard to see WITHOUT my glasses, I tell you. Getting old is quite the adventure--LOL! ;)

  17. The Lilacs are just outstanding!!! Lush full and yummy to look upon! I have one of those nasty things right on my to my lip...ugly hair. I remember seeing a man once, whom I really didn't much care for, talking to a group of people. I was stunned to see a four inch hair growing out of the top of his nose. There is was in its thin wavy elegance...flying around as he spoke. I almost reached up and pulled it, but then...I decided it actually fits there very well.



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