Sunday, June 23, 2013

She and he and what I see

She walks to work every morning, head bent as she walks.  I can tell if I am running late by where I see her on the opposite side of the road. Last week she wore her red rain coat and her head was bent down even further..she must like to watch her feet. She doesn’t look very happy..but then most mornings I probably don’t either.  I know where she goes and I know what she does when she gets there.

On to “Adonis” who rides his bike on good days, shirtless.  As the summer progresses he will bronze just like a statue.  I think “I wonder when he will get skin cancer?”  I watched him all last summer.  Some days he walks..his shirt dragging along on the ground like a runway model.  He is easy on the eyes. Sometimes as I approach him he runs his fingers through his long hair.  I wonder where he goes and what he does when he gets there.

I see the new foal that was born last spring.  Most mornings he/she is all stretched out snoozing in the pasture.  He/she has really long legs. He/she makes me smile.

I watched a field of trees become farmland, first they ripped out the trees and stacked them up to burn, then they removed the stumps..and tilled the soil.  Soil that had not been turned in 50 years. Big farmers getting bigger..small farmers disappearing.

I watch the garage sale signs go up at the end of each week.  One lady has a perpetual sale going on..and has nothing but junk that no one wants..perhaps she is senile.

I see the spot in the road where a drunk driver burned to death in his car a few years ago.  The asphalt got so warm it melted and it created an everlasting reminder… slow down and for goodness sake call for a ride home if you insist on drinking.   He struck another car and screamed all the while he burned to death…the young man he collided with also died.

On an average I meet 33 vehicles on my way into work every morning.  I have 14 miles to drive, that is 2.3 vehicles per mile on an average.  Most mornings I can drive the first four miles without meeting a vehicle.  The only traffic jams we have is when a farmer is moving a tractor from field to field:)
Painted Daisy
Blog Signature


  1. I think you should honk at Adonis as you pass by.

  2. Morning, oh ya, give Adonis the thumbs up I sure do see many interesting sites on your way to work,Francine.

  3. Lucky you to have eye candy along your way to work. Have a great week!!!

  4. Lots to see each day if we only look.

  5. Forgot to tell you that the showy lady's slippers are now blooming. There is a gorgeous bunch in the Chippewa picnic area, and along 29 near the Pine Lake parking area.

  6. Interesting characters. That foal sounds cute.

  7. That was a very interesting technique to tell me about the sights you see. I enjoyed every one, and I shuddered at the reminder of the young man who burned to death.

  8. I love this post - well written, Connie!

  9. I like this method of sharing your life with us.

  10. Interesting things you see on your way to work!

  11. Oh, melancholy...strange how moods can grab you and keep you...

    Somber reminder on that patch of asphalt. Yes, call for a ride. But pick a good one. Our family can attest to that.

  12. While riding in the car one can see and remember so many things. Sometimes it is the lack of conversation with someone that allows the brain to wander and weave. I do my best to when I am pushing the mower up and down the yard, remembering, complaining or just thinking.

  13. A beautifully written, perceptive, sensitive blog. Thanks.

  14. What a lovely, remarkable post. I loved reading it and forming my mind movie of your world.

  15. Great post, Connie! Please do one like this again sometime.

  16. How sad about the woods! They could have at least sold the wood, burning is such a waste. Tearing up the woods an even more waste!


  17. It never occurred to me to count cars--LOL! This was a wonderful post!! I felt like I was right there with you in the car. You notice the kinds of things I would. *hugs*

  18. Wow, Connie, you really did it this time! The first items are lovely and fun and maybe a little melancholy (who doesn't wonder about becoming senile?), and then you slip in some especially powerful punches to the gut. These are some rich slices of life, beautifully done.


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