Monday, June 3, 2013

Lawn Mowers and other things

We attacked the grass, it really grew last week during all the rain.  I drove that stupid new lawn mower, I so want my old mower back but I think Far Guy took it to the dump.   This new machine has hydrosomething drive..just a fancy smancy name for ways to confuse an old woman.  I just want a lawn mower to go forward and cut..that’s it.  I don’t care if it will mow whilst going backwards..I never drive backwards anyway..but Far Guy made a big deal out of showing me that if I pushed some button I could mow while driving backwards.  Did I try it? No..I am not fond of backwards…and the hydrosomething..I am not a foot gets tired. I am used to using my foot to stop..not to go.  

I had a vehicle once that lost it’s R.  For 18 months I never backed up, I only used a pull through parking spot in town..and if I had to back up I opened the door and got out and pushed it backwards..gosh I miss that vehicle.  Some days I wish I had it back..I know it will be a great collectors item some day.

Far Guy trimmed while I mowed..then he got out the anger management stuff (Roundup) and I murdered a whole bunch of Poison Ivy..take evil little plant…suck in that poison in the sunshine and shrivel up and die…ha hah ahaaa.  It felt so good.

We went for a ride and stopped to visit neighbors..some were mowing and some had just finished mowing.

Barbaras Lilacs Barbara’s Lilacs.

It is going to rain again and it is still cold here although yesterday we had some sunshine so it felt warmer than the 64 degrees it was.

We talked to Adam, his pain is only a one..he reports that he has a hard time opening a bag of chips unless he uses his teeth..and his Mom helps him get cleaned up and dressed. He cannot play computer games..but he can play his X-Box.  I suggested that he read.  Ya..he guessed he could do that.  He will get a cast sometime this week..he wants a green one:)


  1. Morning, to funny, had a vehicle like that once too......the Lilacs are beautiful, love the smell.....Francine.

  2. I am right there with you on the lawnmower. I don't want all that fancy stuff. Still very cold here - my plants aren't very happy. The lilacs are very pretty - love their smell.

  3. Our lilacs are gone now, but they sure were nice while they were around. I laughed at the description of the old car with no R. Didn't seem to bother you any, but if you had it these days, it would be harder to use, since everything is so crowded now. :-)

  4. Poison ivy is horrible around here this year. Just removed two chunks from a flower bed and now I'm sure I can feel it starting in on me. I came right in and washed but you know the ole heebie jeebies ;-).

  5. I never did understand why it is necessary to mow while reversing. It is hard enough to see obstacles going forward; I can't imagine seeing them while going backwards.

    The lilacs are sadly a distant memory here: the season is much too short.

  6. Laffs. I can hear the "mad scientist" chuckle when you say "Roundup".


  7. It's hard to adjust to anything new!
    Since moving, I can't figure out our tv's and phones!
    Hope Adam gets his green cast and that his pain stays minimal.

  8. Your dealing with a car that had no R function reminds me of a lady we know who didn't like to make Left Turns, so she worked out all her driving so that she only had to make Right Turns!

  9. I use Roundup too and it is my friend since it saves my back a lot of work. You are so funny about the lawn mower. I hate getting new fangled things too - they just don't work the same.

  10. Glad to hear the pain is down for Adam. I hear you on the lawn mower, the hubby wants to buy one of those zero turn thingies, you know the ones that the mower is out front and you have two handles one on each side of you? Glad the son is still home to do the mowing for now!

  11. Your story about the car with no R was wonderful! I haven't even had a chance to get a new batter for my riding mower and it has rained so much not even a chance to get the push one out for a mow in the last week. Sigh.....

  12. For Adam, the bathing and washing your hair with one hand is the pits.
    It's good that his pain is down to a one.

  13. I hate the sound of lawn mowers, but love the smell of freshly mowed grass. Our cottage is in an area where we have lots of weekend folks. I ask my hubby to mow on Saturdays too. Why should I listen to lawn mowers more than I have to. So Saturday mornings, everybody has their lawn mowers going!!!

  14. Glad to see the snow finally melted! LOL! I've not been blogging much lately or visiting at all...dodging storms a lot and spending more time in my basement than I care too but I'm still here which cannot be said for some or their homes. We get the same weather as OK usually as they are directly west of us but they take the worst so by the time it gets here it's calmed down a bit...hopefully. I miss my lilacs I used to have on the farm....lilacs ARE Spring! Hopefully I can catch up with everyone now!
    I hope this summer will be far so good and plenty of rain here! TTYS!

  15. It's looking lush and lovely up your way, at last!

  16. I hate those stupid hydrowhatevers too, a mower should just go forth and mow!

  17. A green one, as in grass green, which seems to be a theme today.
    My lawnmower doesn't have a reverse. But then it doesn't have a seat either. Driving and lawn mowing don't go together here at the Reeder half acre.
    Funny, I don't like going in reverse either. I hate backing out of parking slots in parking lots. Other people aren't very safe or courteous.

  18. Green must be his favorite color! 64* is cold although in the winter I love it as it feels warm. The lilacs are beautiful!


  19. Our one day of sunshine was very nice on Sunday. I think it was good you mowed when you had the chance--even if you hate the mower. ;)


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